Chapter 201
The next day, Nan Jingtian booked a table at her family's Century Star Hotel.

In the private room, the aroma is overflowing, and a big hot pot in the center of the big round table is filled with steam.

This is the first time Ye Qianqian has eaten in Nan Jingtian's family restaurant so calmly, as if everything has been settled, and Nan Jingtian will be his man from now on, a man whom he can entrust his whole life to.

Ye Qianqian secretly clutched her belly, it was obvious that she had overcome the initial fear, followed by happiness, full of happiness.

Xiao Leng came with Bai Xuge, like the wind, they looked so beautiful and coquettish under the glass window where the golden sunlight came in.

"Qianqian..." As soon as Bai Xuge came in, he put aside a large paper bag in his hand, and then rubbed his body to hug Ye Qianqian.Her eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

"Okay, okay, I'm just pregnant, so excited." Ye Qianqian's voice was hearty.

"I'm going to be a godmother, of course I'm happy, it's amazing, I don't know if he is a man or a woman, and what he looks like in your stomach." Bai Xuge stared at Ye Qianqian's stomach.

Ye Qianqian looked back at her, "Xu Ge, why don't you and Xiao Leng have a baby too!" She smiled and looked at Xiao Leng again.

Xiao Leng's black pupils flickered lightly, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he remained silent.

Bai Xuge feigned anger, "Hey, why are you mentioning us?" She remembered last night that the overlord Xiao Leng insisted on having a baby with her, her ears couldn't help but her face became red instantly.

"Hey! You're still blushing. It would be great if you gave birth to Xu Ge, then we can marry our in-laws! Marry with your fingertips, ha..."

Ye Qianqian was in a good mood, and she didn't care about what she said, carelessly.

At this time, Nan Jingtian smiled and said: "Okay, let's eat." His face was full of energy, and his eyes sparkled.

Bai Xuge sat next to Ye Qianqian, Ye Qianqian poked her with his arm, and said softly: "Hey, what I said is true, let's have one too! If it is a boy and a girl, we will How good it is that the two families can marry each other, family friends!"

Bai Xuge glanced at her, tilted his head slightly to her side, and said softly: "It's nothing to do, don't leave any pot unopened."

"Why didn't you open it? How long have you been opening this pot?" Ye Qianqian refused to let go, and his voice became louder, causing Xiao Leng and Nan Jingtian to laugh.

"Yes! Qianqian is worried for you!" Nan Jingtian turned to Xiao Leng and said: "Brother, I think you have to hurry up on this matter. It is not impossible for us to get married by then, even though it is always the case now. Freedom of love, there is no such thing as marriage with fingertips, but if they get along every day in the future, the chances of this will be much greater. You see, Qianqian and I are not good, we have been friends since we were young, and now we are not familiar !"

Xiao Leng glanced at Bai Xuge meaningfully, and smiled lowly, "What Sedum said makes sense, we have to make a good plan."

At this time, Bai Xuge blushed to the back of her neck, her pretty face was pink and tender, as beautiful and charming as a lotus emerging from water.

While joking, they started eating.

"Come on, Qianqian eat this." Bai Xuge put a hairy crab on Ye Qianqian's plate.

Unexpectedly, Nan Jingtian immediately picked up the hairy crabs again, and handed them back to Bai Xuge, "Xuge, you must avoid it now, this is not edible."

"Ah!" Bai Xuge suddenly felt embarrassed, because he did something bad with good intentions, "This..."

Nan Jingtian smiled and said: "Hairy crabs are cold food, she is just pregnant, so it is better to eat less."

"Sedum, you are really careful, you know that." Bai Xuge praised.

"Xu Ge, you don't know that Sedum spent the whole day trying to figure out the knowledge of pregnancy and childbirth." Ye Qianqian explained the reason, and his words were full of happiness.

"Of course, the wife is pregnant, and the husband must be clear about these things. Now raising children is about scientific feeding, starting from the stomach. So you can't follow the old man's words and other ignorance Say it." Nan Jingtian said it solemnly.

"Sedum is really a peerless good man!" Bai Xuge laughed.

"Of course, I can boast that I am a model of a good man." Nan Jingtian said with a smug expression on his face.

"Hey, don't flatter yourself, eat quickly, eat quickly, Xuge, eat too, eat more." Ye Qianqian pointed to the dishes on the table, and also beckoned Xiao Leng and Bai Xuge to eat more.

"After Qianqian, you will have good food. There is a chef here who can cook good food for you every day." Xiao Leng, who doesn't like to talk too much, also interjected a joke.

"Of course! My mother has already listed the menu for the chef. From tomorrow onwards, what to eat every day has been properly arranged." Nan Jingtian's face was bright.

"Don't mention it soon, I will feel sick when I mention it."

Unexpectedly, upon hearing this, Ye Qianqian really showed symptoms of morning sickness, then supported Nan Jingtian's shoulder to stand up, covered her mouth and ran out.Immediately afterwards, Nan Jingtian followed suit.

At this time, only Xiao Leng and Bai Xuge were left in the box, they looked at each other affectionately, but smiled slightly, without saying a word.

Xiao Leng put some dishes in her bowl, "Come on, eat more, the dishes at Nan Jingtian's house are quite stable, every time I come to eat, I feel delicious."

"That's right, the chefs of his family are selected from thousands of people, and they all enjoy international reputation." Bai Xuge explained.

"No wonder!...By the way, Xuge, let's have a baby too! Look at them like that, I'm so envious."

"No, we are facing many problems that have not been solved."

Xiao Leng sank his face sadly.Yes!The matter of Bai Lan's suicide has not been found out, and the grievances between his father and Su Mingqi have not been resolved.

In the bathroom, after Ye Qianqian vomited, she held her stomach and said to Nan Jingtian who was patting her back behind her: "Sedum, Gaiming, tell your mother, I really can't eat any big fish right now." For big meat, just ask the nanny in the apartment to cook me some light dishes."

"What about your mother and my mother, I have to call you 'Mom' from now on. Don't worry, if you don't want to eat the chef's cooking, I'll tell my mother later, and I'll tell you when I get back at night. Are you feeling better? Look at you, I'm all suffering."

"Better, let's go, let's go back to the box!"


In the box, "Are you okay! Qianqian." Bai Xuge looked concerned.

"It's okay. I didn't expect this pregnancy to be so uncomfortable. Looking at the dishes on this table, I have no appetite."

"I heard that you can't eat much in the first few months of pregnancy."

"Yes! It's going to be a few months, I can bear it."

"Qianqian, would you like me to accompany you to buy clothes for the baby?"

"Ah! He's so young. Besides, I don't know if it's a boy or a girl." Ye Qianqian rubbed her belly.

This lunch, because of Ye Qianqian's pregnancy, made everyone happy, including Xiao Leng.

(End of this chapter)

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