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Chapter 602 Leave Without Leaving Traces

Chapter 602 Leave Without Leaving Traces
He quickly checked everything in the whole house, there were no traces of fighting, and nothing was missing.

Even Shi Luoxi's ID card, passport and all her personal ID documents are there.

At this moment, he became very flustered.

He has a premonition.

He mobilized all the people to look for Shi Luoxi, but after searching for a long time, he still didn't get any news of finding her.

Until it got dark, it was nearly twelve hours before Luo Xi left.

Si Jingchen panicked, this time, he really couldn't find her.

This time, she left without leaving a trace.

With difficulty, he picked up Shi Luoxi's phone again.

He easily opened her mobile phone. Originally, he would never check the little girl's mobile phone, but at this moment, he had to check her mobile phone.

But to my surprise, the phone was empty, there was nothing, no traces, it seemed that this time, the little girl was really determined to leave him.

Shi Luoxi has been with Si Jingchen for so long, she already knew how to clean up some important things without leaving any traces.

But Si Jingchen couldn't figure it out, what was the reason for the little girl to leave suddenly?What is the reason?
During this period of time, there was nothing wrong or strange about the little girl.

He held Shi Luoxi's phone blankly, swiping back and forth from left to right, and back and forth, but there was no information he wanted. When he was about to put down Shi Luoxi's phone, he unexpectedly saw the little girl's mailbox There are unread messages.

He opened it with the last bit of hope. The email was sent at noon today.

Si Jingchen didn't hesitate, he clicked in, and the email began: "Ms. Shi Luoxi, I don't know if you heard the phone call that day. According to my experience in the industry for so many years, I'm worried that you haven't listened to my words completely. I hope that you will not be able to make a perfect judgment because of this, and finally I decided to send you a copy by email.

After the identification of our professional technology, the content in the recording is true, but the photos are synthetic..."

Seeing this, Si Jingchen suddenly stood up, what recording?What picture?
As a person who dominates the shopping mall, he is very sensitive, and he quickly realized that the recordings and photos mentioned in this email were most likely one of the reasons why the little girl left without saying a word.

Si Jingchen began to search around. He knew his little girl well. Since she didn't take anything away this time, it meant that she wouldn't take away all the emails and photos in the mail either.

Si Jingchen began to search for the emails mentioned in the emails. Although their small family was not that big, it was actually very difficult to find something extremely small.

He searched the whole house, not missing every corner, he must find the so-called recording, the so-called photo.

What kind of recording and what kind of photos made his little girl leave him quietly!
He searched desperately, but it seemed that those things were just trying to play hide-and-seek with him, and he couldn't find them after searching for a long time.

In addition to those who went to find the little girl, they began to report the results one by one, and the results were undoubtedly the same.

No one found his little girl, no one had a trace or clue that his little girl had left.

This time, she really left without leaving a trace, and he really couldn't find her.

With grief, Si Jingchen continued to search at home, he had to find those things, he knew his little girl, she must not have taken away those recordings and photos.

(End of this chapter)

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