Chapter 395
Not long after, Tian Jingxuan parked the car in front of a bar: "Xixi is here, get out of the car."

Shi Luoxi looked at the outside environment, a little surprised, and didn't know what to say: "Sister Xuan, are you sure it's here?"

Tian Jingxuan nodded with certainty: "It's here."

The two got out of the car, and Tian Jingxuan pointed to the bar: "Let's go in and have a look."

Shi Luoxi opened her mouth wide, and asked again: "Sister Xuan, are you sure it's really here?"

Tian Jingxuan nodded, very sure.

Shi Luoxi hesitated: "Sister Xuan, why don't we go to another place to play! This, this seems to be a bar, if my brother finds out, he will definitely be angry."

Tian Jingxuan looked at her sister's hopeless look: "It's okay, now, I'm saying goodbye to you in middle school, you should come to some places to relax, otherwise how can I be worthy of this youthful time!"

Shi Luoxi really didn't dare: "Sister Xuan, forget it, I guess if I go in, my brother will be so angry that he wants to beat someone up."

Tian Jingxuan smirked: "It's okay, if Chen Zhen beats you, you can act like a baby, show off your cuteness, and then kiss and hug you high, I guarantee you will be intact."

These words made Shi Luoxi's face turn red instantly.

In the end, Luo Xi was still dragged into the bar, Tian Jingxuan went in, and directly dragged her to a crowded place.

Pulling Shi Luoxi, she introduced to the group of people: "Come on, brothers and sisters, let me introduce you. This is my younger sister who just finished the college entrance examination. Today, brothers and sisters, I will accompany my younger sister." Just relax and relax!"

After all, a group of people agreed very much.

But before sitting down, Tian Jingxuan: "Give me some juice." She said to the waiter.

The waiter is a little confused, come to the bar to order juice?He heard right!
Everyone was a little confused by her move: "Xuanxuan, what are you?"

Tian Jingxuan hooked her younger sister Luo Xi: "I ordered it for my sister, do you think it's for you? Overthinking."

Although she came to a bar, she still had a sense of proportion, how dare she let Shi Luoxi drink, unless she wanted to die a miserable death.

Bringing her sister Xixi to the bar is just to let her feel the atmosphere of this bar, let her really experience the state of relaxing and playing.

After listening to her words, her group of friends gave her a lot of supercilious glances.

But since you're in a bar to relax, you have to play some games.

One of them suggested: "Come on, let's play a game!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Shi Luoxi felt this different atmosphere for the first time, and slowly let go, gradually blending in.

She also participated in the game, but the punishment for her loss was obviously different from everyone else's.

The more everyone played, the more excited they were. When everyone was very excited, Tian Jingxuan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

She shook her head, feeling as if she was about to fall down, it wasn't the feeling of drinking too much.

At this moment, Tian Jingxuan remembered what the doctor from country H said before.

Shi Luoxi also noticed Tian Jingxuan's strangeness at this time, and she asked with concern: "Sister Xuan, what's wrong with you?"

Tian Jingxuan tried her best to hold on, but she knew that she might not last long: "Xixi, if something happens to me later, don't notify them, okay?"

Her eyes were so firm, Shi Luoxi couldn't refuse, she agreed: "En."

However, just as Luo Xi finished replying, Tian Jingxuan fell down unconscious.

All the friends together were terrified, Shi Luo Xi said calmly, "Can everyone help me to send Sister Xuan to the hospital?"

(End of this chapter)

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