Chapter 647
Si Mu frowned, what else should her son be happy about.

Luo Xi's girl is no longer there, but his son can still be happy. In the past few years, her son has never smiled.

But today is really a miracle.

This time Si Jingchen didn't wait for his parents to ask him, he said directly: "Oh! By the way, parents, you are now grandparents, are you happy?"

What are grandparents?What kind of operation, can the two elders say that they can't react for a while!
Si Jingchen said again: "My son is so naughty, I guess you will be tormented to death by him."

Although Si Jingchen only got along with his son for a few days, the relationship between father and son was really insurmountable. Even though they met for the first time, there was no sense of unfamiliarity.

Regarding Si Jingchen's words, the elders were really at a loss.

They all knew that with their son, only when Luo Xi could make him live like a human being could he truly be what a human being should be.

Over the years, it's not that they haven't tried to get their son to find other girls, but the son refused them all.

For this reason, the son scared many girls to death, the son was too scary, he wouldn't look at anyone at all, except Xixi of course.

Si Jingchen's mother asked excitedly: "Son, you are, do you have a girlfriend?"

Si Jingchen nodded with a smile: "To be precise, he has a wife, no, it's my wife."

What, these words contain too much information, can they say that their old heart really can't stand the scare?

Si Mu asked again: "Son, you mean you are getting married? And you have children?"

Si Jingchen nodded, but he corrected: "It's not about getting married, we were already married."

What, these words made Si Jingchen's father anxious: "You, according to what you kid said, are you beheading before playing?

You got married without any discussion with us? "

Si Mu also felt that her son did something wrong, and she felt that his son was really cruel and unfeeling.

Simu asked in a cold voice: "Xiaochen, what about our family Xixi? Don't you want Xixi? Isn't Xixi your favorite person?

How can you marry another woman now, how can you abandon us Xixi? "

Si Jingchen frowned at his mother's question. In the past, didn't his mother really hope that he could find a girlfriend?

Why is there such a big reaction at this moment, Si Jingchen replied: "Mom, when Xi'er just left the capital, didn't you forcefully arrange a girl for me? Shouldn't mom be happy now?

Your son is getting married, and your long-awaited heart has finally come to an end. Shouldn't mom's reaction be happy? "

Si's mother said excitedly: "Before, we were afraid that you would do bad things, so we sent those girls here on purpose.

At that time, the most important thing was that you would be overwhelmed. Now that you are doing well and know that you will not do stupid things, we naturally hope that you will find Xixi! "

Si Jingchen returned with a smile: "Oh, so that's the case! It seems that my son always made you worry about it before.

But it won't happen in the future, and my wife will care about me so much in the future. "

Si Jingchen's self-confident Yang is so proud, he can't make it out of fashion.

Seeing their son smiling so happily, Si Jingchen's parents couldn't bear to beat the mandarin ducks halfway, they just had to hold back the anger in their hearts.

Si Mu asked again: "Xiao Chen, which girl are you looking for? Why didn't your mother and your father hear you before? Tell us so suddenly at this moment, are you married?"


  Thank you Lily in the Rain for the cute monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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