good sunset view

Chapter 586 Marriage

Chapter 586 Marriage
Si Jingchen smiled.

Yu Ke'er asked in a low voice: "Then, Dad, do you agree or not?"

Yu Keer's question made the president burst out laughing: "Hahaha, it's true that the girl is not allowed to stay! Is Keer worried that Dad is a vicious dad?
Worried that the father will be a father who hinders the happiness of the child? "

Yu Keer quickly shook her head: "No, why would Keer think so, Keer knows it's because Dad loves Keer, and everything Dad does is for Keer's best."

The President's wife nodded in relief, and said with a smile: "Our family is really sensible."

Yu Keer smiled shyly.

Si Jingchen said at this time: "Uncle Yu, if you have no objections, I wonder if we can discuss my marriage with Ke'er?"

Yu Keer nodded in agreement.

The president laughed again and said, "Coincidentally, the two children are in a hurry.

Let's talk about it, let's hear your thoughts first. "

Si Jingchen said expressionlessly: "This is my wedding with Ke'er. I think the more grand the better, marriage is a big event. I want to give my wife a beautiful and memorable wedding."

The president seemed very interested: "How does Xiaochen plan to organize your wedding?"

Si Jingchen smiled this time: "Uncle Yu, can you keep this secret for now?"

The engagement he wants to give to his little girl must be unique and meaningful. He doesn't want people to know it now, because it is a surprise he gave to his little girl.

The president said angrily at this time: "You boy, the wedding date has not yet been set, let's see if you can bear it."

About the wedding date!Yu Ke'er said, "Father, we think the wedding will be held in the next year."

Si Jingchen also returned this time: "Well, we think the sooner the better."

The President's wife looked at Yu Ke'er: "Ke'er, you have not been home for long, you haven't stayed at home for long, and now you are getting married again, mother is very sad, mother is really sad that you have to leave me and you so early dad."

From the tone of voice, the president's wife seemed to be saying, you child, why are you getting married so soon!Mom hasn't gotten along well with you yet!
There is a feeling that I don't want my daughter to grow up, and I want my daughter to be with me forever.

Yu Ke'er smiled and returned: "Mom, my daughter is just getting married, and I will still be your daughter after I get married, and my daughter will still be with you..."

Regarding Yu Keer's understanding, everyone smiled tacitly.

Si Jingchen also said at this time: "Well, we will often go there to accompany you, please rest assured that Uncle Yu and Aunt Jingyuan."

Si Jingchen's mother said at this time: "What Xiaochen said means that we don't care about the two of us?"

Yu Ke'er quickly explained: "No, we, we..." She seemed to be nervous and eager to explain, so she didn't know what to say.

The president smiled: "Okay, okay, don't scare the children.

Let's discuss the children's wedding date first, that's the way to go. "

Everyone nodded.

Si Jingchen's father said, "Changfeng, our two families are family friends, and the children can meet again after more than ten years, this is fate.

I think it's better to set the wedding date in the second week after the year! "

The president thought for a while, then nodded slightly and said, "That's fine. After the year is the first happy event of the new year, Ke'er and Xiaochen also hope to get married as soon as possible. I think this time is okay."

Si Jingchen's mother said, "Two weeks after the next year, isn't that not too long from now?"

(End of this chapter)

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