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Chapter 556 Let's take her home

Chapter 556 Let's Take Her Home
In the end, Qi Zibai barely walked to Tian Jingxuan's side with Si Jingchen's support, and he took her hand.

Her hands were icy cold, no doubt telling him something.

Tian Muhe's tears fell on Tian Jingxuan's hands, looking at her sister, she was quiet and beautiful.

My sister really left this world beautifully, she chose this way to end her life, she chose this way to leave them.

The H country police came over at this time: "Excuse me, are you the family members of the deceased?"

Si Jingchen replied: "Yes."

Police: "These are the belongings of the deceased. They were all found in this room. We will give it to you now."

Si Jingchen took the things from the police. There were very few things, only a note and a video recorder.

Si Jingchen, who was holding these things, raised his eyes again to look at the person lying quietly.

She was their big sister growing up and she took care of them all the time.

Si Jingchen walked lightly behind Qi Zibai. After being silent for a while, Qi Zibai finally reacted.

With a smirk, he said with tears in his eyes, "She's gone."

Si Jingchen replied: "Well, she will be happy in another place."

Qi Zibai stood up and hugged Tian Jingxuan: "Let's take her home!"

No one stopped Qi Zibai, Si Jingchen tightly held the things that the police gave him just now.

The news of Tian Jingxuan's death quickly spread to all the people who loved her. After hearing the news, her parents fainted several times. How could they accept it?
How could their daughter be so fateful!Daughter!How dare you leave us behind.

If she hadn't been prepared, Tian's mother would probably want to leave with her daughter. Fortunately, her daughter had arranged for a doctor in advance and arranged for a psychologist to come home.

Then it was Shi Luoxi who knew the news. She was still in class, but she received a message. She didn't like to look at her phone in class, so she took out her phone by mistake, and clicked on the text message.

It was sent to her by someone she knew very well.

There is only a short sentence: "Sister Xuan is gone."

After reading the text message, Shi Luoxi's tears fell down, she tightly squeezed the phone tightly, she couldn't believe it, she couldn't believe it was true.

It was the teacher's class again, and the veteran liked her student, so he naturally paid attention to her in class.

The teacher also noticed something was wrong with Shi Luoxi, so the teacher asked softly, "Classmate Shi Luoxi, what's wrong with you?"

The teacher's words seemed to give her a hand. The corners of her eyes were full of tears, and she couldn't see the world clearly. She vaguely knew that it was her teacher on the podium.

She apologized to the teacher and ran out of the classroom.

She ran all the way, but she had no destination. When she ran out of the teaching building, she was suddenly pulled by something.

It turned out to be Lin Yihua: "Miss, the young master asked me to take you there."

Shi Luoxi didn't refuse, she got into Lin Yihua's car and went all the way to the funeral parlor.

Along the way, Shi Luoxi thought about Tian Jingxuan, and this big sister, he was so beautiful and kind.

She is the first girl who is willing to get close to her, and she is the first sister who really treats her as a younger sister.

She is really like her own sister, she will tell her many things that girls should pay attention to, which undoubtedly replaces her missing motherly love.

She will still protect her, she will not allow anyone to bully her, she... This is her sister!Not dear, but very dear.

(End of this chapter)

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