good sunset view

Chapter 403 Protecting My Sister

Chapter 403 Protecting My Sister

Looking at Tian Jingxuan in a daze, Qi Zibo said dotingly again: "No matter what season it is, we will walk through it together."

Tian Jingxuan came back to her senses and just smiled.

There is not much romance between the two of them, probably because Qi Zibai is a soldier, so his every move is so rigid.

In fact, this kind of quietness, without too many quarrels, is not the envy of most people!Because it is quiet and plain, this is an ordinary and beautiful way to get along.

On this date, Tian Jingxuan quickly felt unwell. As her sister's doctor, Tian Muhe knew it at a glance.

He immediately made an excuse: "Brother-in-law, Mom and Dad said they have something important to see us, so it seems that they have to take your wife away in advance."

That's how Tian Muhe is good at talking. The wife he said on purpose is to make Brother Zibai trust enough.

What else can Qi Zibai say, he can only bid farewell to his wife for the time being!
After leaving, Tian Muhe immediately checked Tian Jingxuan.

After the inspection, Tian Muhe asked: "Sister, are you really not going to tell Brother Zibai? It's not an option to continue like this!"

An excuse can be found once or twice, but if there are too many, it will inevitably arouse suspicion.

Tian Jingxuan: "Let's do this for now! Sometimes, knowing it may not be a good thing.

By the way, Xiaohe, do you know Xixi's identity? "

Regarding her sister's sudden question, Tian Muhe shook her head, as if she didn't know, she only heard her sister once said that she was an orphan.

She was adopted when she was very young, but the family who adopted her didn't treat her well.

Tian Jingxuan continued: "Xixi is Ke'er."

Tian Muhe couldn't react. Looking at his weak sister, he really didn't know what her sister wanted to express.

Tian Jingxuan said again: "I said, Xixi is actually Ke'er, the daughter of Uncle Yu and Aunt Jingyuan, the Yu Ke'er who left 14 years ago."

Tian Muhe really understood the explanation this time, he looked at his sister in disbelief, he couldn't believe it was true.

Tian Muhe asked suspiciously: "Sister, didn't Ke'er pass away in that fire? How could it be possible that she is still alive?"

Tian Jingxuan said word by word: "No, Ke'er was rescued by her personal servant back then, so she survived."

This time Tian Muhe finally understood, but she still didn't know what her sister's intention was for telling him all of a sudden.

He then asked: "Sister, since Xixi is Ke'er, why didn't Uncle Yu and the others recognize her, and Uncle Yu and the others know?"

Tian Jingxuan shook her head: "They don't know, including Xixi herself."

Tian Muhe was very puzzled: "Why?"

Tian Jingxuan returned: "The fire that year was not simple, it was far more complicated than imagined. If Xixi is reunited with her family at this time, it will definitely bring her a greater disaster."

Speaking of the fire that year, Tian Muhe hated it very much, because that fire almost took his sister's life, but fortunately, his sister was rescued by Brother Zibai in the end, so he hated that fire.

Tian Muhe: "Sister, do you have any clues?"

He knew that his sister and the others had been doing one thing for the past year, and now it seemed that they should be investigating the fire that year.

Tian Jingxuan didn't answer his question, but said: "Xiaohe, promise sister, if sister leaves, can you protect Xixi for sister? Although Xixi is not bad as a guardian, sister still hopes you can agree .”

(End of this chapter)

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