Chapter 475 The dormitory full of gunpowder
Yu Ke'er smiled and said to Shi Luoxi: "Then we are quite alike. When I first started working as a part-timer, I also washed dishes for others."

Shi Luoxi asked excitedly: "Really? We really look alike~"

Especially by coincidence, this roommate is also called Yu Ke'er, Luo Xi is very familiar with this name!
Sometimes when my brother said he loved her, he would call out the name Yu Ke'er from time to time.

She can even now clearly remember that her brother called her Ke'er, Yu Ke'er again and again in her ear, and said affectionately: Ke'er, I love you forever and ever.

Shi Luoxi didn't know why, what happened to her this night, why was that person always in her mind!

She hates herself like this, at this moment, she hates herself for not being up to date.After that man treated her like that, she still thought of him like this.

Yu Ke'er suddenly stretched out his hand: "Since we are so destined, why not make friends! Hello, my name is Yu Ke'er, and the rest of Yu, Coke's Ke, was a child. You can call me Ke'er!"

Shi Luoxi also stretched out her hand: "Shi Luoxi, when it's time, Luoyang in Luoyang, add three points of water in the sunset, everyone usually calls me Luoxi or Xixi."

Yu Keer: "Okay, I'll call you Xixi from now on, how about it?"

Shi Luoxi made an OK gesture.

The other two roommates just watched them become friends, and the long-haired roommate was not so friendly.

She really doesn't like people who pretend like Shi Luoxi: "Hey, you can still be called a friend when you wash dishes! I don't think you think people are easy to deceive, so you just made up a picture of yourself washing dishes.

I guess, it’s doing the dishes occasionally at home on a whim, and then your parents give you a little reward. Do you think that’s a reward? "

These words were full of gunpowder, and Shi Luoxi could clearly hear that these words were directed at her, Shi Luoxi.

Shi Luoxi was trained by her brother, so how could she be at a disadvantage at this time!

Shi Luoxi returned with a half-smile: "Student Liu, I'm afraid it's because I made friends with Ke'er, so you must be jealous! I think this is a sign that you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour."

Shi Luoxi's words obviously made that roommate a little bit unable to fight back. She was indeed a little jealous of Shi Luoxi, especially because she also had such a handsome and rich second-generation boyfriend.

The short-haired roommate saw that the atmosphere was not right, and immediately acted as a peacemaker: "Oh, I said that everyone is roommates, and this is the first day! The first day! Don't misunderstand each other!"

Yu Ke'er said appropriately at this time: "Yeah, we will be roommates in the future, and we will live together for four years! So we have to live in peace."

Yu Ke'er's words sounded very comfortable, and the anger of the two people who were smelling of gunpowder gradually subsided.

This can be regarded as the friction between roommates on the first day of living together, and this may be the first experience for Shi Luoxi.

Because before this, she had never dealt with such a roommate relationship, and she had never lived in a school before.

When I was in school before, for classmates who generally didn't like them, or those who were not in the same way, Shi Luoxi would avoid them and not associate with them.

But it's different now. When she meets a roommate who may not be the same person as herself, nor has a similar place, she can't avoid it like before.

After all, they are roommates, and you have to get along with them for four years, and you still have roommates who study and live together for four years.

(End of this chapter)

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