Chapter 601
As Uncle who has been fishing for a living for generations, he doesn't know what sketching is. He only knows that the little girl said it is for homework. He thinks that his little grandson seems to be doing homework when he comes back often.

Uncle replied: "Little girl, you mean you want to go fishing with us?"

Shi Luoxi nodded: "But it's not counted. Uncle, I know that you will pass a small town every time. I heard that the small town is beautiful, so I finally want to reach that small town."

After listening to Shi Luoxi's words, Abo asked suspiciously: "Since you are thinking of that small town, why don't you just take another means of transportation there, little girl? You have to choose the most difficult one? And the distance is so small. The town is far away, but across provinces."

Abo's grandson took Abo's words: "Grandpa, my sister just said that she wants to finish the homework of painting at sea."

Aber wondered: "Sketch is painting?"

Uncle's grandson laughed and said, "Hahaha, it turns out that grandpa doesn't know what sketching is!"

Uncle took the slippers in his hand: "You brat, what are you talking about?"

The little guy ran away quickly.

Uncle's wife also came over at this time: "Old man, just promise this little girl! The little girl doesn't look like a bad person. Besides, a child who still thinks about doing homework during the holidays must be a good child." .”

Their grandson echoed at this time: "That's right, just like me, every time I go to sea with you, I will bring my homework."

Looking at this family, Shi Luoxi was very envious. Their family must be very happy.

In the end, Luo Xi successfully boarded the fishing boat. She knew that their family would not go too far to sea, and usually arrived at the port of the small town she mentioned just now.

When she first sat on it, Shi Luoxi was fine, but after the boat sailed for a while, Shi Luoxi began to feel unwell, and she resisted it.

Uncle's grandson noticed Shi Luoxi's discomfort very considerately: "Sister, are you feeling uncomfortable? This is the first time for you to take this kind of boat! Here, this is my unique secret book every time I take a boat."

Shi Luoxi looked at the thing in the little boy's hand, it should be a candy.

Shi Luoxi refused, the child loves candy, how could she divide it up for the child!

Shi Luoxi smiled and returned: "Sister is fine, you can keep this candy for yourself. If there is a chance, sister will bring you a lot of candy in the future."

The little guy smiled happily, the little guy's smile was pure and beautiful.

Shi Luoxi escaped successfully.

But what about the people of that city?
It seemed that something was missing from the city all of a sudden.

Two hours after Shi Luoxi left, Si Jingchen mobilized a lot of manpower to search for her.

He didn't go home last night. He was doing the finishing touches so that he could go home as soon as possible today to meet his little girl, and then they will welcome the beautiful moment tomorrow together.

But who knows, when he got home, he pushed open the door, and the house was empty. Suddenly, he seemed to be missing something. He searched the whole house, but he couldn't find anyone.

He started to ask, and asked everyone who was likely to be in contact with Shi Luoxi, but the answers he got were the same, and Shi Luoxi had not contacted any of them.

Si Jingchen initially called, but the phone rang at home.

Si Jingchen took Shi Luoxi's phone and looked at the things around the phone. There were watches, ear studs, and card issuers. All kinds of things with locators were placed next to this phone. Together.

These things appeared together at the same time, Si Jingchen seemed to realize something.

(End of this chapter)

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