Chapter 203 He is a Good Son

The president's office of Daming Group was filled with smoke, and there were already more than ten cigarette butts in the transparent and shiny glass ashtray.

At this time, the secretary knocked on the door and came in, "President, your body has just recovered, smoking too much is not good for your health."

"It's okay, stop smoking. Help me tidy up, and then open the window." Jiang Chengen frowned and pointed to the French windows of the office.

"Okay, President." The young female secretary first went to pull the sky blue curtains. The air in the office made her feel suffocated. She didn't know what happened to the president. He always smoked recently. Before he was injured, Never seen him smoking.

The secretary tidied up the office a bit, cleaned the ashtray and brought it in again, and made a cup of green tea by the way and put it lightly on Jiang Chengen's desk.

At this time, Jiang Chengen's cell phone rang, and the secretary walked out in a timely manner and closed the door behind him.

"Cheng En."

"Dad, are you okay? I heard from Suso that you have been coughing badly recently."

"Oh, old problem."

"Dad, go to the hospital for a checkup!"

"No, I'm afraid I won't be able to get up after the inspection."

Jiang Chengen stopped persuading him, he knew his father's stubbornness.

"Cheng En, I want you to stop your cooperation with Youertai and withdraw Daming's funds."

"Dad, why?"

"Now Uertai's performance has declined sharply, people's hearts are unstable, and the stock price has fallen. This is good news for us. Daming Group is a major customer of Uertai. After you withdraw funds from Uertai, we will I will find someone to publicize it in the newspapers, so that many of Uertai's big customers will withdraw their capital, and Uertai will definitely pass."

"Dad, I can't do this."

"What did you say?"

"I can't do that."

"Cheng'en, have you softened your heart? Do you not want to help me anymore? I have raised you for more than ten years."

"Dad, I know, I know your kindness to me, but it's wrong for you to do this. If you mess up a company, it will also make many people lose their jobs. "

"How can I manage so much? Who ever took care of me when I had nothing?"


"Are you going to withdraw or not?"

"Dad, I won't withdraw."

"Do you want me to sever ties with you?"


"Think about it for yourself! Over the years, I have raised you for you to study."


Hanging up this phone call that made him in a dilemma, Jiang Chengen took out the cigarettes that had just been put in the drawer.The reason he put the cigarette in the drawer was because he didn't want to smoke it again.However, at this time, there is nothing to relieve his sorrow.

He was in a bad mood recently, so Xu Ge returned to Xiao Leng's arms.

Every night, I stood in front of the window sill of the bedroom, but the opposite window never lit up again.He is so afraid of the night now, he doesn't plan to go back to the villa tonight, he plans to sleep in the company, because he feels that he can't bear the torment of lovesickness more and more.

Now, his father asked him to withdraw Daming's funds from Youertai. He didn't want to, it was too immoral.He promised Xiao Leng that he would not do bad things, but could he not?

He picked up his cell phone and made a call.

"President Xiao? I want to talk to you."


Urtai parking lot.

"Xuge, Jiang Chengen invited me to have a chat. He must have something to tell me. I'll ask Master Lu to send you back to Xiwan first."


Xiao Leng watched Bai Xuge get into the Bentley.Jiang Chengen made an appointment to meet him, but he was reluctant to take Xuge with him.

He took the key and got into the Maybach.

The warm tea room is filled with the fragrance of aged Pu'er.Nostalgic mahogany tea table, elegant and noble.

"Sit down!" Jiang Chengen had been waiting here early.

Xiao Leng sat down opposite him.

"Pu'er, or Tieguanyin?" Jiang Chengen asked.

"Pu'er! It's better for the stomach." Xiao Leng said indifferently.

Jiang Chengen started to make tea, " she okay!" His eyes were focused on the tea set, but his heart was on Xuge's body. In fact, he really wanted Xiao Leng to bring Xuge so that he could see her. Just a glance.

"She's fine." Xiao Leng's words were still light.

"Su Mingqi wants me to withdraw Daming's funds from Youertai." Jiang Chengen said calmly.

"Oh! What do you think?"

"I'm not going to withdraw."

"I'm not afraid to offend him."

"I can tell right from wrong, although he is kind to me."

"You withdraw!"

Jiang Chengen looked up at him and saw that there was no wave in his clear eyes.

"You are not afraid that divestment will affect Uertai."

"So what if you're afraid, if you don't withdraw, he will think of other ways. Why don't you follow his wishes."

"You don't want Yuertai anymore?"

"Yes, why not? This is my father's hard work and foundation for decades."

"Then why do you still want me to divest?"

"You don't have to worry about this. Just do what he says."

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to close the field?"

"Afraid, how can you not be afraid? But what's the use of being afraid."

Jiang Chengen was puzzled.

"Thank you for asking me out today and telling me these things."

"It's so important, I have to tell you. Actually, I'm not for you, but for him, Su Mingqi."

"But he may not understand your intentions."

"He can't understand and there's nothing he can do about it."

"You are such a good son."

Jiang Chengen was surprised, "It seems that you have investigated me."

"Of course! Su Mingqi's adoptive son!"

"Well done, it seems that I don't have to worry about you too much."

"I still hope you worry about me, after all, I'm just a person, not a god."

"That's drink tea."

Jiang Chengen handed Xiao Leng a teacup.

In the cup, the soup was rich in color and silky, Xiao Leng gently picked it up and took a sip.Immediately, a clear and mellow taste slowly entered his throat, and he nodded slightly, "Well, this tea is not bad."

"Of course, it's the best."

Xiao Leng smiled lightly and put down the teacup. "Next time, I'll bring Xu Ge out to have a meal together! In fact, both of us should thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we haven't reconciled yet."

"Okay!" Jiang Chengen was so happy in his heart that he couldn't help but blurted out.Afterwards, feeling a little out of control, he said, "Actually, I miss her a lot. Maybe, I can treat her as my sister."

He didn't pretend to be himself, and he didn't think it was necessary. It's not an embarrassing thing for a man to love a woman.

"Yes! I'll tell her next time, let her recognize you as her brother, and it just so happens that she doesn't have a brother either."

"I'll be a good brother."

"Yes, I believe you will be."

"Then I'll wait."

"Of course, I think she'll be delighted."

Jiang Chengen smiled slightly, his smile was as elegant as moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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