Chapter 262 I am always by your side
In the bathroom, Xuge carefully looked at the instruction manual of the pregnancy test stick.

It said two bars on it meant she was pregnant. She looked at the two bars on the pregnancy test stick, and she didn't know whether she was happy or scared. She was now full of excitement and nervousness.

Does this mean that there is a baby in her stomach?She stroked her flat belly.

This baby belongs to Xiao Leng and himself. After the nervousness, he becomes excited.She took out her mobile phone from her bag, wanting to announce the good news to Xiao Leng who was far away in China, and flipping through his number, she felt that she should not be so anxious, she should give him a surprise, a big surprise.

She reluctantly threw the pregnancy test stick into the trash can, cleaned herself up in front of the mirror, and left the bathroom.

She didn't expect Jiang Chengen to be waiting for her at the door.

She probably guessed that Jiang Chengen also wanted to know the result, she took a deep breath, slightly curled her red lips, and walked towards him.

Jiang Chengen looked at her with concerned eyes, waiting for her to nod or shake her head.

Bai Xuge smiled at him, then nodded abruptly.

I can't understand what this means.

"Congratulations." Jiang Chengen smiled indifferently and blessed her.

"Thank you for your concern!" Bai Xuge Taohong had a smile on her face, biting her lip, showing her shyness.

"You're welcome! You are my god-sister, and I will be the uncle of the child in your womb from now on." Jiang Chengen laughed.

Bai Xuge didn't expect that he still remembered to recognize his younger sister, she was stunned for a moment, she nodded and smiled and said: "Well, you will be the child's uncle from now on." She glanced at her belly as she spoke.

"Let's go!" Jiang Chengen gave way.

Bai Xuge walked straight forward, and after a few steps, she turned her head and said to him: "Don't tell my mother about this beforehand, and don't tell anyone."

"Don't Xiao Leng know?" Jiang Chengen asked.

Bai Xuge smiled sweetly: "I want to give him a surprise."

"Well, he will be very pleasantly surprised." A heartfelt smile appeared on Jiang Chengen's face.

At this time, a group of white people came, and they were walking fast, walking towards Xuge, Jiang Chengen quickly pulled Xuge into his arms, he was afraid that the group of people would bump into her.

After the group of people passed by, Bai Xuge came out of his arms in embarrassment, and then thanked him: "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, I told you, you are my sister." After Jiang Chengen said that, he put his arm around her shoulders, took her to a place where there were few people, and protected her all the way to Liying's booth.

At this time, she was not only his godsister, but also a pregnant woman who needed protection.

Xu Ge didn't think about it any more. Indeed, she was wearing high heels at the moment, and there were too many people, so it was best to have someone to protect her.

When they got to a place where there were fewer people, Xuge deliberately separated from Jiang Chengen, she didn't want her mother to see their strange appearance.

In the exhibition hall, Lu Huiming didn't need to do anything, she just came to have a look, to understand how her company's products were displayed here.

There were too many people and too noisy, so Jiang Chengen told Lu Huiming to let them go back to the hotel to rest first, and they will make proper arrangements here.

In fact, he felt that there were too many people here, and now there were several cases of Ebola in the United States. He was worried that a pregnant woman in Bai Xuge's resistance would decline.

Lu Huiming also felt that she understood it well, and she was here, and the employees who came from Liying looked at her, and they were all timid, which made it difficult to do things.

Jiang Chengen sent Lu Huiming and Bai Xuge out of the exhibition center by himself.

In the car, Jiang Chengen asked Lu Huiming: "Auntie, why don't I take you around New York! Anyway, everything in the exhibition hall is arranged now."

Lu Huiming smiled and said, "Okay! You can come out and take a look. In fact, I can only see high-rise buildings in New York, so let's take a look around first!"

"Yes, that's all you can see in this city. I'll take you and Xuge to a place with better scenery tomorrow. There are still many places to visit in the United States."

"Then it's hard work for you."

"Auntie who doesn't work hard."

Both Jiang Chengen and Lu Huiming were polite, while Bai Xuge looked at the buildings and various people outside the window and wondered what he was thinking.

Jiang Chengen saw the warm and happy smile on her fair face from the rearview mirror, and knew that she was in a very good mood at the moment.

The traffic in Manhattan was unbearable, and Jiang Chengen didn't show them much of a place along the way.

Xu Ge said that he wanted to take his mother to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, so Jiang Chengen drove there.

Autumn in the United States is the peak season for tourism, and the scenic spots are full of people coming and going.

Jiang Chengen was inevitably worried about Xu Ge.

But Bai Xuge performed very well, except for some fatigue, there is no other condition.

After visiting the museum, Lu Huiming said he went back to the hotel to rest.

She doesn't seem too interested in this bustling metropolis.

She said with a smile, just some buildings, some people, these are what young people like, but as an old man, she likes some quiet places.

Jiang Chengen echoed with a smile, saying that young people now also like quiet places, with mountains, water, and aura.

After finding a better place to have lunch, they returned to the Empire State Building.

After watching Bai Xuge return to the room, Jiang Chengen sent her a text message.

"Pay attention to rest, if there is anything you want to buy, if you want to eat, if you feel uncomfortable, just tell me, I will be by your side anytime."

Such warm words, Bai Xuge was a little touched, she lost her sister, but fortunately now she has a brother who cares about her, which made her feel at ease.

She replied to him, "Thank you."

After a while, another message came on the phone, "Don't say thank you to me, never."

She replied with two short words, "OK."

Lu Huiming saw that Xu Ge was playing with a mobile phone as soon as he returned to the hotel, and laughed at her, "Are you chatting with Xiao Leng again?"

Bai Xuge replied: "No, I'm talking to Jiang Chengen!"

"Jiang Chengen is quite a nice person, but I think he seems to be interested in you." Lu Huiming has been in the world for decades, and she is very accurate in observing people's hearts.

"Mom, it's nothing, we're just good friends." Xu Ge didn't tell her mother about being a brother and a sister. In fact, in her heart, what a brother and a sister are, they are just very close and good friends .

"That's good, we still need to keep a proper distance, and don't let Xiao Leng misunderstand." Lu Huiming kindly reminded.

Bai Xuge took her mother's arm and said with a smile, "Don't worry! Mommy, I, Leng, and Jiang Chengen are all very good friends."

Bai Xuge looked at Xuge's well-behaved appearance, and said with a kind smile, "Okay, let's have a rest! Take me to see the night view of New York at night."

"Okay, Mommy, let me tell you, the most beautiful night view in New York is on the roof of this building." Bai Xuge pointed up.

Lu Huiming smiled and said: "I know, the night view of the Empire State Building, you can see the entire New York City. Although your mother has never been out, she has heard a lot."

Bai Xuge looked at Lu Huiming and just smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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