good sunset view

Chapter 557 Her Funeral

Chapter 557 Her Funeral
Until all those who loved her arrive at the funeral home.

What he saw was that Qi Zibai was still hugging Tian Jingxuan, she was lying in his arms, she was so beautiful, just like Sleeping Beauty.

Everyone took one last look at her. From now on, Tian Jingxuan will bid farewell to this world.

Not long after, it was Tian Jingxuan's funeral. According to her last wish, her body was not dissected for identification.

She said that she wanted to leave beautifully, bid farewell to the world and the people she loved beautifully, so everyone respected her.

The funeral was held in the Qi family's cemetery. At Qi Zibai's insistence, Tian Jingxuan was buried in the Qi's family cemetery in the name of Qi Zibai's wife.

Regarding Qi Zibai's insistence, everyone disagreed at first, because after all, they were not officially married. It stands to reason that Tian Jingxuan is not Qi Zibai's real wife.

But Qi Zibai insisted, he said she was his wife for the whole life of Qi Zibai, and she would never change.

Looking at the photo on the tombstone, Mother Tian was heartbroken. She reached out to touch the photo of her daughter on the tombstone several times. In the photo, her daughter was smiling, a bright smile.

Tian's mother broke down in tears and asked: "Why are you willing to let us go, how can you have the heart to let us white-haired people give away black-haired people!
My Xuan'er, my daughter!Why did you just leave like this? Mom still wants to watch you get married and have children!

Why did you leave, you haven't fulfilled your mother's wish yet!

I don't care, I don't care, daughter, get up and come back. "Mother Tian began to "play tricks".

Such Tian Mu makes people feel distressed. She lost her young and beautiful daughter, and she lost her daughter forever.

As a fatherly father, since he learned of the news of his daughter's death, he has rarely spoken, but kept wiping away his tears. He also wanted to leave with his daughter several times, and he also felt heartbroken several times. Pause for a few seconds.

For such a fact, it is really difficult for them to accept it in front of their parents.

Tian Muhe, who is obviously a big man, has never stopped crying since Tian Jingxuan passed away.

Tian Muhe: "Sister, you are really willing to let us go! The person who said that he would bully me for the rest of his life when he was young, and the person who said that no matter who leaves me, you will be with me for the rest of his life, sister, why don't you talk about it... ..."

Their sister-brother relationship is very deep. Since childhood, the relationship between the two siblings has always been very good, which is the envy of others.

But today, after today, Tian Muhe no longer has a sister, and this time it is his turn to envy other people's sisterhood.

For this funeral, the sky was gloomy, and it was still raining slightly.

Si Jingchen hugged Shi Luoxi tightly, and Shi Luoxi's voice was hoarse right now.

Si Jingchen knew how important Tian Jingxuan was to his little girl, and he knew that she would not be able to accept it.Several times, she was almost unable to stand still, but luckily he hugged her in time.

From knowing Tian Jingxuan's illness to her passing away, it was just a few days for Qi Zibo. What did he experience in these few days?
At this funeral, Qi Zibai was still very quiet, he looked very calm, and he couldn't see any emotion.

At the funeral, he kissed the tombstone, and kissed Tian Jingxuan again.

His voice was soft and thin in the drizzle: "You must live well over there. If you don't, I'll come and find you."

This was the only sentence he said, very short, not as everyone imagined, he didn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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