good sunset view

Chapter 394 The end of the college entrance examination

Chapter 394 The end of the college entrance examination

Tian Jingxuan returned with a smile: "Please tell me."

The doctor glanced at Mooney, who nodded, indicating that he could speak.

The doctor said again: "Miss, you fainted last night. To be precise, it was caused by a certain cause. I suggest you go to the hospital for a detailed examination. Maybe you can...Sorry, I have to leave beforehand."

The doctor finally failed to tell Tian Jingxuan's real condition.

What the doctor didn't explain made Tian Jingxuan puzzled, but she didn't pay much attention to the doctor's reminder, even though she fainted last night.

However, Tian Jingxuan still expressed her kind thanks to the doctor, although he couldn't finish his words.

After this breakfast, they were about to leave for the country. For Yu Changshan, he was excited, and he gained a lot from this visit to country H.

For Tian Jingxuan, maybe she is also happy!She got an important amount of information.But then she should not have much time to do those things.

Not long after Tian Jingxuan returned to China, it was Shi Luoxi's college entrance examination day.

On the last day of the college entrance examination, Shi Luoxi finished the last subject and walked out of the examination room.

These days, the brother who has been with her has been guarding outside the examination room.

After the exam, Luo Xi, who was all light, ran to her brother excitedly: "Brother, I'm done."

The face under the mask smiled widely, and touched his little girl's head: "Yeah."

Because he was so excited, he couldn't express it in words. A simple word meant that he was really happy for his girl.

The college entrance examination is over, let go of all defenses.

In order to celebrate the end of Shi Luoxi's exam, Si Jingchen specially took his little girl on vacation.

One night during the vacation, Si Jingchen received a call from Qi Zibai.

Qi Zibai said, "Chen, how are you getting ready?"

Si Jingchen glanced at Shi Luoxi who was already sound asleep: "They took action?"

Qi Zibai replied: "Based on the information Xuaner gave last time, it should be soon. If my guess is correct, they should attack the president first."

Si Jingchen: "Well, I'll be back as soon as possible."

He knew that Qi Zibai's call was not to tell him any important information, but to let him go back as soon as possible.

They left the resort the next day.

Knowing that they were coming back today, Tian Jingxuan made preparations to welcome them early in the morning.

As soon as they walked out of the airport, Tian Jingxuan rushed over, hugged Shi Luoxi all of a sudden, and said nastyly to Si Jingchen: "Okay, Chen, Xi'er is mine today."

Tian Jingxuan was the only one who dared to compete with Si Jingchen in such an open manner.

Abduct people and take them away directly.

Shi Luoxi turned her head and made a face at her brother: "Brother, goodbye."

Being teased by his little girl again, Si Jingchen shook his head and returned to the group with a smile.

After relaxing for so long, there are still many documents waiting for him to deal with.

Tian Jingxuan who abducted Shi Luoxi, this is after last year, this is a rare solo date between her and Shi Luoxi.

Tian Jingxuan happily said to Shi Luoxi: "Miss, let me interview you. After the college entrance examination, what do you think?"

Shi Luoxi smiled and returned: "I just don't have any feelings, and the college entrance examination is finally over."

After the two finished talking, they burst out laughing, Tian Jingxuan: "Now, I feel that I am obliged to take you out to relax."

When Shi Luoxi looked at her sister's smiling face, she knew that her sister had plans.

Shi Luoxi asked: "Sister Xuan, where are we going?"

Tian Jingxuan glanced at her mysteriously: "You will know when you arrive."

(End of this chapter)

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