The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 282 Teacher Bai in University

Chapter 282 Teacher Bai in University
B City Institute of Technology, Principal's Office.

"Hello Mr. Xiao! Your presence in our school really makes our school flourish!" Principal Wu warmly held Xiao Leng's hand as soon as he saw Xiao Leng and Bai Lan coming in.

Xiao Leng smiled slightly at him, "Principal Wu is polite."

Principal Wu said: "It's a pity that you were too busy to attend the opening ceremony of the library the year before last. It makes all the teachers and students of our school feel that it is a pity!"

Xiao Leng said nothing, just smiled and sat on the sofa chair in the office following Principal Wu's arrangement.

Bai Lan just finds it strange, looking at Principal Wu, there must be at least fifty or more!He also called "you" to Leng, which was very polite and flattering.

She also smiled slightly at Principal Wu.

"Is this the teacher you recommended?" Principal Wu looked at Bai Lan with a smile, and then looked at Xiao Leng.

Xiao Leng nodded and said: "Yes, she is my girlfriend, here is her resume, you can take a look."

Principal Wu glanced at Bai Lan again, he didn't dare to look too much in front of Xiao Leng, this woman is really beautiful!In terms of temperament, there is no choice. If she goes to class, I am afraid that no student will miss class.Just don't know what her qualifications are.

Principal Wu took the resume that Xiao Leng handed to him, read it carefully, and nodded as he read it.

"Teacher Bai is really amazing! In such a good school as Cambridge, he often receives scholarships, and his papers are also included in authoritative websites in the UK. He is really a rare talent!" Principal Wu praised sincerely.

"Principal Wu is too much for the award." Bai Lan said indifferently.

Principal Wu shifted his gaze to Bai Lan's face, "Then, according to Teacher Bai's major, he wants to teach in the English department, right?"

Bai Lan nodded, she was thinking, is this an application for the job?
"Well, I'll report Teacher Bai's resume to the HR department right now. Mr. Xiao, if you can recommend such an excellent teacher to join our teaching team, I would like to thank you on behalf of the teachers and students of the whole school." Principal Wu said sincerely. appearance.

"But, but I don't have any teaching experience, Principal Wu." Bai Lan was still a little unconfident. Her students would all be adults in the future, and she wasn't sure if she could teach well.

Principal Wu turned his eyes to Bai Lan and smiled lightly, "Teacher Bai, please rest assured that many teachers who enter the school are inexperienced, and the experience is slowly gained through teaching."

Xiao Leng also said to Bai Lan: "Lan Lan, you can do it, believe in yourself."

Bai Lan looked at Xiao Leng's encouraging eyes, and she was a little relieved. She nodded to him and said, "Well, believe in yourself." Then she turned to Principal Wu, "Principal Wu, thank you for giving me this opportunity, I'll do my best."

Principal Wu said with a smile: "Mr. Bai, it is a great blessing for our school that you can join our school. If you are not busy, I can take you to the personnel department to go through the formalities now, and then tomorrow, or at a time you think is appropriate. You can start working."

Bai Lan was overjoyed, "Thank you, Principal Wu, I can start working tomorrow."

Principal Wu took her resume and said to Xiao Leng, "Mr. Xiao, please wait here for a while. I will take Teacher Bai to the HR department to go through the formalities."

Xiao Leng got up, and said to Principal Wu: "I'll wait in the car!" Then he turned his eyes to Bai Lan, and said softly, "Lan Lan, I'll wait in the car."

"Yeah!" Bai Lan nodded, and followed Principal Wu out of the office.Xiao Leng also left the office and walked in another direction.

His handsome and extraordinary appearance attracted all the girls around him to look back, and there were discussions everywhere he went.

The feeling of walking in the school inevitably reminded him of meeting Bai Lan in Cambridge, and chasing her every day under the window of her dormitory. Let's cherish Bai Lan!It was because of herself that she jumped off Qingfengya. If she failed her again, she would not be considered a human being.

Xuge, it's just why my heart still hurts so much when I think of you.I don't know what you are doing now.

He returned to the car, where Lu Chenxing was smoking.

"Master Lu, pass me one."


Lu Chenxing threw him a cigarette and a lighter.

As he lit the cigarette, seeing the flickering light of the cigarette butt, he was thinking about when was the last time he smoked. By the way, it was when Xuge was taking care of Jiang Chengen in the hospital.

At that time, seeing his beloved in Jiang Chengen's ward every day, he was very depressed. He never expected that the smoking this time was because Xu Ge and Jiang Chengen were together, and they were together thoroughly.

After about an hour, he saw Bai Lan walking from the teaching building.There was heavy smoke in the car, so he quickly got out of the car, and then opened the doors on both sides, allowing Lu Chenxing to open the driver's and co-pilot's doors as well.

He stood outside the car, watching Bai Lan's graceful steps, her skirt flying, under the sun, her ruddy face had an extremely bright smile.

Bai Lan approached Xiao Leng, she took Xiao Leng's hand.

"It must have been hard to wait."

Xiao Leng said softly: "It won't be hard, I am chatting with Master Lu, how is it going? Is it going well?"

"Well, it went well. Principal Wu took me to visit the teaching school. I can come to work tomorrow. She said that after work, I will not arrange classes and give me time to familiarize myself with the environment and make preparations before class. "

"That's good, get in the car!"

"Hmm!" Bai Lan pursed her lips and smiled.

Xiao Leng helped her into the car.

In the car, Bai Lan asked her doubts.

"Why is Principal Wu being so polite to you? He is more than twenty years older than you!"

Xiao smiled coldly: "The library of this school was funded by Uertai, and a new stadium will be built for them later."

"Oh! No wonder he said something about the opening of the library."

"Well! Where do you want to go now?" Xiao Leng looked at her sideways.

Bai Lan smiled sweetly, and she said, "Wait a minute, I'll call Xu Ge, and I haven't asked her about the marriage certificate yet!"

Xiao Leng's face darkened, but he adjusted immediately.

Bai Lan took the mobile phone and looked for Xuge's number.Xuge bought this phone for her yesterday. She hasn’t used it for more than a year. Now that she’s using it, she’s still not used to it. It took her a long time to find an address book. She forgot the icon of the address book. What do you look like.

She simply handed the phone to Xiao Leng, "Help me find Xu Ge's number, I don't even remember how to use the phone."

Xiao Leng's heart trembled suddenly, Xu Ge, Xu Ge, why did he feel so uncomfortable when he heard these two words.

He took the phone and quickly found Xu Ge's number in the phone.

After unplugging, he immediately handed the phone to Bai Lan.

Bai Lan took it, and then listened to the ringtone from inside.

"Sister." Xuge's small voice came from the mobile phone, Xiao Leng held his breath and listened carefully. He didn't want to hear the content, but just wanted to hear her voice, and he couldn't help wanting to hear it.

"Xuge, have you and Jiang Chengen's marriage certificate been completed?"

"Sister, it's done."

"then where are you?"

"I'm at home and I'm moving."

"Moving? Where?"

"Come back first! I'll tell you when I come back."


After hanging up the phone, Bai Lan said: "Go back to my house! Xu Ge is moving, I guess they should be moving to live with Jiang Chengen, they are really in love, they just got their marriage certificate and can't wait to be together, that's great. "

Xiao Leng's heart seemed to be bleeding, Xuge was going to get along with Jiang Chengen day and night, and she would be his wife completely from now on.

Seeing Xiao Leng's cold face, Bai Lan didn't respond to her own words, she just thought that he was too indifferent to outsiders.

She took Xiao Leng's hand and said softly, "Leng, I'll have dinner at my house tonight, remember to be more enthusiastic when you see Jiang Chengen."

Xiao Leng looked at her sideways and nodded. "Do not worry!"

Looking at the cold lines on his face, Bai Lan squeezed his lips up with her fingers, forcing him to smile.

(End of this chapter)

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