good sunset view

Chapter 404 Another Year, September

Chapter 404 Another July

When guarding Luo Xi, it was not only because Tian Jingxuan felt that she owed her, but also because the empire needed her.

If one day she is really gone, it will inevitably cause greater riots, which is not a good thing for the entire empire.

It can even be said that the people may live a miserable life.

Looking at his weak sister, Tian Muhe nodded vigorously. This is his sister's heart. As a younger brother, he naturally has to protect his sister.

Speaking of Shi Luoxi, Tian Jingxuan knew that the little girl's birthday was approaching.

Tian Jingxuan said happily: "Xiaohe, Xixi's birthday is coming soon."

Tian Muhe nodded: "Well, it's July." How time flies!

But he hopes that this kind of time can stop for a while, he wants to spend more time with his sister, and accompany her to do what she wants to do.

Since leaving the hospital last time, Shi Luoxi has not visited her sister Xuan again, not because she didn't want to, but because she didn't dare.

Until now, she still couldn't believe that her sister Xuan had such a serious illness.

Her sister Xuan is so kind, so friendly, and loves her so much.

Sister Xuan's kindness to her, she remembered everything in her heart one by one. In this world, there are really not many people who can be so purely considerate for others, very few.

For these days, Shi Luoxi always liked to stand in front of the window and look into the distance.

It can be seen that Tian Jingxuan's illness has indeed hit Shi Luoxi a lot, and she cannot accept this fact.

Shi Luoxi's love is so pure, she will never forget anyone who loves her, she will cry because of their sorrow, and laugh because of their joy.

Just like now, because her sister Xuan was sick, she was sad, and she couldn't jump over this hurdle.

Si Jingchen stood behind her like this for a long time, he walked up, hugged his little girl, and said softly: "Xi'er's college entrance examination results are out."

Shi Luoxi just replied briefly: "Yes."

Si Jingchen's words rang in her ears again: "Xi'er, let's take a look! After finishing the results, shall we go visit Sister Xuan?"

Shi Luoxi's reaction this time was a little bit bigger: "It's better not to! I don't have that courage."

She believed that as long as she saw Sister Xuan with a bad complexion, she would definitely feel uncomfortable, and she might get angry with her brother again when she came back.

Si Jingchen understood his little girl: "Xi'er, listen to brother, sister Xuan is not as fragile as we imagined, let's meet!"

Shi Luoxi still couldn't resist her brother's persuasion, she agreed to check the grades, although she knew that her brother should have gotten her grades long ago.

After checking the grades, there is no doubt that she did well in the exam, which is enough to go to any school in the empire, and she is an art student.

Si Jingchen asked, "Is there any school Xi'er particularly wants to attend?"

Shi Luoxi shook her head. Originally, she wanted to go to an art school, but for some reason, she suddenly changed her mind.

Si Jingchen didn't continue to ask, but said: "Let's go now! I made an appointment with Sister Xuan in Huahai Garden."

Shi Luoxi was persuaded by her brother again, and she followed him to the agreed place.

Shi Luoxi saw her sister Xuan from afar, and at this moment, she just wanted to run to her sister Xuan quickly.

She ran over.

Seeing the little girl coming, Tian Jingxuan greeted her warmly: "Xixi, you are here."

Shi Luoxi nodded, and she could tell at a glance that Sister Xuan's makeup had changed. Although she had changed her makeup, she could still see her haggardness.

(End of this chapter)

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