The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 259 Your suicide was a mistake

Chapter 259 Your suicide was a mistake
Bai Lan still frowned, in disbelief, "There is such a thing."

"What kind of thing is there in this world? We all thought you were dead, and we all lived in the grief of your death, but you are escaping here."

Bai Lan lowered her head silently.

At this time, there was a smell of burnt vegetables in the kitchen.

Bai Lan shook off his hand abruptly, then ran to the stove, and opened the lid of the pot, the food in it didn't look very tasty.She added a little water, stir-fried it a few times, and served it on a plate.

Su Suo stood by and watched, watching her skillful and swift movements.

He took down the easel and set it aside.Seeing her cooking the next dish, he helped her to the stove to start a fire.

Perhaps, when she knew that he was not Xiao Leng, but his younger brother, she calmed down.

She was frying vegetables calmly, but she didn't dare to look at Su Suo in her eyes.

Just after she finished cooking another dish, she asked him, "How did you recognize me?"

Su Suo looked at her with a slight smile, walked to the easel, and took out a photo in the box.Then put the photo in front of Bai Lan's eyes.

Bai Lan didn't take it, just glanced at it, and then concentrated on cooking again.

Her face was expressionless, but rather stiff.Perhaps, she was thinking about how to deal with this unexpected guest later!

She had already planned to stay in this deep mountain and old forest for the rest of her life. She didn't dare to think about the worldly affairs anymore. She was afraid, and she didn't dare to face the setbacks and any changes in this life.

At this time, the nun who was sweeping the floor outside came in, and she shouted in a clear voice: "Qinglan, are the dishes ready? We have a guest today, let's make more dishes!"

Su Suo glanced sideways at the nun, and said with a smile, "I'll just eat whatever I want." Su Suo was also polite, since he came, of course he wanted to ask for a meal.

The nun said with a smile: "We can eat whatever we want. We grow some side dishes by ourselves. Then you can make do with it!"

"Well, thank you!" Su Suo pursed his lips slightly and smiled.

When the nun came out of the kitchen, Su Suo looked at Bai Lan, and wanted to ask her why she didn't go home, why she hid herself here, and made everyone who loved her suffer.

He looked at Bai Lan's busy figure, a slight sadness hung on her pretty face.


"Please call me Qinglan, Bailan is dead."

"No, your name is Bai Lan."

Bai Lan didn't argue with him, she was just busy. If there is an extra person, there must be an extra dish.

Seeing her silence, Su Suo said, "Actually, your suicide was a mistake."

He saw Bai Lan froze for a moment.

He continued: "The man in the video you saw is me, Su Muying and I, not my brother and Su Muying."

Bai Lan stood in front of the stove, her eyes finally looked directly at Su Suo, she frowned: "What did you say?"

"I said your suicide was a mistake. The man in the video you saw was me, not Xiao Leng, not the man you love deeply."

"how is this possible?"

"Why is it impossible? My brother and I have exactly the same face."

"Then you and Su Muying?"

"My relationship with Su Muying is very complicated. It's a long story. After lunch, let's find a quiet place and I will explain it to you clearly."

At this time, Su Suo saw a trace of relief in Bai Lan's eyes and a slight smile on his lips, but the smile disappeared quickly, followed by a gloomy face.

Su Suo guessed, she felt sorry!Because of a video that had nothing to do with her, she, her lover, and her family were plunged into a quagmire of pain, unable to extricate themselves.

She poured the freshly washed cabbage into the charcoal-black large pot, and the cabbage sizzled in the oil pan. As she stir-fried, the hard cabbage softened in the oil and fire.

"Turn down the fire." She said to Suso lightly.

"Yeah!" Su Suo didn't know how to operate it. He had been adding firewood to it before, but now the firewood seems to be too busy.He took some firewood out of it, but the fire was still caught in the firewood.

When Bai Lan saw it, she quickly turned around and went to his side, put the firewood in again, and then stepped on the few sparks that had just fallen.

She said angrily: "This will catch fire, don't burn it, let me do it!"

Seeing the impatience on her face, Su Suo got up, as if he was doing a disservice here.

When the dishes were ready, Bai Lan walked out of the kitchen with a dish in one hand, and she said to Susuo, "Please bring those two dishes for me too!"

It seems that Bai Lan didn't treat him as an outsider, and Suso was very happy to ask him to help with something.

Suso followed Bai Lan to the restaurant where he had dinner.

There were already three or four nuns sitting there waiting in the restaurant, including the one who had just cleaned the yard, and one who was about 50 years old.Su Suo guessed that the older man should be the abbot of this temple.

It should be that the nun who cleaned the yard said that there were guests coming, so when Su Suo came in, they were not surprised, they just looked at him in unison.

After all, there are not many pilgrims here, and a man came, and he was a good-looking man.Even if she is a nun, even if she forgets the world of mortals, seeing him, she will sweat more or less!
Su Suo greeted them one by one, reported their names, and said that he was Qinglan's family.

When Su Suo said it was Qinglan's family, everyone was guessing that he might be the boyfriend who caused Qinglan to commit suicide!
Bai Lan made another two trips to the kitchen, bringing out several dishes and rice.

During the meal, Bai Lan introduced the elderly nun, saying that she was the host here, and her name was Master Yunlian.

The one who just swept the yard is called Qingxin.

After the meal, Master Yunlian arranged for other nuns to clean up the dishes, leaving time for Qinglan and Susuo.

Qing Lan took Su Suo to a garden in the temple. There were indeed many exotic flowers and plants in the garden, which reminded Su Suo of the dream he had last night.

The scene in the dream is actually presented at this moment.

"Your brother, is he... okay?" Bai Lan finally spoke.

Su Suo looked at her, thinking of her sister Xu Ge, for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"He, fortunately, he sealed himself off for a year for you."

When Bai Lan heard this, she didn't speak. Su Suo could see that she was not feeling well.

Suso asked, "Don't you miss your parents and your sister?"

Bai Lan paused, "I, I'm sorry for them, I will only let them worry about me."

Su Suo stopped, stared into her melancholy eyes, and asked, "Then what are you going to do? Will you stay in this deep mountain and old forest for the rest of your life?"

"I..." Bai Lan was speechless. Yes, she was too selfish. In order to avoid her own pain, she made her family fall into the abyss of pain.

(End of this chapter)

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