The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 260 Obsession leads to obsession, and obsession leads to pain

Chapter 260 Obsession leads to obsession, and obsession leads to pain
Su Suo looked at Bai Lan who lost his expression, and he sighed deeply, "Since you know that the person in the video is not my brother, you should go back and face it again."

Bai Lan lowered her eyebrows and said, "But, after such a long time, I've gotten used to it."

Su Suo looked directly at her, "Then you also have to let everyone know that you are alive and make everyone happy."

"I..." Bai Lan paused, she was silent for a while, then changed the subject, "Tell me about that video!"

"It's a long story."

Su Suo told Bai Lan very seriously how he was stolen by Su Mingqi, and how he fell in love with Su Muying later. Su Muying lurked beside her brother Xiao Leng to help her adoptive father Su Mingqi, and then sent her this video, But he didn't expect that she would commit suicide just because of this video. He kept talking about Su Mingqi's death, and today he came to Qingfengya to worship her in order to atone for his sins, but he didn't expect to find her here.

After talking about it, he couldn't help remembering that Master Shanyuan reminded him to come here again and again, and then gave Bailan the scriptures given to him by the little monk.

Bai Lan said that she did not ask the little monk to borrow books.

"It seems that Master Shanyuan pointed out the direction for me to come to you."

Bai Lan looked at the Buddhist scriptures in her hand, and she said, "It should be! He knows about my affairs and advised me to leave here."

Bai Lan also remembered that Master Shanyuan said that if someone comes to Qingyun Temple and wants me to treat him well, the distinguished guest must be him!Alas, it's hard to appreciate Master Shanyuan's kindness.

"Then what do you think? I'll take you out of here tomorrow." Suso asked for her opinion.

Bai Lan sighed slightly, and said, "Wait for me to think about it!"

After all, she must have lived here for a year, and she was worried about those things when she was in high school. In fact, what she really couldn't face was her past.

"Okay!" Su Suo took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and said, "It's past four o'clock in the afternoon, I have to go back to Qingfeng Temple, and I will come back tomorrow."

Bai Lan nodded, and she and Susuo went back to the temple. Susuo left the easel here, and he said that he would come over tomorrow, so he didn't have to recite it.

Bai Lan sent him off for a while. On the way, Bai Lan said not to tell his brother that she was still alive, she still needs to think about it.

Su Suo agreed to her, so he hurried to Qingfeng Temple.

Looking at Suso's tall and slender back, Bai Lan couldn't calm down for a long time.She really didn't expect that Su Muying lied to her about what she was sad about. She didn't know if the sadness and grievances this year were worth it.But it's worth it, she has been separated from Xiao Leng for so long, and she doesn't know if Xiao Leng still loves her like before, and always loves her.

Her heart became timid, afraid to face the past, let alone face the present.

Back in the temple, Master Yunlian called Bai Lan into her room.


"Qinglan, what are you going to do?"

"I didn't think about it."

"Qinglan, listen to Master's advice, go home! People live not only for themselves, but also for your parents. It is not easy for them to give birth to you and raise you. You should not let them live in grief."


"Your life originally belonged to your parents, and you have no right to commit suicide."

"But I..."

"You have been reciting sutras and Buddhas here for more than a year. You must be able to figure out what is the root of your pain. People can't always be attached to the past. Obsession leads to obsession, and obsession leads to pain. If you can't let go, there will be a vicious circle. "

"Master, I understand."

When Su Suo arrived at Qingfeng Temple, it was already dark, just in time for dinner.

Today, when he learned that Bai Lan was still alive, he was always excited, but when he calmed down, he thought of another problem.

That is, my brother is now with Bai Lan's younger sister, Xuge. If Bai Lan finds out that her brother has a new love, and this new love is her biological sister, will she be very sad, and will she want to commit suicide again?

He had been thinking about it all the way.He didn't know whether he should tell his brother about Bai Lan, although he promised Bai Lan not to tell for now, but he knew that if his brother knew that Bai Lan was still alive, he would be very happy.

As soon as he entered the temple, the little monk was waiting for him.

"How is it? Have you seen Sister Qinglan?" The little monk seemed more excited than him.

Suso nodded with a smile.

The little monk led Su Suo to the dining place of Master Shanyuan. On the dining table of Master Shanyuan, there was still a pair of his bowls and chopsticks.

The little monk helped Suso prepare the meal.

Su Suo sat down, first took a sip of the tea on the table, and then said to Master Shanyuan: "Master, I really don't know how to thank you this time. I really didn't expect that you have been guiding me to Qingyun Temple, actually asked me to find Bailan."

The little monk stood aside and laughed.

Master Shanyuan smiled and said: "Qinglan has a stubborn personality. It's a pity for such a woman to stay in the mountains, so I asked Master Yunlian not to shave her hair and let her practice with it. Last time I saw your brother come , the reason why he was not named is because I saw a woman next to your brother, so I can only feel sorry for Qinglan. Fortunately, you came this time, so I feel that I need to give her another chance to make a choice."

Su Suo listened carefully to what Master Perfect Yuan said, and he nodded slightly.

"However, I am also facing a problem now." Su Suo's face darkened.

Master Shanyuan: "Please tell me."

Su Suo condensedly said: "The woman you saw last time brought by my brother is Qinglan's biological sister. She originally met my brother because she was investigating her sister's suicide. Later, they got along day and night and developed feelings for each other. I thought that Bai Lan was dead, so now we are talking about marriage. Master Shanyuan, tell me, how should I deal with it now?"

Master Shanyuan thought for a while, and then answered him: "Perhaps we should let Qinglan's family know about this matter first, and solve the pain of missing her family first. As for how things will develop in the future, we can only go along with it." It's natural. This is just my humble opinion, as for how to make a decision, you still have to think about it yourself."

Su Suo looked at Master Shanyuan and nodded with satisfaction, "Thank you Master Shanyuan for your enlightenment, I probably know what to do."

"Eat quickly! It's cold in the mountains, and the food will be cold in a while." Master Shanyuan pointed to the food on the table and said.

"Well, master, you can eat too."

"Okay, okay." Master Shanyuan answered him.

Su Suo is in a much more relaxed mood now, and the food is very delicious.Today's harvest is really great, and he will probably be so excited that he won't be able to sleep tonight.

He knew that Bai Lan's existence would definitely make everyone who loved her excited.Including Xu Ge and brother.

(End of this chapter)

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