Chapter 200 Ye Qianqian's Pregnancy
Ye Qianqian on the other end of the phone naturally immediately called Nan Jingtian.

Within an hour, someone came to Ye Qianqian's apartment.It was almost 03:30 in the morning.

What Ye Qianqian didn't expect was that it wasn't just Nan Jingtian who came to her apartment, he even brought his parents with him.

This is embarrassing!
Ye Qianqian's embarrassment was to be known by his parents for such a thing as being pregnant first before marriage!

"Oh! This house is too old and small, and the air is not good, Sedum! You pack up Qianqian's things for me right now, and take her home."

"Ah!" This is too fast!Nan Jingtian was sitting on the edge of Ye Qianqian's bed, supporting her shoulders.

Ye Qianqian got up quickly, "Auntie, mine, for now..."

"What auntie! You want to be called Mom, and I will call you Mom in the future. You know, you are not allowed to call me Auntie anymore."

Nan Jingtian sat there giggling, he was going to be a father, when he received a call from Ye Qianqian, he was dreaming of a big snake entwining him, but he didn't expect to wake up and hear the phone ring, Ye Qianqian said She is pregnant.

Is this a fetal dream?It's so effective!
"Then, mom... I, I'll live here for the time being. You see, I'm used to living here. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep if I change places."

"No, no, the environment here is not good, and it will affect the health of pregnant women. Move home, and we will discuss marriage with you tomorrow."

"Ah! We will discuss it tomorrow." Ye Qianqian was stunned again, "Mom, why don't you take it easy first, you see, the magazine office here has just opened, and there are a lot of things to do?"

"No, no, from now on, Jing Tian will be responsible for the management of the magazine, so you can take care of your baby with peace of mind. You don't know that you should pay special attention to the first three months of pregnancy, and you can't do many things."

"Then, I'm in good health!"

"No, no, you have to listen to your mother this time."

Nan Jingtian's mother persisted, and at this time Nan Jingtian stood up and walked to his mother's side, "Mom, let Ye Qianqian live here for a while! This change is too fast, don't put her Scared."

Ye Qianqian was so grateful to Nan Jingtian at this time, she nodded sharply, and then added embellishments: "Yes! Mom, I'm used to this place, it doesn't matter if I live here for a while, and I haven't married Sedum yet. It’s really not good to live in the past like this.”

At this time, Nan Jingtian's father finally said, "That's fine, let's do it like this! Qianqian will be wronged here for a while, and after we settle the marriage, we can move back home."

"No grievance, no grievance." Ye Qianqian said cautiously, she really shouldn't have told Nan Jingtian about this today, it's really hard to deal with such a big commotion.

Nan Jingtian's mother's face darkened, "Okay! Then Qianqian, you have to take good care of yourself, don't wash clothes, don't lift heavy objects, tomorrow I will arrange a nanny to come and take care of you for a few days."

"This, this is too troublesome, no need,...Mom!" Ye Qianqian called the word "Mom" very stiffly.

"Okay, don't shirk, you have no experience, you should listen to me more in the future."

Nan Jingtian's mother is really a strong woman!

Ye Qianqian couldn't help but feel inexplicable fear about her future life as a wealthy daughter-in-law.

"Let's go back first! Sedum, you are here to take care of Qianqian." Nan Jingtian's father was more reasonable.

"Well, Sedum, you two are together at night, don't share the same room! Did you hear, this pregnant woman can't be together in the first three months!"

God, this is so embarrassing, Ye Qianqian is ashamed to say so.

"Mom, I got it. I'll sleep in that room later." Nan Jingtian pointed to the room where Xu Ge slept in the future.

"Oh! The environment here is really..."

"Okay, don't say a word, let's go! It's delayed the children's sleep. I told you not to come, you have to come."

"This daughter-in-law is pregnant, I'm so happy!"

The last sentence of Nan Jingtian's mother made Ye Qianqian feel more at ease.

At last, the little old apartment was quiet.

"Qianqian, my dear Qianqian, my dear Qianqian, my dear Qianqian..."

"Hey, why do I know you so well!"

"Qianqian, I really love you to death, you are pregnant with my little baby." Nan Jingtian kissed Ye Qianqian's face for a while, and rested his head on her belly for a while.

"Oh! I remembered. Once upon a time, Xuge told me that, dear Qianqian, dear Qianqian..."

"Hey, we've been together for a long time, and the modal particles are almost the same! Hey, aren't you jealous!"

"Who is jealous of Xu Ge!" Speaking of which, Ye Qianqian was really sour, it seems that pregnant women really have a bad temper!The mind is still very small, and the jealousy that I usually don't eat, I started to eat it at this time.

"He said he didn't eat..."

"I didn't eat..."

The two were laughing and joking until the end, they were really tired, looking out the window, it seemed like it was going to be light.But after being tired, they really didn't feel sleepy anymore, and they didn't know whether it was excitement or something. Suddenly, they felt that the world was different. After the pregnancy in October, they would have a baby.

"By the way, you will sleep in that room later!"

"No, I want to sleep with you."

"Sleep with me, what if you are dishonest?"

"No, I will be honest."

"What if you kick the baby?"

"He's so small! How could he be kicked?" Nan Jingtian made a comparison with his little finger.

"Hey, do you like boys or girls?"

"Boy, I like boys, to look as handsome as me."

"Cut, what if it's a girl? It seems that you have patriarchal thoughts, no, no, I can't marry you."

"What is it! I like both boys and girls."

"You lied, you just said you like boys."

"I'm a man! Of course I thought of a boy at first, but if it was a girl, I would definitely like it more. Girls are so sweet! They are like little padded jackets."


"Really, I like girls just as much, and if it's a girl, I'll be just like you."

"Girls can't be like me, it's better for boys to be like me."

"Okay! Qianqian, we're going to sleep, I'm really sleepy." Nan Jingtian fell asleep on the bed while talking.

Ye Qianqian looked at Nan Jingtian's handsome side face, with a happy smile on his face.

She had a baby with this man, she touched her flat belly, yawned a lot, and then lay down, she also pulled up Nan Jingtian's quilt.

At this moment, the dawn will appear, and all the good things will continue.Qianxuge Magazine, and her own baby.

In the dream, all these beauties appeared, so wonderful that she didn't want to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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