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Chapter 630 I Was Your Brother

Chapter 630 I Was Your Brother

Qi Zibai took what was in Lin Yi's hand, it was a necklace, a necklace he was very familiar with.

He took a look at the necklace and found that the necklace was two strung together.

One of them was actually his, but he gave it to the little girl when he met Xixi for the first time.

The other one was Xixi's own, but Chen had already found it for Xixi.

Slowly, the people on the hospital bed finally reacted. Shi Luoxi woke up slowly. She felt very tired. She just woke up with no strength in her whole body, and her stomach still felt uncomfortable.

Shi Luoxi's eyes slowly opened.

When Luo Xi woke up, Lin Yi exclaimed in surprise: "Brother Bai, look, sister Xixi woke up."

Qi Zibai excitedly asked Luoxi who had just woken up: "Xixi, is there anything uncomfortable?"

Hearing this familiar voice, did Shi Luoxi feel uncomfortable?Are you unhappy?
Hearing Qi Zibai's voice at this moment, Shi Luoxi's first reaction was that she was probably captured by that person again. Could it be that she, Shi Luoxi, really couldn't escape that person's hand?
Qi Zibai looked at this girl, wondering where his mind had wandered.

Qi Zibai spoke again, and picked up the porridge made by Lin Yi's mother: "Xixi, let's eat something first."

Shi Luoxi only looked at Qi Zibai this time, and she said in an unfriendly tone: "Why, why didn't you let me go, why did you bring me back, why?"

Her series of questions were so heart-wrenching that Qi Zibai didn't know what happened to this girl.

But now he understands why he reacted like that that day just now. He patiently explained: "Xixi, this is where I work. We found you at the port today."

Hearing Qi Zibai's explanation, Shi Luoxi asked uncertainly: "So, didn't Si Jingchen ask Brother Zibai to do this?"

Hearing that the girl called Si Jingchen by name and surname, Qi Zibai looked at Shi Luoxi with complicated eyes. He was not sure what happened to Si Jingchen and his sister.

But he felt that he had to correct one thing about this girl first: "Xixi, don't call me Brother Zibai from now on, just call me Brother."

Originally, he was Shi Luoxi's real brother, but every time he heard his sister call him, he was always so unfamiliar.

Shi Luoxi didn't know why Qi Zibai wanted to say that, she asked, "Why?"

Qi Zibai said in a serious tone: "Because you are my younger sister, which sister calls my brother such an unfamiliar name."

Shi Luoxi frowned, she shook her head and said, "No, I'm not your sister, and I'm not even qualified to call you Brother Zibo."

Qi Zibai felt so tired!Can't this girl accept it obediently?
Qi Zibai also didn't want to entangle with her on this issue: "No matter what, I will call you brother from now on."

When Shi Luoxi looked at such a domineering brother, she was also a little timid, and responded in a low voice: "Oh!"

Qi Zibo was satisfied now, but he thought of something soon.

Qi Zibai asked, "Xixi, why did you come to this small town alone?"

Hearing Qi Zibai's question, Shi Luoxi asked excitedly: "Brother, this is a small town? Really?"

Qi Zibai nodded affirmatively.

Later, Luo Xi said to herself: "So, did I really leave Beicheng? Did I really leave that person?"

With such a question, Shi Luoxi didn't know whether she was happy or unhappy in her heart, and it was already difficult for her to distinguish her own heart.

(End of this chapter)

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