Chapter 284 Xiao Leng is Missing

After the dinner, Jiang Chengen took Bai Xuge and left first, and the Bai family became quieter.

After drinking tea with Bai Bowen for a while, Xiao Leng bid farewell and left.

His heart is in a mess, and he really can't stay in Bai's house.He didn't say goodbye to Bai Lan, Bai Lan just thought he was too tired.

Under the night wind, the Bentley was speeding on the road, Xiao Leng drove the car by himself, Lu Chenxing had already let him go home.

On the Huanhai Highway, unknowingly, he drove the car to the seaside where he was lingering with Xu Ge last time.

He pulled over, got out of the car, took out a bottle of red wine from the trunk, and opened the cork with a corkscrew.

With a "bang", the rear trunk was slammed shut by him.

He walked along the rocks.

There is no moon tonight, under the curtain, the autumn sea breeze makes the grass rustle, and the surrounding area is gloomy and lonely.

He walked on the rocks and grass, like a lonely ghost at night.

He felt that his soul seemed to be no longer in his body, leaving only a heavy body, like a walking dead.

Finally came to the beach, on the boulder.

In the small cave, he took out the oil lamp and lit it with a lighter.

The sea breeze in the autumn night was too cool, and it made him cough.

There was no light on the sea in front of him, only darkness, endless darkness, and the flickering light of the oil lamp reflected his generous back.The sound of the waves beating against the rocks, one after another, seemed to be beating his heart, the more the beating, the more pain his heart would have.

"Xuge, Xuge..."

He read it over and over again, the lingering feeling in his heart was so heavy that he couldn't breathe.Red wine, one sip, one sip, just like this.

At this moment, he just wanted to anesthetize his nerves with alcohol, and then forget this dejection.

But no matter how much alcohol, it couldn't anesthetize his nerves, and all kinds of fine pains still converged into a river in his heart, penetrated into his blood, and penetrated into every cell in his body.


In the uniquely decorated villa, Jiang Chengen is bringing Bai Xuge to familiarize himself with the environment of the house.

"Xuge, look, this is the baby's room, isn't it cute? I decided to decorate it myself. I don't know if it's the style you like."

"Well, I like it a lot."

Bai Xuge looked at Jiang Chengen, she said gently: "Chengen, thank you for doing this for me!"

Jiang Chengen stared at her with clear eyes, "Xu Ge, don't say such kind words to me again."

Bai Xuge nodded and lowered his eyebrows.

"You should rest first! You have to slowly adapt to this new environment."

Jiang Chengen took her to her own room.In order to gain her trust, his own room was located on the first floor, and he was very sensible and gave her enough space.

Before Jiang Chengen left her room, he explained a few words to her very carefully: "Xu Ge, for the sake of the two babies in your belly, you must be happy. I heard that pregnant women are prone to depression. You If you keep being unhappy like this, it will be bad for you and your baby."

Bai Xuge smiled wryly, "Well, I will make myself adjust as soon as possible."

After Jiang Chengen gave her a meaningful look, he turned and went downstairs.

Bai Xuge's room is neatly tidied up. In the bathroom of the room, the toiletries are neatly prepared, and even the sanitary napkins are prepared. Bai Xuge only finds it funny looking at the sanitary napkins. Could it be that he Don't know if you are pregnant, you won't have menstruation?It is true that he is still unmarried, no, he is married now, and he will be his husband in the future, the husband in name.

Jiang Chengen, how can I repay you?
Downstairs, Jiang Chengen was sitting in the living room, occasionally looking back at Xuge's room.

A house with a woman seems to have the taste of home.

Ever since he was a child, what he longed for the most was to have a home. When he was young, although Su Mingqi adopted him, his gloomy mood did not bring him much warmth.

He is holding a red book in his hand, which is the marriage certificate with Xuge.

He suddenly realized that this was the first home in his life, a real home.

He had a smile on his face, a contented smile.

The next day, Bai Xuge woke up in dizziness. She couldn't sleep last night. Although she tried her best not to think about Xiao Leng, his appearance played back in her mind like a movie.

Tossing and turning all night made her have dark circles in the mirror. She recalled the intermittent dream mirror last night, in front of the small seaside cave where she and Leng had been lingering, Xiao Leng jumped down from the top, and she stood on the reef I cried hoarsely.

At this time, the music on the phone rang. She went to the bed and picked up the phone. It was her sister.

Bai Lan's voice on the phone was a little anxious.

"Xuge, is Jiang Chengen at home?"

"Sister, what happened?"

"Xiao Leng is gone."

"Ah!" Bai Xuge exclaimed, and then she calmed down and asked, "How do you know he's gone?"

"Yesterday we made an appointment that he would come to pick me up early this morning to pick me up from school. I waited until he didn't come, so I called him, but the phone kept shutting down. Later, I called to ask Xiwan, Xiwan My aunt said that he didn’t seem to come back last night because there was no change of clothes for him. His room was also neatly covered. I called his driver, Lu Chenxing, and he said that he hadn’t seen him at the company either.”

Bai Xuge's heart trembled when he heard it.She tried her best to restrain herself, and comforted Bai Lan, "Sister, don't worry. I'll ask Jiang Chengen to look for it. They usually know each other quite well, maybe they can find it."

"Okay, okay, let me know if there is any news."

"Okay, then I'll hang up first."

Bai Xuge quickly put on her clothes, and then went downstairs. In the living room downstairs, Jiang Chengen was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. When he saw Xuge coming down and running so happily, he quickly got up to meet him.

"You're pregnant with a baby! How can you run so fast? Be careful, understand?" Jiang Chengen scolded her.

Bai Xuge panicked, "Xiao Leng is missing. He didn't go home last night, and he didn't go to pick up his sister to school this morning, and his phone was turned off."

Jiang Chengen looked at her deeply frowned brows, and understood her distress and anxiety.

"Don't worry, we'll find a way to find out where he might be. You should know him best. During the time you've been together, you know the things around him best. Think about it carefully."

Bai Xuge took a deep breath, then covered her chest, trying her best to calm herself down first.

She thought, where would it be?where is it?
Suddenly, she remembered that dream. She didn't know if he would be in that place. He said he would go there when he was in a bad mood, and if he was in a bad mood last night.

She grabbed Jiang Chengen's arm, "Chengen, I'll take you to a place to see if you can find him there."

"Yeah." Jiang Chengen took her hand and walked out the door. After walking a few steps, he stopped again. He let go of her hand and entered the restaurant.

After a while, he came out with an egg and a whole wheat steamed bun in his hand, and then handed these two foods into Xu Ge's hands.

"Eat it while it's hot, don't let it get cold, just eat and make do with it, don't starve."

Xu Ge took it, and followed him to the door.

When getting in the car, he said: "I also cooked millet porridge. If I come back early, I can eat some more."

Bai Xuge just looked at him and said nothing.Eating steamed buns in his mouth, he thought to himself, why is this man so nice to himself?does it worth?
(End of this chapter)

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