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Chapter 683 Wife, I want to become a regular

Chapter 683 Wife, I want to become a regular
It wasn't long before Ealy accepted the presidency.

Shi Luoxi's family also completely moved out of the presidential palace, and their family returned to the Yu family's old house, the house that really belonged to their Yu family.

After so many hundreds of years, the century-old house still stands there.

When the president was not there, Luo Xi felt light all over her body, and suddenly became idle, as if she didn't know what to do.

Now she really has nothing to do except take care of her son.

So, our classmate Luo Xi made another decision.

She decided she was going out and looking for a job.

As soon as the news came out, Si Jingchen was delighted.

He immediately led the people to his group.

"Xi'er, I heard you want to work?" Si Jingchen asked happily.

Shi Luoxi didn't deny it either.

Si Jingchen went on to say: "I just happen to be short of a position here, would Xi'er be willing to come and help my husband?"

Shi Luoxi pursed her lips and smiled: "Oh, I'm so sorry! President Si, your group is not where I want to work."

Si Jingchen had expected this kind of answer from the little girl: "No, Xi'er, you will agree, you are the former president, believe me, if you really go out to find a job, there is no company Dare to be in the same room with the president.

So there is only my husband here, who is more courageous, so he dared to accept you. "

Shi Luoxi stuck out her tongue, she really didn't think about it that much before, her elder brother Chen was indeed right.

But working with him didn't seem to be what she wanted.

Shi Luoxi replied: "I'm sorry, I suddenly don't want to work anymore."

Hearing that the little girl said that she didn't want to work, Si Jingchen was happier than anyone else: "Well, why don't you work? My husband will be responsible for earning money to support the family in the future, and your wife will be responsible for her beauty."

Shi Luoxi replied mischievously: "Then I'm a prodigal, I'm afraid you don't earn enough money for me to lose."

The little girl's words are obviously impossible: "I believe that my husband has that strength, and he can definitely defeat you."

This time, Luo Xi suddenly realized: "Hey, that's not right! When did I become your wife? No, no."

Regarding this matter, Si Jingchen also has a headache, his wife is too hard to chase.

Si Jingchen took out the ring that had been taken out countless times again: "Honey, why don't we take the time to get the certificate!
You see how pitiful your husband is, so you pity your poor husband and open the back door to him, so we can get the certificate.

Let our family, Junyu, be legally protected by his parents. What does my wife think? "

It seems to sound good.

Shi Luoxi returned: "Since this is the case, then I will reluctantly agree to you!"

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, Si Jingchen put a ring on Shi Luoxi, and hugged her happily.

"My wife, you are so kind." He said affectionately.

Half an hour later, the two of them came out from the Civil Affairs Bureau with a red book in their hands.

Si Jingchen really didn't want to spoil Shi Luoxi too much, even walking was afraid that she would be tired, no, after receiving the certificate, he hugged her all the way to the car.

Si Jingchen snatched the red book from Shi Luoxi's hand when he got in the car: "Honey, my husband still keeps these documents in our house. I guarantee that kid Jun Yu won't be able to find them."

That's right, there are so many little things in someone's heart!
It's hard for his wife to agree to marry him, so why is there still a chance to let her go.

The small books were confiscated, and then disappeared into the vast ocean. Since then, their family has only been widowed, and there is no divorce.

(End of this chapter)

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