Chapter 244 I Will Rely On You
They sat on the sofa for an unknown amount of time, until Su Muying's cell phone rang.

Su Muying picked up her phone and saw that it was Hala.

She glanced at Su Suo with a look of embarrassment on her face.She got up and went to the room with her mobile phone. Although she knew that Hala was asking her why she didn't go to the company, she was also afraid that Hala would say some ambiguous words on the phone.The phone was loud, and Suso, who was sitting next to him, would definitely be able to hear it.

In the bedroom, Su Muying casually explained to Hala a few words and then hung up the phone.

She came to the living room and said to Suso: "People from the company asked me something."

"En!" Su Suo replied lightly, as if he didn't care about Su Muying's call at all, which is really strange.

It's mid-morning now, and none of them had breakfast.

Su Muying never opened fire at home, because she never let her hands touch these greasy things.

In fact, she also knows how to cook.

In the past, she often cooked by herself. She didn't have a mother, so she has the ability to take care of herself.

But she herself has not cooked since she was in college, and has been eating out.

She loves beauty and protects every part of her skin properly, because she feels that her body is the capital of the revolution.

"Let's go out and eat something!" Suso stood up from the sofa.

"En!" Su Muying nodded.

They went out, Su Muying held his hand, he was indifferent, not knowing what it was like.

There were few people in the breakfast shop outside, so they simply ate.Su Muying asked him weakly if he wanted to go out and play somewhere, and she accompanied him.

He said: "Mu Ying, why don't you go to work! You are very busy now, following me like this makes me feel uncomfortable instead."

"Suo, I..."

"Go! Your eyes are not red now, come back early after get off work in the afternoon, and you take me to eat some of the specialties here." His voice was gentle, as if he really wasn't angry with her anymore.

Su Muying showed a reassuring smile, she took a deep breath and nodded, "Well, then I'll go to work, Suo, I'll be back after work, you wait for me at home."

The corners of Suso's lips curved slightly, and he nodded slightly.

Suso sent her to the side of the road to take a taxi.

After waiting for a while, there was no taxi.Su Muying took his arm and said, "Suo, shall we go and see the car tomorrow? I want to buy a car."

"Well! Let's go buy it tomorrow!" Suso said indifferently.

Su Muying is also used to Su Suo's indifference. He always speaks like this, without much expression. Unless there is a special happy event or a special bad thing, he usually speaks like this.

Finally an empty taxi came, and Suso watched her get into the car.

After Su Muying got into the car, she still looked back at Su Suo with some anxiety. She was still slightly worried, worried that he would change his mind after returning from get off work, worried that he would break up.

The anxiety in her heart has been with her all the way to the company.

As soon as I entered the company, all kinds of busyness came.She adjusted her mood.

In her office, Hala knocked on the door and came in.

He closed the door, with a smile on his face, but slowly, the smile on his face froze, because Su Muying stared at him fiercely, which made him a little scared.

However, he immediately approached Su Muying with a smile on his face, "What's the matter? Baby."

Su Muying stared at him, then pulled the collar off her neck, "Look what you did."

When Hala saw the hickeys of his own kiss, he immediately understood. He thought that her boyfriend must have seen these hickeys.

He was a little embarrassed, but he wasn't too introverted. He stroked the back of his head and said, "Mu Ying, it's all because I was too excited last night. Didn't you leave marks on me too! It made me take a bath at home carefully." Yes." He said as he pulled the clothes over his chest.

Su Muying took a closer look, and it was true, there were two faint red marks on his chest.

She sighed deeply, frowned and muttered: "Forget it, things have happened, so it's useless to talk about it."

Hala smiled wickedly, "Then let's be more careful next time."

"Fuck you, is there a next time? He almost doesn't want me anymore. Do you know? Hala, let me tell you, if he doesn't want me anymore, I'll rely on you."

Su Muying's last words really frightened Hala.

Su Muying was very heartbroken by Hala's reaction.

"What's the matter, if you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have to fart quickly." Because she was upset, she also spoke a lot more rudely.

"No, it's nothing. I just came here to ask you why you came to work. I'm not worried about you!"

"Go back to the office if you're okay! I'm worried."

"Okay, okay, I'm going out, Mu Ying, don't be angry!"

Hala looked at Su Muying's gloomy face, knowing that she must have had a bad fight with Xiao Leng's brother, and he didn't want to make trouble for himself, so he opened the door of her office and went out.

Hala returned to her office, thinking about Su Muying's words that she would rely on Xiao Leng's brother if she broke up with him, she felt a little scared.It seems that I really have to be more careful in the future.

At this time, Suso was shopping in a large supermarket. He wanted to buy painting tools and some travel supplies.He is preparing to go to Qingfengya.

If it wasn't for the fact that Su Mingqi's funeral was not held until Saturday, he would have liked to leave for Qingfengya right away.

After shopping, he took a taxi to Youertai.He wanted to put these items in Xiwan, because he planned to go to Qingfengya by himself.If these things were put in Su Muying's apartment, she might make trouble again.

Yuertai, Xiao Leng came down to pick him up.Xiao Leng said that he would take him to Yuertai to look around, but Su Suo said no, he was not interested in these.So Xiao Leng took him to the special elevator for the president's office.

Fortunately, I didn't meet many employees. Only some high-level executives and secretaries on the floor of the president's office were dumbfounded when they saw the pair of twin brothers walking together.

A certain secretary stroked his forehead and sighed, "So there is still a super tall, rich and handsome man in this world."

Su Suo's temperament is completely different from Xiao Leng.

Xiao Leng is elegant, dignified and solemn.

Su Suo looked sluggish and lazy because of his casual clothes. Although his face was expressionless, he looked very casual.

Su Suo saw Bai Xuge in Xiao Leng's office.He can see that his brother loves Xuge to the core, otherwise, why would he arrange her to work together in his office.

"Suo, sit down and I'll make you tea." Bai Xuge got up with a smile and opened the door to the tea room.

Su Suo put the things he bought in the corner, "Brother, you will return to Xiwan later, help me take these to you."

"Did you buy painting tools?" Xiao Leng looked at a large drawing board, and then there were some items that looked like paints in a plastic bag.

"Yeah!" Suso nodded slightly.

"Really plan to go to Qingfengya?"

(End of this chapter)

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