Chapter 263
Su Suo set off for Qingyun Temple in the early morning of the next day.

Perhaps because of his good mood, the sun in Qingfengya felt that it came earlier.

The warm sunshine is clear over the treetops and branches, the fresh air, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, and the dewdrops on the grass are crystal clear. I am afraid that the dew will disappear if the sun shines for a while!
The early morning birds were also chirping happily, as if they were cheering him and Bailan on.

Yes, he had to convince Bai Lan, and Bai Lan said he would consider it!He didn't know what Bailan was worried about, why did he stay here for a year?Just because of a video?

Of course, Su Suo didn't know that what Bai Lan didn't dare to face was the fact that she was raped by her teacher before, she didn't dare to let others know about her horrible past, and she didn't dare to tell anyone that she was the daughter of the Liying Group .

The name of the daughter of the Liying Group is a taboo, and other people's seemingly glamorous words are a shame to her.

She will never forget how much the media made this matter so popular in high school, so she dared not go out. In the end, she studied desperately and was admitted to Cambridge University abroad.

She didn't dare to accept other people's love. In the end, she finally accepted Xiao Leng's love, but she didn't dare to mention her family affairs to him.

She felt that she was a poor person, and an unbearable past made herself fall into a situation where she could never recover.

When Qingyun Temple arrived, there were two more people sweeping the yard. There were a lot of fallen leaves in autumn, but it could be seen that they were just playing.

In fact, they were all waiting for Su Suo to come. It was lonely in the mountains, so they were looking forward to a handsome young man coming.

Suso didn't see Bai Lan.

Qing Xin said that she was growing vegetables in the vegetable garden.

Su Suo walked to the edge of the vegetable garden according to Qing Xin's guidance.

At this time, Bai Lan was still wearing a clean gray nun's uniform and a nun's cap on her head. Suso could see her black hair hidden in the gray cloth cap.

She held a small shovel in her hand and carefully put the rapeseed in the soil, because her back was facing, she did not see Suso.

Su Suo went to get his easel, and then put it in a corner, staying quietly in that corner, secretly watching her busy with her wide sleeves.

The vegetable garden is huge, and Bai Lan was a little distracted by the busy work. Su Suo saw her wiping the sweat from her forehead with her robe from time to time, and when she turned sideways occasionally, she could see the frowning brows and melancholy eyes on her face.

Su Suo didn't understand, why would she be unhappy if she went back?What is she struggling with?
Finally, Bai Lan saw Su Suo when she turned around. She saw that she was drawing to herself, but she was calm, not angry, nor smiling. She just put the tool in her hand on the ground and stepped on it slowly. Walking towards him with dirt.

Under the sun, her originally melancholy face gradually unfolded, but Su Suo still felt the faint melancholy in her eyes.

What is the sorrow lingering in her heart?Is it a video?Hasn't everything been explained?
He couldn't help guessing again.

Bai Lan stood beside him and glanced at his painting.

His paintings are beautiful, although they are not finished yet, but it can be seen that they are very fresh and natural, just like real scenes.

Su Suo smiled at her, and she also smiled slightly.

Fortunately, her smile is beautiful and natural, just like the air here, refreshing, and like the scenery here, pleasing to the eye.

Su Suo even had an illusion that Bai Lan should belong here.

Her beauty, her aura, her tranquility, her elegance, all her temperament are integrated with this deep mountain and dense forest.

"The painting is really good." Bai Lan praised.

Su Suo smiled and said, "Are you done?"

Pointing to another vacant lot, Bai Lan said, "Not yet."

Su Suo said: "You don't have to worry about me, rest if you want to rest, and get busy if you want to be busy."

Bai Lan nodded slightly.

She turned around and went to the temple. After a while, she brought out a white porcelain cup and handed it to Suso.

The tea leaves in the mountains are very sweet, and Su Suo tasted it, which is the same as the tea he tasted with Master Shanyuan last time.

It must have been grown here!Maybe it was the brand that grew out of it.

In the tea room, Su Suo asked her, "What do you think?"

Bai Lan was sitting next to him, playing with a stalk of grass in her hand, her eyes fixed on the grass, and said softly: "My master said I should go home, but I'm still hesitating."


Bai Lan remained silent, her eyes were still fixed on the grass, and she turned the grass in circles with her fingers.

Suso saw her nervousness.

He didn't ask her any more, just turned his attention back to the painting.He felt that maybe she still needed time to adjust herself!

This is also good, give her some time, and also give Xu Ge and brother some time.

Also give yourself some time to think about how to tell Xu Ge and brother about this matter.

In fact, the matter between brother and Xu Ge is the biggest problem.

Bai Lan got up and went to the vegetable field again.

Her slender gray figure was walking among the rows of adobe, against the surrounding towering trees and a small pond in front, there was a kind of peaceful and peaceful beauty.

Life in the city, or life in the mountains, which one would Bai Lan like?
Su Suo started to draw again, and he carved Bai Lan's figure in this beautiful pastoral landscape stroke by stroke.

A little nun I saw in the yard before picked a blue orange and placed it next to Suso.

"Benefactor, these oranges are delicious, you can try one."

Su Suo looked at the little nun and pursed his lips and smiled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, we have plenty here!" The little nun looked at Su Suo's painting and Qinglan in the painting, and couldn't help sighing: "The painting is really beautiful, sister Qinglan is very beautiful, if you take off this nun I'm afraid she's prettier than that movie star."

"Yes! But I don't know why she doesn't want to leave here?"

The little nun shook her head: "I don't know. When she first came here, she often cried secretly by herself. She cried for two full months. Later, she chanted sutras and Buddha together with her master, and she never cried again."

Su Suo looked sideways and asked the little nun: "Then is she happy now?"

The little nun shook her head again: "I don't know, she is very bored. She does farm work all day long and doesn't want to take a break. She likes to do field work and kitchen work. You can tell when you see her hands. When I first came here, her skin was so tender, but now it’s so thick. By the way, she doesn’t talk to us very much, and she goes back to her room to read after dinner.”

Hearing what the little nun said, Su Suo felt a little uncomfortable.Because of a video that has nothing to do with her, she has been depressed for more than a year.Bai Lan, why are you so narrow-minded?Even if the video is real, can't you survive without your brother?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help worrying about his brother and Xu Ge again.

(End of this chapter)

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