The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 283 Two Happy Events in the Bai Family

Chapter 283 Two Happy Events in the Bai Family

White House.

When Bai Lan and Xiao Leng arrived home, they saw Jiang Chengen's car parked in the yard, and Jiang Chengen was sorting out the items in the trunk.

Xuge doesn't have many things, just a few clothes and some books.For other things, Jiang Chengen said that he would buy them slowly after she moved in.

Seeing Xiao Leng and Bai Lan coming in, Jiang Chengen stopped what he was doing, turned around and greeted them one by one.

Xiao Leng's face was very peaceful, and the hostility in his eyes disappeared, which surprised Jiang Chengen, maybe he figured it out.

In fact, at this time Xiao Leng was suppressing himself as much as possible, taking deep breaths as much as possible, taking deep breaths again and again.

In fact, whenever he saw Jiang Chengen, he wanted to punch him. Xu Ge married Jiang Chengen. This matter was like chroming his chest heavily with red-hot ferrochrome.He had to restrain himself, he had to listen to Bai Lan, be kind to Jiang Chengen, and even more so, Xu Ge's words.

Bai Xuge came out to the yard at this time, holding a few books in her hands.Jiang Chengen hurriedly went up to her and took the book from her hand.


Bai Lan approached Xuge with a smile all over her face, "Xuge, where is your new house?"

Bai Xuge smiled and said, "I haven't been there yet! It was Cheng En who bought it in the past few days."

“Is it well decorated”

At this moment, Jiang Chengen turned around and looked at Bai Lan with a calm smile, "Yes, I bought an existing house. It has been renovated for half a year, and the air inside is relatively clean now. I hired a professional testing agency to test the air in the house. question."

Bai Xuge didn't expect Jiang Chengen to do things so meticulously, which moved her very much.

Hearing what Jiang Chengen said, Xiao Leng felt a little fond of him.Perhaps, Xu Ge can only be happy when she is with Jiang Chengen, and she can't give anything except to cause her pain.

His eyes caught Xu Ge inadvertently, but Xu Ge avoided it intentionally or unintentionally.

It was just around six o'clock in the afternoon when the Bai family's car drove in.

"Parents are back." Bai Xu sang.

All eyes were on Lu Huiming and Bai Bowen who had just got off the car.

Every day when Lu Huiming gets off work, the driver will make a detour to her husband's unit, every working day.

Bai Bowen didn't mind either, he was very indifferent to this kind of matter of who is strong and who is weak.A good relationship between husband and wife is the most real thing.

Seeing the couples standing together in the yard, Lu Huiming was so happy that his face turned into a flowery smile.

"Dad, Mom." "Dad, Mom." "Uncle, Aunt."

The four young people were all greeting Lu Huiming and Bai Bowen.

At this time, Mrs. Li, the nanny, also came out to greet her, saying that the food was ready.

"Go in! Go in and eat!"

Bai Bowen greeted Xiao Leng and Jiang Chengen.

In the restaurant, Mrs. Li prepared a large table of dishes.

During the meal, Bai Xuge said that he was going to move out.

Lu Huiming looked at Jiang Cheng'en, "Cheng'en! We'll go and have a look after your place is settled."

Jiang Chengen said with a smile: "That's natural. After we pack up, I'll invite everyone to have a meal together."

Bai Lan: "Well, I'm afraid I will trouble you then."

Bai Xuge: "If there's any trouble, don't bother. In the future, my sister will always come to accompany me."

Bai Lan said with a smile: "That is, but I will start to be busy in the future, and today I was coldly taken to B City University of Science and Technology to apply for a job."

Bai Bowen asked: "Have you accepted?"

Bai Lan glanced at Xiao Leng, then turned to look at Bai Bowen, "Dad, I'm in the English department, and I'm going to work tomorrow."

Bai Xuge said: "Not bad, not bad, today is really a day worth celebrating. The marriage certificate between me and Cheng En has also been obtained, and my sister's work has also been arranged."

When Xiao Leng heard the words of their marriage certificate, his heart still hurt badly. He bowed slightly, then got up, "Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom."

Jiang Chengen glanced at him, then began to serve Xu Ge with vegetables and soup with all his heart.

Bai Bowen asked Aunt Li to bring a bottle of good champagne, saying that he was happy today, and since Lan Lan came back, the house has been bustling.After he wanted Xuge, he would often go home for dinner and accompany them.

Speaking of this, Xu Ge really felt embarrassed. In the past few months with Xiao Leng, even though she was very close to home, she didn't go home often.She felt that what she had done was too wrong, she wanted to have fun and ignored her parents.

Thinking of this, he recalled the sweet days with Xiao Leng, just when Xiao Leng returned to his seat from the bathroom.Xu Ge sneaked a glance at him, and he also sneaked a glance at her.

The four eyes met, full of sadness and embarrassment.

She lowered her head to look at her belly, thinking of the twins in her belly, she really wanted to tell Xiao Leng the good news, but she couldn't, this secret would be hidden for the rest of her life.

Thinking of this, she felt so sad, she had the urge to cry, but no, she had to hold back, hold back as much as she could.

Bai Xuge couldn't drink alcohol, so she used the excuse of pharyngitis and took a bottle of drink instead.

She filled her glass with drink, and then raised the glass, "Come on, let's have a drink. I will finish the two big happy events today." The words choked up, Jiang Chengen and Xiao Leng could hear it.

Jiang Chengen snatched the drink from the cup before she finished it, and said angrily, "Although it's a drink, it can't be overdone, just a thought is enough."

Lu Huiming also persuaded: "Yes! Xuge, drink slowly, this is at home, we don't pay attention to the arrogance outside."

Bai Xuge touched the water stains on her lips with a tissue, she suddenly felt like vomiting, she turned sideways and ran to the bathroom, unable to say hello.

In the bathroom, she retched until tears came out.

Bai Lan ran to her side and patted her back.

"Are you okay? Xu Ge."

Bai Xuge washed his face with clean water, then looked at Bai Lan with a smile on his face, "I'm fine, sister, I drank too much just now, my pharyngitis has not healed, so I vomited." She deliberately explained.

They returned to the table, Lu Huiming stared at Xuge with a very surprised look, Xuge calmed down, she looked at her mother and smiled: "Mommy, I'm fine, I have chronic pharyngitis these days, I just drank It was too hasty, and the drink was cold, it might have irritated the stomach."

Xu Ge was very afraid that her mother would know, because her mother had been there before, and she would know this kind of thing at a glance.

Lu Huiming felt relieved, "Don't drink so fast next time, it's not good for your stomach."

Bai Xuge looked at Lu Huiming with a coquettish smile, made a face, and started eating again.

Xiao Leng looked at Xu Ge from time to time. Xu Ge's pharyngitis is serious, will it be serious?When she was sick, it was hard to love her.He really wanted to be able to take care of her personally, but he didn't have the qualifications anymore, never will.

(End of this chapter)

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