Chapter 204 Su Muying Resigns

The atmosphere in the meeting room of Youertai Group was as cold as a dark cloud pressing down on the city.

"Director Su, several big clients have withdrawn their capital, why don't you go for it?"

The person who made the attack was still the Chief Financial Officer, and everyone followed his accusation and looked at Su Muying in unison.

At this time, Su Muying was very calm. She glanced over at the chief financial officer and laughed lowly, "Business competition has its own advantages and disadvantages. Now that various new investment companies are rising rapidly, the policies they introduce have advantages over us. .Of course, I admit that I did a very bad job, so I take the blame and resign today. From now on, I will not be the marketing director of Uertai.”

After she finished speaking, she raised her chest proudly, stood up with her hands on the armrests of the chair, and then walked out of the meeting room under everyone's gaze.

She couldn't stay in this place for a moment, and she was very prepared to resign.

"Mr. Xiao, look at her... what kind of attitude is this?"

The chief financial officer pointed at Su Muying's twisted back who had already walked out of the door, and was very angry.At this time, the office was full of discussions.

"Okay, everyone be quiet." Xiao Leng said suddenly, everyone stopped talking immediately, and the chief financial officer also sat down.

"How is the situation in the human resources department?" Xiao Leng frowned and looked at Wang Licheng, the administrative director.

"Mr. Xiao, people in the company are very unstable now. Employees leave every day, and those who leave are all excellent employees."

When Wang Licheng said this, he was very guilty. At the beginning, he strongly recommended Su Muying, but what he didn't expect was that Su Muying turned out to be such a useless person.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, let's hold the meeting here!" Xiao Leng said indifferently and indifferently.

"Mr. Xiao, don't you want to think of a way?" The financial director was a little anxious, and he also echoed Xiao Leng to think of a way during the other few days of sitting.

Xiao Leng raised his eyes and looked around the crowd, his dark eyes as deep as a whirlpool shone with a clear light.

"I just want to hear a word from everyone sitting here... If Uertai is facing a crisis and reaches the point where it is almost impossible to go on, will everyone help me on the same continent and face it together?"

"Yes, of course." "Yes..." Everyone echoed loudly. In their eyes, the president of Uertai is omnipotent. Back then, they all watched Xiao Leng save Uertai who was almost bankrupt. Come here, so I will still choose to believe him again.

"Well, it is enough to have everyone's words. I know that almost all of the resignations are salesmen in the business department. I hope that in the future, everyone will trust me and believe that I will step by step No matter what kind of difficulties you encounter during this period, as long as I don't declare bankruptcy, you will stick to yourselves first, which is the greatest support and encouragement for me."

Xiao Leng's words with a penetrating Changhong cheered everyone up. Although he didn't speak very clearly, he could hear the meaning behind the words. Uertai will grow up again, but it will take time That's all.

In fact, a senior executive stood up and said, "Mr. Xiao, I believe in you. As long as Uertai does not declare bankruptcy, we will definitely not hold back the company."

After the high-level man finished speaking, the others also followed suit.

"Then thank you all! Everyone goes to work as usual, just do your job well. There is also a vacancy for the marketing director. I also have a reservation candidate, but she is not available for the time being, so Lin Xuge is temporarily in charge of the marketing department. Escrow. If there is nothing else, the meeting will be adjourned!"

Xiao Leng glanced at everyone and saw that no one was making any more noise, so he got up and left the meeting room.Following him are Bai Xuge and Beety.

"I don't know who Mr. Xiao is planning to choose?"

"Yes! I can't guess it! Thinking about it, there is really no suitable candidate now."

In the conference room, everyone was still discussing.

In Su Muying's office, she was packing her belongings, a big cardboard box full of it.Gu Xia is also helping her.

"Gu Xia, you resign with me!" Su Muying stared at Gu Xia's busy figure.In her eyes, Gu Xia is obedient and capable.

Gu Xia looked back at Su Muying, with a puzzled expression on her face, she also resigned, what should she do?

"Director me?"

"Don't call me director anymore, just call me Mu Ying. I will no longer be the director of Youertai from today. I know your concerns. The reason why I want you to resign with me is to help you A better job is arranged, it depends on whether you are willing to go."

"Ah! Better work."

Su Muying nodded, "Yes, I have an uncle who also opened an investment company. He is the chairman of the board. The head office is in the UK and there is a branch in China called Yingji. Now Yingji's performance is very good and the prospects are bright. Very broad, if you pass, I can ask my uncle to arrange for you to be a business manager first, the salary and treatment! Naturally, it is better than here. And, don’t you want to completely break away from your ex-husband? I heard that you Wouldn't it be better to sell the house and change a job now, so that if he comes looking for you in the future, he won't be able to find you again."

Gu Xia pondered for a while, and said, "This, this is too sudden, why don't I think about it first."

Su Muying smiled lightly, "Okay! You think about it and tell me, but don't take too long!"

Gu Xia smiled and nodded.

Su Muying left Youertai, she only left a resignation letter, and she didn't even go to the president's office to say hello.Because she didn't dare, her heart was guilty, she didn't dare to face Xiao Leng alone, she was afraid of Xiao Leng's cold and arrogant eyes.

After Su Muying left, Gu Xia went to the CEO's office.

"President Xiao, Director Su, oh no, Su Muying asked me to resign with her."

"and then?"

"She said that she has an uncle who is the chairman of an investment company called Yingji Investment, which is headquartered in the UK. She said what I said in the past and asked me to be the business manager."

"then you go!"

"No, I will not leave Yuertai."

"Gu Xia, Uertai must be inseparable from you, I want you to go. Do you know? I reserve the position of Uertai's marketing director for you."


Xiao Leng's dark black pupils are as deep and shining as jewels, Gu Xia is surprised.

"After you complete the task, you can come back to take up the post. It is not a condition for you to go to Yingji, but because you have the ability to take the position of marketing director."

A warm feeling rose in Gu Xia's heart, and a smile slowly appeared on her face.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao!"

Xiao Leng said nothing, just looked at her, eyes full of affirmation and hope.

Gu Xia quit the president's office and left Youertai that day.She called Su Muying, and Su Muying brought her to Yingji that day and arranged a job for her.

What Gu Xia didn't expect was that Yingji had so many familiar faces, including Hala.Because her job was arranged by Hala.

(End of this chapter)

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