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Chapter 407 Election Conditions

Chapter 407 Election Conditions

When everyone said that, Shi Luoxi began to become very uncertain. She was entangled in these majors.

She is indeed interested in the suggestions of her brothers and sisters, but she also thinks the translation is not bad, it is too entangled, so she has to think about it first: "Then I will think about it."

Tian Jingxuan looked at the younger sister and smiled happily.

I originally thought this topic would stop here, but Tian Muhe suddenly said: "Xixi, why don't you come to study medicine! I think studying medicine is not bad."

As soon as Tian Muhe finished speaking, he received severe criticism.

First Tian Jingxuan: "Hey, is Tian Muhe the one who dragged his sister into the water like you?"

Then came Si Jingchen: "Tian Muhe, are you too leisurely? Need to find something for you?"

The words of the two were full of threats. Tian Muhe was scared, and immediately admitted: "I was wrong, can I be wrong? I was just talking casually, and Xixi would not take it seriously."

What he didn't expect was what Shi Luoxi said next, and Shi Luoxi replied seriously: "Hey, it seems that studying medicine is not bad, I'll think about it."

Shi Luoxi's words scared Tian Muhe a lot, this little ancestor!Isn't this driving him to death?

Tian Jingxuan roared loudly: "Tian Muhe, I can't finish with you."

For such a rough sister, Tian Muhe still cared more about her sister: "Sister, don't get excited, don't get excited, I will let you punish, okay, don't get excited."

Shi Luoxi immediately paid attention to Tian Jingxuan's state: "Sister Xuan, how do you feel?"

Tian Jingxuan smiled and said to Shi Luoxi: "It's okay, don't worry."

Ever since everyone found out that she was sick, they have always been extra careful with her, but in fact, there is really no need to do so.

After wandering around the sea of ​​flowers for a long time, due to some incidents, Shi Luoxi was taken away by Tian Muhe first.

Although Shi Luoxi was very unhappy to be separated from her sister Xuan so soon, but my brother said that he made an appointment with an authoritative foreign expert for sister Xuan today, which can be regarded as a consultation for sister Xuan.

After Shi Luoxi left, Tian Jingxuan said, "Chen, Xixi's birthday is coming soon!"

Si Jingchen nodded.

Tian Jingxuan: "I don't know whether to be happy or worried. I think Yu Changshan and the others should act quickly, and they shouldn't wait too long."

As we all know, the empire's decree stipulates that as long as the heir of the empire reaches the age of eighteen, he can participate in the election for the president of the empire.

And according to the information Tian Jingxuan got before, Yu Changshan and the others have a new plan, if the analysis is correct.

They will create a new heir to the empire.

Si Jingchen returned: "Sister Xuan, did you see their 'Yu Ke'er' last time?"

Tian Jingxuan shook her head: "Sorry, I just woke up at that time, and I didn't dare to open my eyes under such circumstances."

Si Jingchen replied: "It's okay, we will know when the time comes."

Tian Jingxuan asked uncertainly: "Chen, do you suspect that Aunt Xia has rebelled?"

Regarding Tian Jingxuan's question, Si Jingchen replied like this: "It's not doubt, but I want to make complete preparations."

Knowing that this was the reason, Tian Jingxuan nodded.

Si Jingchen: "Sister Xuan, please suspend your work here!" After all, the body is important.

However, Tian Jingxuan refused Si Jingchen's proposal: "Chen, do you know? How happy I am when I know that I can not only do something for Ke'er, but also for this country.

If we stop all the current work, not only will our previous efforts be wasted, but also I will be irresponsible to myself. I never thought about continuing. "

Si Jingchen had no words to refute Tian Jingxuan's words, and he couldn't stop Tian Jingxuan from doing what she wanted to do.

(End of this chapter)

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