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Chapter 682 The Future President's Wife

Chapter 682 The Future President's Wife
For such news, everyone is regretful and regretful.

Especially Yi Lei who has been assisting Shi Luoxi, he never thought of it.

He even approached Shi Luoxi in a hurry, and said with a slight threat: "President, once you resign, I will follow suit. This will embarrass the new president."

Listening to Yi Lei's words, Shi Luoxi only felt that the tone of his words just now was very cute.

Shi Luoxi returned: "Ire may let you down, the next president doesn't need you as an assistant to the president!"

It's quite sad to hear this.

But Yi Lei remained calm: "Well, that's good."

Luo Xi's next words might make him even more sad.

Shi Luoxi went on to say: "Yi Lei, our country will be handed over to you in the future, and the happiness of our people will also depend on you."

Yi Lei still couldn't react to Shi Luoxi's words.

Yi Lei asked incomprehensibly, "President, what do you mean?"

Shi Luoxi smiled and returned: "Yi Lei, the candidate in my mind is you. Although you will compete with other candidates in the future, I believe in you and believe that it will be yours."

Yi Lei didn't understand: "President, you should be very clear, I'm just an assistant."

Shi Luoxi nodded resolutely: "Well, Yilei, your ability is obvious to all of us. It must be right to entrust you with this banner."

Ealy: "No, I don't think so, I do think you, President, have been the better and more perfect leader of our country."

After Yi Lei finished speaking, Shi Luoxi smiled: "Yi Lei, have you ever been in love?"

Yi Lei shook his head. He has been outstanding since he was a child, so he couldn't find any suitable girls around him.

Shi Luoxi continued: "I have, I once had a very beautiful relationship, we should have been in love at that time.

I love him very much, and he loves me deeply.

But later, because of my own stupidity, I misunderstood him, and I disappeared without his knowledge, disappearing into the vast crowd.

The purpose was to prevent him from finding me. I originally thought that we would never see each other again in this life, but after going around, we not only met each other.

I also accidentally learned the truth of the year, I know, I misunderstood him.

But fortunately, he didn't blame me, he still pampered me as before, no matter how mischievous I was, no matter how much I hurt his heart.

He still pampers me so much, letting me make trouble.

If I make trouble, he will make trouble with me, if I cry, he will be sad, if I laugh, he will be happy for me.

We missed three years, and I owe him those three years.

Amending the law and resigning from the presidency, I really have selfishness, I want to pursue my own happiness.

So I'm sorry Ire, maybe I deprived you of the time to find happiness for the time being.

But I want to say that love will always come when it should come, and it is always just right. "

Yi Lei listened carefully to what she said.

Yi Lei returned with a smile: "Be happy. That person must be the Si Zong!"

It can be seen that he really loves you deeply, which cannot be surpassed by others. "

Just like him, his love for Shi Luoxi really cannot be compared with Si Jingchen's.

Shi Luoxi knew what Yi Lei thought about her. She was no longer the ignorant little girl she was three or four years ago. Now she can tell what is love and what is not love, and she doesn't want to hurt anyone.

Shi Luoxi: "Yi Lei, you will also meet someone who is really suitable for you, someone you love deeply.

She will definitely be the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, President Yi, the future wife of the president is waiting for you to find her somewhere! "

(End of this chapter)

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