Chapter 649
Luo Xi's class ended earlier today, so she went home early.

Now Luo Xi's happiest thing is seeing her son every time she comes home from get off work.

As soon as she came home, her son Roududu opened his small hands and ran towards her.

Qi Zibai asked very gently: "You leave work so early today?"

Shi Luoxi returned: "Well, it seems that because a leader came here, the school got off work early today."

After listening to Luo Xi's answer, Qi Zibai smiled.

His younger sister really doesn't know what to say about her, sometimes, she's just so confused.

For example, this time, the little confused little sister of his family was already standing in front of her, but she didn't notice it at all.

But that's fine too.

Shi Luoxi picked up the baby: "Chou Meng, are you being good today!"

The little guy really dislikes the name Ugly, it is not as nice as Yu Junyu, which his uncle gave him, although he also dislikes it, but in comparison, he still prefers the name Yu Junyu!
The little guy pursed his mouth: "Huh! Mom called me ugly again, I'm not happy."

The little guy made a very angry expression on purpose to express his protest.

Every time she saw her son's little expression, Shi Luoxi couldn't help but want to laugh, the little guy is really too funny.

Shi Luoxi kissed the little guy on the cheek: "Okay, little Junyu, did you listen to grandma today?"

The little guy nodded: "Yeah, the baby is obedient today, if mom doesn't believe it, you can ask grandma!"

Shi Luoxi returned with a smile: "Our baby is awesome."

Then the little guy's words made people spurt blood: "Mom, the baby is so obedient, shouldn't mother reward the baby?"

Seeing the little guy's elf-like appearance, Qi Zibai took the little guy over.

"Okay, Jun Yu's mother has been working all day and is already very tired."

Jun Yu's mouth shrugged: "Okay! Mom, go and rest for a while."

When Luoxi saw that her baby was so good and attractive, she seemed to have completely forgotten that in this world, there was a man who loved her, and a man named Si Jing who was always waiting for her to come home. Chen.

After finding his wife, Si Jingchen began to plan something.

However, plans always fail to keep up with changes.

On this sunny morning, a sudden event broke everyone's original plan.

In this Guotai Mingan, the people live and work in peace and contentment in the empire.

This day is likely to be a historic moment. Whether it is for the people, or for the entire country, it is undoubtedly a big event for the leaders of the country.

It is related to thousands of people in the empire, and it is even big enough to affect the life of every people in the empire.

A sensational event throughout the country: the assassination of the President of the Reich.

There will be a lot of problems that will follow. For a country, every move of the president, even matters related to the president, is definitely a big deal.

The news came so suddenly that everyone was unprepared.

This matter has not been blocked. To be precise, this news has been spread all over the sky before it has time to be blocked.

On the same day, news of Yu Changshan's escape from prison also followed.

As a person who should be in prison, no, to be precise, he should be in the soft zone.

However, no, he successfully escaped from the soft restricted zone. For this day, Yu Changshan didn't know how long he had planned, or in other words, someone had actually planned to help him escape.

 PS: Hey, tomorrow is National Day, so excited.

  Today, today, my head is stuck ()
(End of this chapter)

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