The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 256 Qingfeng Temple in the Mountain Forest

Chapter 256 Qingfeng Temple in the Mountain Forest


Today, Suso was painting Qingfeng Temple in the mountains and forests according to his original plan.

As master Shanyuan said, the scenery here, even if it takes a few years to paint, it will not be finished.

Today is a fine day, but because the temperature is low in the mountains, the air is cold and refreshing.

Su Suo sat down in front of the easel, looking around, the magnificent Qingfeng Temple was located alone in the mountains and forests, with a sense of cold vicissitudes.The mottled traces from hundreds of years of wind and rain make it look old-fashioned and quiet.

The light in the mountains changes at any time. When Su Suo started to paint, he wanted to increase the painting speed as much as possible to ensure the perfect harmony of the painting effect.

He used to paint less scenery, but he didn't expect that he could still paint with ease now.

Just like yesterday, the little monk arrived at noon and brought the lunch dishes with bamboo baskets.

He took the food out of the bamboo basket, put it on the flat place of the stone, and rubbed it next to the easel. When he saw Susuo's half-painted painting, he couldn't help but praised: "It's so beautiful! I think the master will like it. "

Suso looked at him and just smiled.

During the meal, Su Suo asked him how to go to Qingyun Temple tomorrow.

The little monk said that he would lead the way for a while.

Suso thanked him endlessly.

The little monk just looked at him and smirked. Su Suo looked good, and the little monk couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

"Almsgiver, you can often come and live in our temple in the future, we will welcome you very much."

Su Suo smiled and said, "Okay! Thank you."

"You're welcome, benefactor, I'm telling the truth."

With a gentle smile on his face, Su Suo glanced at the little monk.

He thought to himself that the people in Qingfeng Temple are really nice.If he is in a bad mood, he can come here to stay for a while, sketch from nature, climb mountains, and soothe his depressed mood.

Thinking of this, I can't help but think of Su Muying again. I don't know if I still love her now. Even if I do, I can only bury it in my heart!He couldn't put himself and her in pain.

It's just that I don't know how she is doing now after the breakup.Perhaps, there are people around her to comfort her, and she is just worrying too much.

After thinking about it, his lunch was used up, he still packed them up and put them in the bamboo basket.

The little monk was very sensible and didn't bother, he picked up the bamboo and left.

Su Suo looked at the young monk's neat back, and felt that this was also a leisurely and quiet landscape painting.

When he thought about it, he firmly remembered the back figure of the little monk in his heart. He thought that if he would integrate this figure into the painting later, wouldn't it be more vivid and brilliant.

He doesn't rest, he is a very hardworking person, and he can even paint without eating or drinking.So at such a young age, he has made extraordinary achievements in the British painting industry.All of this is due to his hard work.

Diligence is above all else, isn't it!
After returning to Qingfeng Temple in the afternoon, I trimmed up the painting named "Qingfeng Temple in the Mountains and Forests", and after perfecting the post-processing techniques, I took it to Master Shanyuan's room.

Master Shanyuan looked at Susuo's work and obviously appreciated it very much.

"I like it very much, very good." Master Shanyuan praised.

Suso said: "It's a pity that there is no frame."

Master Shanyuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will find someone to make the picture frame. I will find the wood from this mountain to make a native picture frame, and it will definitely look more vivid."

Su Suo also said with a smile: "That is, the created things don't have to be too rigid about exquisite details, but some original ecological things, which will make the works more vivid and natural."

Master Shanyuan smiled and nodded.He spread the painting flat first, because it was not fully opened, so he had to dry it in the shade, and tomorrow he will find someone to design the frame.There is no shortage of carpenters in this mountain.

This night's dinner, Su Suo and Master Shanyuan ate together in Master Shanyuan's room.

The two ate and chatted, it was very delicious.

Su Suo has learned a lot of outlook on life from Master Shanyuan, which is also very helpful to his current emotional situation.

It's just that Su Suo was thinking, why can't Master Shanyuan think of things for himself?He was trapped by love, but he still couldn't extricate himself, or maybe he later found that he was very satisfied with this life of practicing in the deep mountains!

He has the karma of Buddha, so he must not be trapped by love now, but is pursuing something more substantial.

In fact, whether it is affection, love, material things, or Buddha, no matter what you are pursuing, as long as you feel solid and happy, it is good.

After a short chat with Master Shanyuan after dinner, Suso returned to the room.

Lying on the bed and playing with her mobile phone, she hesitated to make a call with Su Muying.Although they are no longer lovers after breaking up, the relationship between brother and sister is still there, and now he really wants to know if she is okay and if she will be sad.Although he was also worried that his concern would misunderstand her, he still decided to dial the phone.

To his surprise, Su Muying's call was not answered.However, at eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Su Muying called back.


"Mu Ying, are you okay?"

There was silence on the phone for a while, and Su Muying said weakly, "I thought you would never contact me again."

"How come? We are still brother and sister."

"Yes, indeed, we are still brothers and sisters, thank you for treating me as a younger sister." Su Muying's words sounded a little sad and helpless.

"You have to take good care of yourself." Suso said with concern.

"Thank you for your concern, you too, take good care of yourself."


"You are at Qingfengya!"


"How long are you going to stay?"

"I don't know, let's see the situation!"

"Well, it's cold in the mountains at night, don't catch a cold."

"Okay, Mu Ying, I'm going to sleep, good night."

"Good night."

This phone call didn't put too much pressure on Suso, maybe Mu Ying really figured it out!Or maybe, there is never a lack of love around her.

He lay down in the warm quilt, thinking that he had to go to Qingyun Temple tomorrow.Thinking that Master Shanyuan also said that the scenery there is beautiful, and the young monk also praised it, it seems that it is really worth a visit.

In his longing for the scenery of Qingyun Temple, he gradually fell asleep.

In the dream, he came to a garden.

All kinds of flowers in the garden are colorful and beautiful.

A burst of mist flooded in, and he seemed to have entered a kind of fairy mirror.

In the fairy mirror, there is Bailan wearing a long red dress in the photo. She is so beautiful. Against the flowers in the garden, she is like a fairy.

When she saw him, she just shouted: "Cold."

He walked slowly to her side and said to her, "I'm not Leng, I'm Leng's younger brother Su Suo."

She didn't say a word, just smiled softly, that smile was pure and charming.

Her beautiful figure, as the fog deepened, became lighter and lighter until it disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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