good sunset view

Chapter 648 Sweeping Out

Chapter 648 Sweeping Out
Si Jingchen returned with a smile: "Didn't my parents already know about it?
Didn't Xi'er and I get the certificate a long time ago?I remember that my parents directly kept our marriage certificate in the empire for us last time, why would my parents refuse to accept it now?

Parents, you probably lost the marriage certificate between me and Xi'er, right? "

After listening to Si Jingchen's words, Si Jingchen's parents were stunned, what?Was the son talking about that little girl Luo Xi just now?

The son is saying, is he married to that little girl Xixi?
Simu asked excitedly: "Son, is Xixi back? Where is she now? Why didn't she come with you?"

Si Jingchen is still immersed in the appearance of Shi Luoxi standing on the three-foot podium, she is so beautiful, she is his wife, so nice, so beautiful, so happy.

Si Jingchen replied: "No, I haven't received Xi'er's forgiveness yet, so you won't be able to see Xi'er for now, but you can start a video with your grandson.

In other words, let you see your grandson first. "

It's rare for Si Jingchen to say so much at one time.

This is really scary.

Si Mu asked uncertainly: "Grandson? Son, you mean, we have a grandson? That is your son and Xixi's?
Not someone else's? "

Look, what the hell is wrong with this? How could other people's children belong to him and his little girl!Why don't they belong to other people? Can other people's children belong to him, Si Jingchen and Shi Luoxi?

Si Jingchen replied with certainty: "That's right! It's Xi'er and I's child. He's two years old this year. He will start a video with you later."

What is two years old?This made Si Jingchen's parents very excited. It turned out that the grandson they were looking forward to day and night was already two years old.

What did Simu think of: "Xiaochen, you mean that when Xixi left here, she was already pregnant?"

Speaking of this, Si Jingchen also felt very uncomfortable!
He didn't expect that his little girl was pregnant when she left, and he couldn't be by her side during the painful period of the little girl's pregnancy.

He was really sorry for her.

Knowing so much information, both Si Mu and Si Fu felt that their son was sorry for the girl Xixi.

He gave birth to a child by himself, and he did!Where was he when someone gave birth.

For a woman, when giving birth, who doesn't want her husband to be present to accompany the birth.

Obviously, his son failed to accompany his wife in the process of giving birth.

After Si's father and Si's mother got to know each other, they disliked their son very much and threw him out of the house.

They directly said, when can he coax his wife well, when girl Xixi comes back, when can he, Si Jingchen, go home.

In this way, Si Jingchen was kicked out for the first time in his life, he was regarded as a child temporarily abandoned by his parents.

After Si Jingchen left, the two elders happily started a video call with their grandson whom they hadn't met yet.

The little guy is so funny, they really want to see their grandson soon.

But the premise to see the grandson still has to be the son to work hard!

If the son doesn't work hard, it will be difficult for them to see their grandson.

Si Jingchen had been to the town, but Shi Luoxi didn't know about it, she only knew that a business boss would come to the town on this day.

It is said that she wants to invest in the town. As a people's teacher, she doesn't really care about those things.

What she cares about now is whether her students can have a good place to go to school, whether they can afford to go to school, and a series of issues surrounding students.

(End of this chapter)

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