Chapter 257
LaGuardia Airport, New York, USA.

When Bai Xuge and her mother arrived at the airport, it was noon in New York time.Jet lag is a bit uncomfortable, especially for Lu Huiming, but fortunately, he slept well on the plane and was not too tired.

A senior executive of Liying Company and Jiang Chengen came to pick up the opportunity.They arrived two days in advance because there was a lot of preparation for the exhibition.

When Bai Xuge saw Jiang Chengen, she was very surprised. She never thought that Jiang Chengen would appear here. Although she thought of Daming, she thought it would be the receptionist of Daming's branch in the United States.

Jiang Chengen was also very surprised to see Bai Xuge, he didn't expect Director Lu to bring his daughter.

When the two people who were both surprised saw each other, they both spoke at the same time.

"Why are you here?" "Why are you here?"

Immediately, he smiled awkwardly again, and said nothing, it was all here, and he knew without asking, Jiang Chengen was for work, and Bai Xuge was for his mother.

Jiang Chengen took the luggage from the singer Bai Xu, and greeted Lu Dong and Xu Ge to get into his car.

Their destination was the Empire State Hotel in Manhattan, New York, because the exhibition was at the Javits International Convention Center in Manhattan.

They first went to the hotel to settle down, and Jiang Chengen also lived in this hotel.Let him see Xu Ge today, and he feels his heart soars.

At that time, I thought that only Lu Dong came, and he opened a presidential suite with one bedroom and one living room.Jiang Chengen asked if she wanted to open another room, and Xu Ge said that she would just live in one with her mother, and she hadn't felt the intimacy of sleeping in her mother's arms for a long time.

As soon as he got to the room, Xu Ge's cell phone rang.

Xu Ge picked it up and saw that it was Xiao Leng. She glanced awkwardly at Jiang Chengen who was carrying the luggage. Jiang Chengen understood what she meant, and after helping her put the luggage into the room, he said hello to Lu Huiming and left.

Xu Ge closed the door and connected the phone, Xiao Leng's voice inside was a little anxious, "Xu Ge, why did you answer the phone, I was so worried, I called several times and you didn't answer."

Xu Ge thought about keeping his mobile phone in his bag all the time, and then the airport was very noisy, and the car was also chatting all the time, maybe he didn't hear it.

"Cold, I'm in the hotel now, I didn't hear the phone in the bag just now, it made you worry."

"It's good to arrive safely."

Xu Ge was hesitating whether to tell Xiao Leng that Jiang Chengen was here, after thinking about it, she felt that she should tell, if she didn't tell, then if she found out later, there would be misunderstandings again.Although I said it, I was worried that he would be jealous, but in comparison, it would be better to say it clearly.

"Leng, Jiang Chengen is here too, today is his call." Bai Xuge's tone was a little serious, because she was afraid that Xiao Leng would get angry.

After a while of silence on the phone, Xiao Leng said calmly, "Really? Why did he answer your phone?"

Xiao Leng didn't know much about the cooperation between Daming and Liying, and Bai Xuge never found a chance to tell him, or she didn't know how to tell him at all.

Bai Xuge briefly explained to Xiao Leng the cooperation between Daming and Liying. She said that she did not expect Jiang Chengen to come, but only thought that people from Daming's American branch would receive him.At the same time, he also said that Jiang Chengen was also surprised by her arrival.

Xiao Leng was very moved by such a careful explanation, he felt that Xu Ge really cared about him, otherwise he would not have so many scruples.

Bai Xuge won Xiao Leng's trust with her frank treatment, which also made her more open and natural in her subsequent contact with Jiang Chengen.

After hanging up the phone, she watched her mother taking a bath in the bathroom of the hotel, and she looked at the scenery outside the large and luxurious hotel's floor-to-ceiling windows.

Charming harbor, high-rise buildings of different heights, she thought, the night view of Manhattan must be beautiful!It's daytime now, and all I can see is gray and yellow.

After a while, Lu Huiming came out of the bathroom, Xuge turned around and looked at Mummy who was wiping her hair with a white towel, and ran to her affectionately, saying, "Mom, let me blow your hair for you!"

Lu Huiming said: "No need, go and wash, Jiang Chengen and the others are still waiting for us to eat!"

"Well, I'll go wash then."

After Xuge and her mother washed and dressed in the room, they called Jiang Chengen.

Since the exhibition will officially start tomorrow, there is no need to dress formally today.

Xu Ge tied a simple ponytail, wearing a white loose sweater, a pair of light blue jeans, and white sneakers. The overall feeling is refreshing, and this casual outfit complements her youthful and playful With a little sensibility, Jiang Chengen couldn't help but be a little fascinated.

Lu Huiming is still dressed in a dignified and simple dress. For middle-aged women, this kind of dress can reflect her temperament. This is a problem that must be paid attention to no matter where she is except at home. After all, she is different from ordinary people. She is the chairman of Liying.

The environment of the restaurant is elegant and simple, with comfortable coffee-colored soft chairs, round tables covered with clean and delicate white tablecloths, and the exquisite lighting illuminates the restaurant very brightly and yet softly.

It is the first time for Lu Huiming to go abroad, because it is the first time for Liying to take an international route, and she has been busy with work before, and has never traveled abroad.

In this strange country, she still seemed a little embarrassed. After all, she was old, but because she had seen a lot in the country, she tried her best to keep herself in a relaxed and natural state.

Jiang Chengen was kindly introducing the meals to her. For him, Lu Huiming had a sense of closeness to his mother.

Under Jiang Chengen's introduction, Lu Huiming ordered a veal steak and two vegetarian dishes.

Lu Huiming said: "Here, it's good to be able to fill my stomach. I guess I won't get used to it."

Jiang Chengen said with a smile: "This is the truth. Chinese food is the best after all. There are many varieties and tastes, and the appearance is also exquisite. There are also Chinese restaurants in Manhattan. Let's go to Chinese restaurants tomorrow!"

Lu Huiming quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, since I'm here, I want to try the food here. Although I'm not used to it, I have to taste it a little bit. It's not in vain for me to come to the United States."

Bai Xuge also said: "Yes! Let's eat wherever we go! Don't be too deliberate."

Jiang Chengen nodded with a smile.

They were all about the same. While waiting for the meal, Lu Huiming brought the topic to work, mainly asking them about the exhibits at the exhibition, and whether the location of the exhibition was good or not.

Jiang Chengen said that everything was well arranged, the location was eye-catching, the venue was spacious, and the exhibits were well arranged.

Lu Huiming knew that Jiang Chengen was a man of work, so he couldn't help but like him from the bottom of his heart.

But her liking didn't associate him with Xu Ge, because Xu Ge was already Xiao Leng.

(End of this chapter)

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