The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 247 Can You Go Back To The Past?

Chapter 247 Can You Go Back To The Past?

Su Muying withdrew some money from the teller machine near the apartment, and bought a mobile phone at the mobile phone shop next door.

Su Muying who returned to the apartment did not go to work, she knew that she had no way to enter the working state.

She just wanted to find Su Suo, but she didn't dare to go to Xi Wan or his biological father.

She curled up on the sofa with a pillow in her arms and a mobile phone in her hand.

"Brother Cheng En." Her voice was suffocated.

"Mu Ying, what's wrong with you?" Jiang Chengen was busy in the company.

"Brother Cheng En, I want to bury Dad's ashes in the afternoon, okay? Tell Suo that we will go together in the afternoon."

"Muying, didn't you say Saturday? I'm very busy today."

"Brother Cheng En, how about just this afternoon? You push the work, contact Suo, and let him go together."

"Mu Ying, what's the matter with you? Isn't Saturday a good day? We'll all be free then." Jiang Chengen heard that something was wrong with Su Muying.

"I have something to do on Saturday, and I happen to be free in the afternoon. I also want to finish this matter earlier, so that I can concentrate on my work."

"But I..."

Before Jiang Chengen could finish speaking, Su Muying said again: "Brother Chengen, that's all. Come and pick me up after lunch in the afternoon, and bring Suo along with you."

"Doesn't Suo live with you?"

"He...he doesn't have it now, he and I..." Su Muying couldn't help sobbing and crying.

"Mu Ying, what's wrong with you?"

"He broke up with me." Su Muying cried convulsively, very sad.

Jiang Chengen immediately understood why she wanted to arrange Su Mingqi's funeral in the afternoon, and she must be looking for Su Suo.

"Don't cry, Mu Ying, I'll call Suo first."

"No, Brother Cheng En, Suo's cell phone is turned off, you ask Xiao Leng where Suo is."

"Okay, Mu Ying, don't be sad."

"Well, Brother Cheng En, I'm so sad."

Su Muying was still crying on the phone.

"Okay, don't be sad, I'll call and get in touch first."

After Jiang Chengen hung up Su Muying's phone, he first called Su Suo, and it was really turned off.

It seems that Su Suo will not reconcile with Mu Ying.

He knows Su Suo, Su Suo is not a man who loves to break, and Su Suo has really made up his mind to do so.

He just didn't know why Su Suo was so unfeeling, he thought that Su Muying must have done something unforgivably wrong.

It is normal for Su Muying to do unforgivable wrong things, because her relationship between the sexes is too messy.

Jiang Chengen called Xiao Leng, and Xiao Leng told him Xi Wan's phone number.

"Suo, what's the matter with you and Mu Ying?" Jiang Chengen knew the reason, so he couldn't help asking.

"I broke up with her." Su Suo's tone was very indifferent, and it seemed that he really let go.

"Let's go to the cemetery together in the afternoon! Bury Dad's ashes in advance."

Jiang Chengen still agreed to Su Muying against his will, he knew that if Su Muying didn't do what she wanted, she would be hysterical and persistent.Moreover, he also thought that Su Suo should stop her thoughts, because Su Muying hadn't given up yet.

Hearing this, Su Suo seemed to agree, "Okay! When is the afternoon?" He wanted to arrange his father's affairs quickly, and then he could go to Qingfengya. The waiting days were too difficult.

"I'll pick you up after lunch."

"it is good."

Su Suo is thinking about going to Qingfengya. He is looking up some information about Qingfengya on the Internet. To go to a strange place, of course, he must be fully prepared.

In the afternoon, Jiang Chengen drove to Xiwanlai to pick up Su Suo, and Su Muying sat in the back seat.

Su Suo was not surprised. He knew she would go together, but it was still somewhat awkward.

He saw the redness and swelling of her eyes, it was obvious that she had cried. Although it hurt a little, he didn't care about it anymore. He had made up his mind and it was impossible to change it.

"Mu Ying." He called her softly, and greeted her as if he treated her like a younger sister.

He sat in the passenger seat, which made Su Muying a little disappointed.

On the way to the cemetery, the three of them were very silent.

Su Suo dozed off with his arms folded and his eyes slightly squinted. As for whether he fell asleep, he didn't know it.

Su Muying really wanted him to say a few words to her, but seeing his indifferent appearance, she kept silent.She had a premonition that Su Suo would never forgive herself again, but she had to try anyway.

I arrived at the cemetery, because I had a phone call in the morning to communicate, and the inscription on the tombstone that was ordered last time has also been engraved, so the whole process did not take long.

Su Suo put the cracked pendant that Su Mingqi gave him together with the urn. He looked at his biological mother's grave not far away, and couldn't help wondering whether they would meet in the next life.

After all the procedures were completed, they watched their adoptive father Su Mingqi rest in the ground, and they felt a sense of relief under the heavy heart.

Su Muying thought, from now on, she will be free in person, and she doesn't have to do some wrong things for him in order to repay his kindness of nurturing.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think of Su Mingqi asking me to go to W City to find Ouyang, and I felt a hatred in my heart, and I harmed Youertai. If it wasn't because of him, how could I be killed by Su Suo? dislike.

At this time, she shifted all responsibility to a dead Su Mingqi.

Indeed, if it wasn't for Su Mingqi, how could she have committed such a thing as hurting Youertai, or even Bailan.But she couldn't recognize the facts clearly, and couldn't make the correct judgment like Jiang Chengen, who could be blamed for this.

In the end, Jiang Chengen said that he was going to explain something to the cemetery management office, and left Su Muying and Su Suo alone.

He wanted to give them a chance to settle.

In front of Su Mingqi's tomb, Su Muying said, "Suo, if Dad didn't let me do things that hurt your brother, maybe we wouldn't have come to this point."

"Actually, it wasn't because of Dad that we got to this point."

"It's not because of Dad, but why? He asked me to seduce your brother, and asked me to go to W City to seduce Ouyang. Do you know the suffering I suffered in W City? And the man who gave me hickeys was also because he made me What I seduced... was that he made me bad, and made me promiscuous..." As she spoke, she began to cry again.

"Mu Ying, you can say 'NO' to him, but you didn't."

"How do I say 'NO' to him? He educates me and feeds me, so can I do nothing for him?"

Hearing what Su Muying said, Su Suo didn't know how to answer.Yes!If it wasn't for Su Mingqi, perhaps Mu Ying was a very pure girl, just like the first time he saw her.


Su Muying saw that Su Suo was relaxing, so she hugged him, "Suo, don't abandon me, okay? Without you, I don't know how to live?"

Su Suo was at a loss, he let Su Muying hug him tightly, he was thinking, if he forgave her, could he go back to the past with her?
(End of this chapter)

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