Chapter 255 Xu Ge Goes to New York

This night, Xiao Leng was alone in Xiwan, and he, who usually never spends time chatting, also downloaded a WeChat on his phone.

I just came back from Bai's house, and I couldn't bear to miss Xuge.

Wechat was finally done, and he kept talking. He typed too slowly, but what he wanted more was to hear Xuge's melodious voice.

"Xu Ge, I miss you, what should I do?"

"If you miss me, you can send me a WeChat message at any time. As long as it is convenient, I will reply you as soon as possible."

"Okay, you have to think of me and me."

"Of course, fool, you are full of you in my heart."


"Really, my heart is full of you."

"Me too, my heart is full of you, almost overflowing. Xuge, when you come back from New York, let's get a marriage certificate, shall we?"

"Okay, we'll fight when I get back."

"I really don't want to wait for a moment. If I don't lock you up, I feel very uneasy."

"I'll be back after only a few days. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about it. Don't work too hard. You should drink plenty of water, you know?"

"Good wife."

"What did you say?"

"I said...wife."

"Not married yet! Who is your wife?"

"Aren't you getting married soon! Can't I call my wife in advance?"

"Oh... OK."

"Then do you want to change my name too?"

Xu Ge pretended to be stupid, "What's the name?"

"What are you talking about! Change quickly, call..."

"Okay,...husband." Xu Ge's voice became softer.

"I didn't hear clearly, call again, louder."

"Mom is outside! She heard the loud noise."

"I don't care, just yell louder."

"Okay, okay..." Xuge cleared his throat, "My husband..."

Xu Ge's sweet "husband" filled Xiao Leng's heart warmly.

"My wife is so good!"


At the end of the sweet talk between the two, it was almost ten o'clock in the night, Xiao Leng thought that she would get up early tomorrow, so he reluctantly said good night to her.

He called Gao Ze, and he decided to arrange for Gao Ze to go to New York to protect them secretly.Because I read the news in the past two days about a terrorist attack with an ax in New York, I am not afraid of [-], just in case.

After the room was quiet, Xiao Leng lay on the bed alone. He slept in the position where Xu Ge usually slept, and there was her unique body fragrance on the quilt.

He picked up his mobile phone and listened to the voice on WeChat over and over again, listening to it and smiling, feeling sweet in his heart.I don't know how long I listened, and finally fell asleep.In the dream, there was Xuge, they were having their wedding at the beach, he was holding her slender hand, running on the beach...

The next day, Xiao Leng was woken up by the alarm clock, and he was going to send Xu Ge and his mother-in-law to the plane.

When he drove the Maybach to Bai's house, he was just in time for breakfast.

During the meal, Xiao Leng peeked at Xu Ge from time to time, he was really reluctant to part with him for a week.

Bai Xuge saw that her mother was wearing the pearl necklace that Xiao Leng bought in England last time. She hadn't explained the source of this necklace to her before, but now she happened to introduce it to her mother because Xiao Leng was here.

"Mom, you look great with this necklace." Xu Ge first praised, not against his will, but really beautiful, and it matches Lu Huiming's elegant temperament.

Lu Huiming smiled: "I also think it looks very good-looking, so I took it out and wore it."

Bai Xuge glanced at Xiao Leng, saw that he was very calm, and said to Lu Huiming, "Mom, I didn't actually buy this necklace."

Lu Huiming looked surprised, "Didn't you buy it?"

Bai Xuge smiled and glanced at Xiao Lengnu, "He bought it in an antique shop in London. This is a treasure belonging to China. During the Qing Dynasty, the Eight-Power Allied Forces robbed it in China. He said, it is a Chinese treasure." Of course, Chinese people should wear something, and he thinks it is especially suitable for you, so he bought it at a high price and gave it to you, but because Su Muying was present at the time, and my relationship with him was not clear, so I didn’t tell you.”

Xiao Leng could tell that Xu Ge was giving him points in front of her parents!

Lu Huiming touched the necklace on his neck with one hand and praised, "Xiao Leng, thank you so much for such a precious gift. I just thought it was very beautiful and the appearance was very good, but I didn't expect it to be an antique." .”

Xiao Leng smiled indifferently: "As long as Mom likes it, that's fine."

Lu Huiming laughed again and again: "I like it, I like it very much."

Bai Bowen pointed to the food on the dining table and nodded, "Hurry up, eat quickly, don't miss the plane."

Lu Huiming also said: "Yes! Let's eat quickly."

After the meal, Xiao Leng put all the luggage into the trunk, arranged for Xu Ge to sit in the passenger seat, and let Lu Huiming and Bai Bowen sit in the back seat.

Such kindness warms their hearts.

When they arrived at the airport, Xiao Leng and Bai Xuge stood aside and talked sweetly. They arrived early and still had to wait for half an hour.

Bai Bowen and Lu Huiming sat on the other side, not wanting to disturb the sweetness of their daughter and son-in-law.

"Xiao Leng is really a good kid." Bai Bowen praised Xiao Leng not far away.

"Yes! It's a pity that Lan Lan doesn't have this blessing." Lu Huiming inevitably thought of his eldest daughter Lan Lan again.

Bai Bowen hugged her gently, and said softly: "Don't think about the past, so as not to add to your sorrow, especially don't talk about it in front of them in the future, or it will be embarrassing! I think Lan Lan's matter , Xiao Leng felt very uncomfortable."

Lu Huiming nodded sadly and said: "Yes, I won't mention it in the future, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future." She raised her eyes and looked at Bai Bowen.

Bai Bowen stroked her back and comforted her.

Xiao Leng held Xu Ge's hand, if he hadn't been worried that his parents-in-law were here, he would always have kissed Xu Ge well.

His Xu Ge had to leave him for a week, what a long time it was for him!

"You can't catch a cold in New York, you can't be beautiful, you have to wear more clothes, do you hear me?"

Xu Ge listened to Xiao Leng's warmth and concern, her face blushed, "I see, you too, don't work too hard, or I will feel bad."

"Well, don't worry, I will adjust myself."

The plane's announcement sounded, and when it was time to board the plane, Xiao Leng and Bai Bowen looked at the two women they loved, and felt full of reluctance in their hearts.

With a wave of his hand, the figures of Lu Huiming and Bai Xuge disappeared in their eyes.

"Dad, let's go!"

"it is good."

Xiao Leng sent Bai Bowen back to Bai's house. Along the way, the two carefully chatted about some gossip.Most of it was Bai Bowen who was talking about some naughty things about Xu Ge when he was a child. These words made Xiao Leng feel that Xu Ge was very cute and his temperament was very real.

(End of this chapter)

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