Chapter 246 Let's Break Up

Su Muying got off work. Originally, Hala was going to take her home, but she sternly rejected her. She even said that he was not allowed to take the initiative to talk to her in the future, except for work matters.

She asked the taxi to stop for a while at a snack bar that specializes in beef balls, where she bought a beef ball. She thought that Suo must have never tasted this.

When the taxi arrived at the entrance of the complex, she wanted to call Suo and ask him to come down directly, but she thought she should go home and change into a more sexy and beautiful dress. The suit on her body looked too solemn.

Holding the beef balls in her hand, she happily opened the lock with the key, and her heart fluttered when she thought of seeing Suo's handsome face when she opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, she smelled a fresh smell, and the whole living room looked much brighter and cleaner, it seems that Suo helped her clean up!
"Suo, I'm back." She called out while changing her shoes.

The apartment is not big, only more than 80 square meters, and he will definitely hear her when she calls.She was a little puzzled, the whole house was very quiet, isn't he at home?


She went into the room and searched to make sure she wasn't there.

When she entered the bedroom, she immediately saw something on the bed, something she was very familiar with. Her heart beat faster, and she hurriedly pulled out the piece of paper that was under it.

"Mu Ying, let's break up! I know you may be sad, but this is an inevitable result. I endured your hurting my family, and your bad temper, but I can't bear your heart. There are traces of other men on your body. I will be there for Dad's funeral, please don't look for me again. "

Such a broken language and a piece of paper completely negated her.

Su Muying's tears flowed down, soaking the paper, her whole body became numb, she fell down on the bed, her eyes fell on the orange box, "Ah!" With a lung-piercing roar, she threw the box on the ground with one hand.

The sound of the box falling to the ground was not loud, but to Su Muying, it was like a sharp stone hitting her heart.

She got up and went to the closet, opened it, and took away the few clothes that belonged to him.In an instant, she found that there was no trace of him in the room.

She suddenly threw herself on the bed and cried loudly, her hands were tightly clenched into balls, and her long nails were embedded in her flesh without feeling the pain.

I don't know how long I cried, I cried until I felt like I was going to pass out.

She couldn't accept this kind of change. Without Suo, she felt that she had lost everything.

She got up from the bed, got up and found the mobile phone in the handbag on the sofa in the living room, she wanted to call Su Suo, she could ask him, kneel down and beg, as long as he still wanted her, she could get rid of all the men She doesn't even look at other men in the future, she only wants her request, and it's her request.

She found Su Suo's number in her mobile phone and dialed it, "Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off."

Turned off the phone, it seems that he has made up his mind, just like what he wrote on the paper.He won't give her another chance.

She opened her blank eyes and looked around the neatly packed room. The room was so quiet that she could only hear her own breathing.

"Wow..." She couldn't help being sad, and she burst into tears again, crying like a child, tears and snot flowing all over the floor.

She remembered that she had never been so sad.

When she was infatuated with Jiang Chengen before, because the sense of distance Jiang Chengen always gave her made her feel prepared, so she was only disappointed, not sad.

But now, such a result made her fall from heaven to hell in an instant.

In this world, only Su Suo loves her and loves her, but now, there is no such one.

After Suso came out of the apartment in the afternoon, he went directly to Uertai.

Along the way, he thought, fortunately in this strange city, when he was sad and helpless, there was an older brother who could comfort him.

At this time, he really wanted to hold his elder brother and cry aloud, for his lost love and for his grief today.

He didn't want to go back to Xiao's house, how could the elders worry about young people's affairs.

The exit of the parking lot of Uertai Financial Building.Su Suo quietly leaned against the wall, attracting the attention of all Uertai employees who passed by. Finally, he waited until the Bentley came out. It was driven by his brother's driver. He remembered that his brother said that the driver's name was Lu Chenxing.

"Suo, why are you here?" Bai Xuge poked his head out of the car window and asked him in surprise.

Lu Chenxing got out of the car and helped Suso open the door of the passenger seat.

Suso got into the car and fastened his seat belt.

He turned slightly sideways and looked back at his brother and sister-in-law in the back seat, he smiled sadly: "I'm afraid I will disturb you for a few days."

The corners of Xiao Leng's lips were slightly curved, and he said leisurely: "Welcome to bother you!"

Bai Xuge chuckled, pretending to be angry and said, "How could you say that?" Then he turned to Susuo and said, "We welcome you to stay anytime."

Su Suo smiled wryly, and said, "I wanted to live in that empty apartment, but I..." He didn't say anything behind him, but just sighed deeply.

Bai Xuge replied: "Just live with us, make it more lively."

She saw the helplessness and desolation in Su Suo's eyes, she didn't ask him, she could see that he and Su Muying must have fallen out, and she also knew that he didn't want to live in the apartment alone because he was afraid of loneliness.

It is very sad to be alone when you are in a bad mood.

She called Aunt Li and asked her to add food.

In Xiwanli, when Aunt Li saw Suo, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak with her mouth open.Xuge only said to let herself add food, she knew that there were guests coming, but she didn't expect that the person who came was exactly the same as Young Master Xiao.

Seeing the surprise on her face, Bai Xuge took Su Suo to introduce her.

"Suo, this is Aunt Li. Her craftsmanship is very good. You can taste it later."

Then she said to Aunt Li: "Aunt Li, his name is Su Suo, he is Leng's younger brother, who has been separated for 30 years."

"Brother who has been lost for 30 years?" Aunt Li asked in surprise, how could this scene, which seemed to be seen only in TV dramas, happen in this house.

"Yes, Aunt Li, he is my younger brother." Xiao Leng put his hand on Su Suo's shoulder and said with a smile.

Only then did Aunt Li wake up from the shock, "Then, let's eat quickly!"

"Aunt Li, come eat with us today too!" After Xiao Leng finished speaking to Aunt Li, he said to Lu Chenxing who was behind him: "Master Lu, you come in too, let's join in the fun today. I haven't had a meal here for a long time." It's been so much fun."

It seemed that Xiao Leng was very happy. Today, when his younger brother came to eat at his place, he forced Lu Chenxing to stay.

Lu Chenxing has a wife and children, and usually eats at his own home.Today Mr. Xiao specially asked him to join in the fun, so he is not polite.

Aunt Li still felt a little inappropriate, but Bai Xuge insisted on holding Aunt Li's hand and letting her sit down.

Su Suo looked at the crowd, and you talked to each other. The atmosphere was very good, and his mood suddenly brightened.

Xiao Leng even went to the wine cellar to get a bottle of champagne that he kept privately, he was so happy.

Xiwan tonight is really lively.

(End of this chapter)

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