Chapter 199
"Get out, get out quickly." Bai Xuge pressed the door with her whole body in the bathroom.

"Xuge, I'll just go in and get something, really." Xiao Leng squeezed the door outside, because he was afraid that Xuge would fall, so he didn't dare to use too much strength.

"You must be lying. I'll give you what you want." Through a crack in the door, Xu Ge looked at Xiao Leng who was smiling outside the door.

It's rare to see him like this!It's getting cuter and cuter.

"Okay, here you go, look, it's that, that." He ventured a finger into the crack of the door. "Ah!" But without thinking, Bai Xuge turned his head and didn't see his finger, so he closed the door with all his strength.

Poor Xiao Leng's finger, following his tragic cry, Bai Xuge was startled, she quickly opened the door completely, then took his finger in the palm of her hand, and sucked it with her mouth. "It's all right! It's all right!" She was in so much pain, both in his hand and in her heart.

At this moment, she has no clothes on!It's really springtime.Xiao Leng's dark eyes scanned her whole body, completely forgetting the pain of his pinching fingers.

Only then did Bai Xuge react, she flicked his hand, and hugged her chest, "You are so bad!" With a coquettish sound, she was about to close the door again, but now Xiao Leng would not let her go.

Although there was a pinch of his fingers, the flames coming out of his body now were not so easy to dissipate.

He came in and hugged her, and then unbuttoned his clothes, acting so flustered and funny that Bai Xuge couldn't bear to blame him anymore.

Indeed, they haven't been together for a long time.He is a normal man!Holding her all day without being able to touch her, such a flaw made him feel more uncomfortable than pinching his fingers.He would rather pinch his fingers a hundred times and a thousand times than suffer like this again.

Under his overbearing and unreasonable actions, the barrier between them was finally dismantled.They have no past, no suffering, only the future, a beautiful and sweet future.

The bathroom is full of love and happiness, unmatched.

In the end, they were lying on the bed after being extremely tired, and Bai Xuge still held his fingers, and fell asleep in agreement.

In the middle of the night, they were woken up by a rush of bells.

"Your phone number." Bai Xuge closed her eyes and pushed Xiao Leng.

"It's your phone." Xiao Leng touched it with his hand, then picked up Bai Xuge's phone and handed it to her.

"Who! Calling so late."

Bai Xuge took the mobile phone that Xiao Leng handed to her, opened her heavy eyelids in a daze, and saw three words displayed on the dazzling screen: Ye Qianqian.

Why is she calling me so late?Bai Xuge was full of doubts.

"Hey, Qianqian, what's the matter?" Bai Xuge's voice was lazy and weak.

"Xuge, what should I do! Xuge..." Ye Qianqian's cry came from the phone.

"What's wrong? Qianqian, what happened." Bai Xuge woke up more than half of her senses, and she sat up in shock.

Xiao Leng helped her turn on the bedside lamp.

"Two bars, two bars."

Bai Xuge didn't understand, "Qianqian, why two bars?"

"Xu Ge, I just took a test, two bars, I'm pregnant..." Ye Qianqian's voice was full of anxiety and helplessness.

"Ah! I'm pregnant..." Bai Xuge naturally didn't understand what the two bars were, but she knew when she said she was pregnant.

"Well, I'm pregnant, Xuge, what should I do?" Ye Qianqian was still crying, it seemed that she was frightened.

"Qianqian, this is a happy event! Why are you crying, don't cry, don't cry."

Bai Xuge comforted Ye Qianqian, I couldn't imagine that Ye Qianqian, who was usually a woman, was crying and crying with two sticks in her hands, this was too unlike her behavior.

"Xuge..." Ye Qianqian's voice grew louder, like a helpless child.

"Or, or I'll go to your house now, okay?"

"No, it's too late, I don't want to disturb your sleep." Ye Qianqian stopped talking, it was indeed too late at this time, two o'clock in the morning!

"Then Qianqian, are you happy now, or unhappy?" Bai Xuge asked her very carefully, for fear that she would cry again.

Ye Qianqian was silent for a few seconds, "I... happy? Not happy? I don't know, I only know that I am afraid, Xuge, do you know? This pregnancy means that I will drag a runny little fart all day The child, and then lost the freedom of life, my mother! What should I do? Xuge..."

Ye Qianqian started crying again while talking.

It seems that her psychology is quite complicated. For her who is used to being free and alone, dragging a child is indeed quite scary.

"Qianqian, does Nan Jingtian know about this?" Bai Xuge asked her softly.

"Sedum, he doesn't know, he's at home! I felt unwell today, so I let him go home."

"Then you have to tell him!"

"Tell him, what if he wants to marry me?"

OMG!Bai Xuge completely confused Ye Qianqian, "Qianqian, don't you want to marry Nan Jingtian? What did you say back then, that you were afraid that his family would not like you! Now his family accepts you Why don't you think about it again?"

"I, I want to!"

"Then why do you think you're afraid of marrying him?"

Ye Qianqian was at a loss for words, yes!This is so contradictory! "Me, I just didn't think so soon."

"Tell him quickly! Ah! Immediately, immediately, call him, wake him up from his dream, and tell him the good news."

"But what if I tell him and he doesn't want to marry me?"

This, this is really tangled!It is true that the mind of a pregnant woman is fragile, and the IQ of a pregnant woman is also low.

"He will definitely marry you, he loves you so much. If he doesn't marry you, see if I don't punish him..."

"Alright! Xuge, then I'll call him."

"Well, let's fight!"

Ye Qianqian's phone beeped, Bai Xuge pressed the phone, feeling very excited, Ye Qianqian was going to be a mother, she picked up the phone and smiled.

"How about it? Let's have one too." Xiao Leng stared at her with one arm propped up.

"Ah! What? She is her, I am me, sleep, sleep!" Bai Xuge quickly put the phone aside, and got into bed.

But how could Xiao Leng spare her, he would definitely take advantage of this loophole.He turned over and pressed against her body, and his thin lips moved closer, "We will have one now."

It seems that the Overlord is about to attack again. "Ah! No!"

"Well, let's have children, many, many children..."


This night, they were unfortunately disturbed by Ye Qianqian, but they were grateful to Ye Qianqian for disturbing them from the bottom of their hearts. Wouldn't they be more energetic when they woke up after sleeping.

It's really not enough love, it's not enough!

(End of this chapter)

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