Chapter 245 Love Like Fireworks
Suso: "Yes, I have made plans, and I will go on Sunday."

"Shall I find someone to accompany you?" Xiao Leng was worried about him.This is the case with being an elder brother. Although the birth time is only a few minutes away, once he is called an elder brother, he has a sense of responsibility like a father to his younger brother.

"No, I can do it alone, don't worry about me."

At this time, Bai Xuge came in with a set of tea sets, and asked a secretary to help bring tea leaves and some kung fu tea tools.

She knew Su Suo loved tea.Although she hadn't been in contact for a long time, she observed very carefully that Su Suo ordered tea every time he ordered something.

Bai Xuge looked at the two identical men sitting on the large black leather sofa, both of them were so fresh and handsome, and their demeanor was dusty. In this oversized office, it was like a beautiful indoor scenery painting.

Bai Xuge narrowed his eyes, sat down in his seat and started making tea seriously.

Her slender fingers played with the delicate celadon cup.Warming the pot, ironing the cup, filling the tea, washing the tea...

After each step, Su Suo watched it very enjoyable and interesting.

It was the first time for him to see the profoundness of Chinese Kungfu tea, so he inevitably became interested.

Su Suo looked at Bai Xuge who was busy making tea, and asked, "Sister-in-law, teach me how to make tea when you have time!"

Bai Xuge looked up at him and smiled sweetly, remembering that he grew up in England, it must be the first time he saw the Chinese Kung Fu tea ceremony.

She smiled and said, "Okay! Come over if you have free time, or you can go to Xiwan, the two of us are actually quite boring."

"Okay." Su Suo replied, and looked at the pile of documents on Xiao Leng's desk, "I won't disturb your work!"

Bai Xuge glanced at Xiao Leng, with a concerned look on her face, she said to Su Suo: "Fortunately, you are here, otherwise your brother wouldn't have a rest, he has been working for several hours, I can't even persuade him Come down. It's just time for tea, and we'll go to lunch later."


Both Xiao Leng and Su Suo were reticent, so they didn't have much to talk about in the tea room.

Seeing that Su Suo liked this tea very much, Bai Xuge found a topic to introduce this tea.

"This is the sweet-scented osmanthus Dancong among the famous Fenghuang Dancong in Guangdong. It is produced in Fenghuang Mountain"

Su Suo is naturally not familiar with China's geography. He looked at the tea in the small celadon cup, which was orange-yellow and clear. After taking a sip, he said, "This taste is sweet and refreshing, with a long-lasting fragrance. It's really good."

Bai Xuge smiled and said: "There are still some tea leaves, I will prepare some for you then."

Su Suo nodded with a smile on his lips.

Not long after, Xiao Leng raised his wrist and saw that it was noon, so he said that we would go to the cafeteria for dinner.

"The chef in the company is good at craftsmanship, you will definitely like it." In fact, Xiao Leng also wanted his younger brother to know more about Youertai, after all, Su Suo is also a shareholder of Youertai.

Bai Xuge tidied up the tea set a bit, then got up and went to the cafeteria together.

The cafeteria suddenly became a sensation because of Susuo's arrival.

Exactly the same face, exactly the same body, except for different dresses and hairstyles, there is almost no difference.

For the sudden addition of a person who looks exactly like the president.Everyone's heart full of gossip.

The three of them didn't take this sensation seriously and ignored it.

Xiao Leng personally went to the chef and told him to cook some special dishes. The chef was also taken aback when he saw Su Suo, but he calmed down quickly because of his old age.

The chef agreed happily, and he was doing his best to prepare his special dishes.

After a while, the dishes came up one by one.

After Susuo tasted it, he said that it was even more delicious than the dishes in restaurants outside.

Xiao Leng was very happy to see that Su Suo liked to eat. He asked Su Suo to come here for lunch these days.Xiao Leng knew that Su Muying was at work, and Su Suo was alone in the apartment and didn't know what to eat.

Su Suo's getting along with his brother and sister-in-law made him feel very relaxed and happy.

He left after eating, mainly because he didn't want to disturb their work.

Bai Xuge put a box of tea leaves in his painting utensils for him, and said they would bring them to Xiwan after get off work.

She originally wanted him to bring it directly in her hand so that she could taste it with Su Muying, but he said that it should be put together with the painting utensils.

Bai Xuge couldn't help suspecting that there was something wrong with their relationship, otherwise why would they not want to share together, or sit and drink tea together.

Xiao Leng also thought of this, and he said it was a good thing.

Su Suo had a good sleep in the apartment in the afternoon. The days without drawing are too leisurely. He doesn't seem to like this leisurely time. He is waiting for the days to pass quickly. He wants to go to Qingfengya to draw a picture, the most beautiful one The secondary painting belongs to Bai Lan.

When I woke up, it was almost 04:30 in the afternoon.It was really boring. Seeing that the apartment was a bit messy, it seemed that Mu Ying didn't like to tidy up, so he started cleaning like a housewife.

Sanitation cleaning is not difficult. He is very agile and careful in doing things. He will not let the dust in the corners of the walls go unnoticed.

The tea table and TV cabinet were also wiped with a rag.

While cleaning the edge of the bed in the bedroom, he saw something under the quilt, which made his face change color.

It was an orange box with several contraceptives inside. He looked at the box, and it said 24 pieces.There were only three slices left in it.

It looks like 21 tablets were used!

The rag in Suso's hand fell on the ground without realizing it.

He was certain that he had not had sex/relationships with her since meeting her in England.

He couldn't imagine what Su Muying's private life was like.

He tidied up his belongings a little bit. He brought few things, just a few clothes, and a backpack with a passport and a simple daily necessities in it.He stuffed the clothes into the backpack, but it barely fit.

He left a note in the room, and the note was pressed under the orange box.

He didn't want the two to be separated in an unclear manner, and he didn't want to have too much entanglement. He knew that their relationship as a couple had come to an end.

See you later, it's just called brother and sister.

He also cleaned up some of the rest of the room.

Do something!There has to be a beginning and an end.It's his style.The same is true for painting. Since childhood, his paintings have always been finished. No matter whether the painting is good or not, there must be an end.

He put the key on the coffee table in the room, closed the door and left.Amidst the dejection in my heart, I unexpectedly found a sense of relief.

This made him realize that his love for her had really ended.

Although there are too many souvenirs, he will not look back.

Remember the beautiful, forget the painful, and give a happy ending to this love that blooms like fireworks and then disappears.

(End of this chapter)

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