good sunset view

Chapter 406 Suggestion from Brother and Sister

Chapter 406 Suggestion from Brother and Sister

Shi Luoxi expressed her thoughts happily: "Sister Xuan, I want to apply for the translation major of Beicheng University."

Tian Jingxuan looked at the little girl standing under the cherry blossom tree: "Why?"

Shi Luoxi replied again: "Sister Xuan, I'm really not following the trend, but I think being a translator is a very interesting job."

Tian Jingxuan knew at a glance that this girl actually didn't love this major, but she couldn't tell the difference.

Tian Jingxuan replied: "Actually, Xixi, your interest is not translation, but something else. In fact, my sister suggests that you choose politics. Believe me, this will be your favorite."

Tian Jingxuan's suggestion was naturally selfish, and they all knew that Shi Luoxi's future life would definitely follow this path.

Rather than choosing what you admire, it is better to choose what you love in your bones.

As the Yu family member, Shi Luoxi was born with that vigor.

Obviously, Tian Jingxuan's recommendation made Shi Luoxi stunned, she had never thought about it before.

Looking at Shi Luoxi who was stunned, Tian Jingxuan smiled and said, "Okay, Xixi will accompany sister Xuan to enjoy the flowers! Feel the beauty of nature."

When Luoxi came back to her senses, she pushed Tian Jingxuan forward again. This sea of ​​flowers was big enough, and there were many varieties of it. They admired them one by one.

The more intimate contact with these flowers, the more Tian Jingxuan wants to stay in this sea of ​​flowers. She feels that these flowers are not only beautiful, but also an inspiration of life.

The two men who had been with them all this time also ran towards them after receiving the messages from the two girls.

After a while, Si Jingchen and Tian Muhe came to the two of them.

Tian Jingxuan, who was sitting in a wheelchair, said with a smile: "Chen, I talked with Xixi just now about choosing a school. Xixi said that she wants to apply for the translation major of Beicheng University, but I think Xixi is more suitable for politics. Xiaochen, what do you think? Woolen cloth?"

Si Jingchen looked at his little girl, and he said, "Oh, is there any school and major that Xi'er wants to apply for?"

Shi Luoxi nodded slightly.

Si Jingchen asked, "Why would Xi'er want to apply for the major of translation?"

Shi Luoxi rubbed her head: "Hey, isn't it cool to watch the translators in TV dramas! Besides, there is sister Xuan, a great translator, by my side. Looking at them, I feel that I am also suitable for translation. career."

Well, student Luo Xi's answer obviously made everyone exclamation mark.

Si Jingchen asked, "Which language does Xi'er like?"

Shi Luoxi returned: "I just like the language of our empire!"

Well, this answer once again convinced everyone.

Si Jingchen went on to say, "Xi'er, do you think politics is more difficult than translation and painting?"

Shi Luoxi knew without thinking: "Of course it's political difficulties."


Si Jingchen then asked Shi Luoxi many questions. On the whole, Si Jingchen also gave some suggestions at the end.

Si Jingchen said: "Xi'er, maybe my suggestion is almost the same as Sister Xuan's. I don't think you should like translation. Maybe you can try subjects like politics. If you feel that it is not suitable for you then, You can also change majors, so you can try it now.”

So it seems that our classmate Luo Xi was arranged so clearly.

After listening to her brother and sister's suggestion, Shi Luoxi happily replied: "Hey, that's right! I seem to be quite interested in this too."

There is no doubt that Shi Luoxi's interest in subjects such as politics was brought by his family, and it is something that has been integrated into his blood.

 PS: 200 recommendation votes have been added, and this chapter will be updated. (*ω*)
  It is said that today is Qixi Festival,
  I also want to confess.

  love you oh~

  Little star for you ()


(End of this chapter)

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