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Chapter 631 Threatened By My Sister

Chapter 631 Threatened By My Sister

Qi Zibai quickly caught Shi Luoxi's words.

According to this, Qi Zibai asked again: "Xixi, tell me, why did you come here, where is Chen?"

When Si Jingchen was mentioned, Shi Luoxi's face changed instantly. Before she answered Qi Zibai's question, she felt that she should ask some questions clearly.

Shi Luoxi asked: "Brother, is this the place where you left last time and said you were going to work?"

Qi Zibai nodded.

Shi Luoxi: "Did that mean you didn't tell anyone that you work here?"

Qi Zibai: "Yes."

Shi Luoxi: "Brother, do you have any connection with Si Jingchen..."

Qi Zibai shook his head. Since he came here, he has blocked all news about his family, to be precise, the news about the whole North City.

He automatically blocked the news related to Beicheng, as long as it was related to Beicheng, he refused.

When Luoxi asked a question, Qi Zibai would answer it.

After Shi Luoxi asked these words, she was relieved until Big Brother Zibai really had no contact with the people in Beicheng.

After Shi Luoxi finished asking, Qi Zibai asked again: "Okay, Xixi, can you tell brother now, why are you here alone?"

Shi Luoxi nodded, and she said, "Brother, do you know? In that city, I feel so tired, so tired! I'm so tired that I don't want to continue.

I think it's best for me to get out of there, for me and for others. "

From Shi Luoxi's words, Qi Zibai heard her sadness.

Looking at such a sister, he was uncomfortable.

Qi Zibai then asked: "Why did Chen let you come to such a place alone? And you came here by boat, right?"

When Si Jingchen was mentioned, Shi Luoxi was sad.

Shi Luoxi didn't want the person named Si Jingchen to appear again beside her ears.

Shi Luoxi returned: "Brother, can you stop mentioning him in the future? If you really treat me as your younger sister, let's not mention him, okay?"

Don't tell him where it is either.

Brother, you know, once he knows where I am, he misunderstands me and leaves again without hesitation, and he will never let you find me again. "

Shi Luoxi was actually quite depressed, why did he meet brother Qi Zibai in such a place!

This was not at all what she wanted to encounter.

Qi Zibai found out that he seemed to be threatened by the little girl.

The little girl actually threatened him, yes yes yes, she is indeed his sister of Qi Zibai.

Qi Zibai had no way of knowing why Shi Luoxi chose to leave Beicheng and come here.

He also didn't want to try to understand it, since he chose a distant place, he didn't want to guess too much.

But for the little girl!
Qi Zibai really wanted to know what the little girl's plans were: "Xixi, what are your plans now? If you don't go back to Beicheng, what do you want to do next?"

Shi Luoxi really didn't think about what she wanted to do next.

Shi Luoxi returned: "As long as you don't go back to Beicheng and don't let those people find you, you can do whatever you want."

Qi Zibai frowned, seeing that the girl is really determined to leave Beicheng this time.

Qi Zibai thought about the people in his family, if the two brothers and sisters left them, would they be very sad?
One of them said: "Xixi, you left, what about them, the people in the family?"

Shi Luoxi chuckled, does she have any family?She is an orphan!

Seeing Shi Luoxi's cold smile, Qi Zibai didn't even have the courage to ask, he was afraid that something bad would happen to this girl.

(End of this chapter)

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