Chapter 474
It was only when it was dark that Luo Xi returned to the dormitory again.

She opened the door and entered, and all her roommates looked at her at the same time, Shi Luoxi was a little embarrassed to be looked at by them like that.

Greeted them with an embarrassed smile: "Hey, everyone hasn't rested yet!"

The short-haired girl Han Qiong replied: "No! It's still early. I have become a night owl since I graduated from high school. Now it is not until twelve o'clock at night. I don't know what rest is."

Han Qiong's tone was very relaxed and humorous, which immediately resonated with everyone.

Another roommate also echoed: "That's right! Since graduating from high school, I'm ashamed to say that I go to bed early before one o'clock in the morning."

Shi Luoxi thought back on her vacation, it seemed that sometimes she slept late, but at this time, she unconsciously thought of someone and something, her little face flushed slightly.

Han Qiong and the long-haired girl immediately jokingly said: "Wow, student Luo Xi has thought of something inappropriate for children! Let me think about it, it must have something to do with that handsome pot just now. "

Shi Luoxi smiled awkwardly again, she could say no, how could the person that appeared in her mind be Brother Mu He!
Thinking of that person, Shi Luoxi felt inexplicably uncomfortable again.

Thinking of that person, she immediately shook her head, wondering what that person was doing!

Really, maybe he is spending a good night with his girlfriend now!

The roommate went on to say: "Haha, student Luo Xi, you don't have to be shy, we all understand, couples! It's normal, and your family is really doting on you, expressing envy."

Shi Luoxi didn't know how to reply to them, so she could only smile along with them.

The eyes of several people suddenly turned to Yu Ke'er, who had been very quiet all along. Han Qiong was the kind of outgoing person.

She asked in a relaxed tone: "How about you, Ke'er? Do you stay up late during the holidays?"

The conversation suddenly turned to Yu Keer, as if to frighten her.

She asked weakly: "Ah! Me? Me, I work part-time during the holidays. I usually go to bed after get off work. It should be considered an early bedtime!"

Because compared with their early bedtimes, she usually goes to bed around eleven o'clock every night.

Her words made the roommates feel a little sorry again, especially after knowing that she was an orphan, the sympathy of the roommates began to overflow.

But Shi Luoxi was different. After all, she didn't know. She suddenly remembered that Zeng Jin would also choose to go out to earn some money during the winter and summer vacations, so that she could guarantee her study expenses for the next semester.

Shi Luoxi said: "I have had a part-time job before, but it was really tiring! By the way, what kind of part-time job do you usually do?"

Shi Luoxi's question made the other two roommates feel that she was deliberately looking down on Yu Ke'er, and at this moment they also seemed a little uncomfortable with Shi Luoxi.

Yu Ke'er replied softly: "I usually go to the restaurant or the gym to clean up people, or work as a waiter."

Shi Luoxi: "Hey, that's pretty good, I used to wash dishes for others."

Shi Luoxi's words obviously made several roommates not believe it, because in their cognition, Shi Luoxi had already been classified as the daughter of a rich family.

Of course, Tian Muhe's categorization is entirely due to Tian Muhe. In their view, anyone who can be related to a son of a big family like Tian Muhe must be born in a wealthy family.

So when Luoxi said that she had washed the dishes before, she completely changed her taste with her roommate, thinking that she was pretending on purpose, trying to get close to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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