Chapter 585

After eating, Tian Muhe sent them back to school.

When getting off the car, An Manman said: "Sister Xuan was beautiful when she left."

What An Manman said made Tian Muhe a little confused. He didn't know why Amman said this sentence inexplicably.

The meaning of this sentence makes people feel that Tian Jingxuan was there when she passed away.

Tian Muhe was stunned for a moment, and then felt that he should be thinking too much, how could An Manman witness the death of his sister with his own eyes!

After several ups and downs, Yu Keer's heart is still a little big.

I don't know if it's because she has decided not to be a killer, but now she is afraid of death.

For the former her, the former Sly Thorn, death was nothing, she was never afraid.

But now I don't know why, when the car was bumping constantly just now, she was afraid, afraid that her life would be ruined in the hands of someone with poor driving skills.

And she can't do anything, she can only sit obediently, praying that the car will not have an accident, and then reach the destination quickly.

Yu Ke'er who was sitting in the back asked again: "Brother Chen, how long will it take for us to arrive?"

Si Jingchen returned: "Hurry up, right now."

Not long after, they arrived at their destination, Si Jingchen walked in front, and Yu Keer followed.

The two walked into the private room, and Yu Ke'er saw Si Jingchen's parents, as well as the president and the president's wife. Surprisingly, he didn't see Mr. Qi.

The president's wife said, "You are here! Come on, sit down."

Yu Keer obediently went to sit next to the president's wife, and Si Jingchen sat opposite Yu Keer. Such a seat seemed a bit strange.

The president said: "It's all here, let's start!"

Si Jingchen said, "Uncle Yu is like this. Ke'er and I discussed it, and we decided to hold the wedding directly."

The president seemed to be angry, and asked loudly: "What? Hold the wedding directly? What about the engagement ceremony?
My Yu Changfeng's daughter got married, how could there be no engagement?Just marrying your brat for no apparent reason?

impossible. "

It was also the first time for Yu Keer to see the president like this, and she was a little frightened.

Yu Ke'er opened her mouth slightly and said, "Father, no, it's..."

Before Yu Keer finished speaking, the president said resolutely: "Kerr, you don't have to speak for this brat. If you want to get rid of my daughter so easily, there is no way."

Si Jingchen's father said with a smile at this time: "Changfeng put out the fire, put out the fire, since the children made such a decision, there must be their reasons, why don't we first hear the reasons why the children made such a decision."

The President's wife nodded in agreement.

The president snorted coldly, and said to Si Jingchen: "Okay, brat, tell me and see if it's a reason that can convince me."

Si Jingchen replied respectfully: "The reason is very simple. Ke'er and I have been separated for so long. We don't want to wait any longer, and we don't want to waste any more time. Human life is so short, and Ke'er and I are in this short life. Among the 15 years that have been missed, how many 15 years are left in the future!
Maybe there is no such thing as engagement. For Keer, others will think that I don’t pay enough attention to Keer, but it’s really not.

Although there is no engagement, I will give Keer a grand wedding, so that everyone in the world will know that Yu Keer is the wife of our company, Jingchen. "

After listening to Si Jingchen's words, the president nodded slightly, and said, "My boy, it really is the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead!"

(End of this chapter)

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