Chapter 285 Love Him in Your Own Way

On the Ring Road.

"Slow down, drive slowly, I came at night that day, so it should be near here." Bai Xuge looked out the window, it's really hard to find, there are many places like this along the road where no one goes.

"Xuge, look, isn't that Xiao Leng's car?" Jiang Chengen saw a black Bentley parked on the side of the road ahead.

"Yes, it is." Bai Xuge was surprised.

Jiang Chengen glanced sideways at her.Xu Ge, why do you and Xiao Leng have such a good understanding?You will know where he is without any effort.

Jiang Chengen stopped the car.

As soon as the car stopped, Xu Ge opened the door and jumped out of the car.

Jiang Chengen's heart trembled, "Xuge, be careful."

He also quickly got out of the car and ran to Xu Ge to support her.

"Be careful, the road here is not easy."

"I am fine."

After walking not far, Bai Xuge saw a person lying on the rock, his body curled up.

Bai Xuge quickened her pace, and she almost fell down, but fortunately Jiang Chengen kept supporting her.

"Leng, what's wrong with you? Leng..." Bai Xuge kept shaking Xiao Leng, his body was cold, his lips were frozen black, and his body was trembling.She put her hand on his forehead and it burned badly.

"Cheng'en, he has a high fever, he must have been frozen last night."

"He also drank a whole bottle of red wine. Xuge, get out of the way, and I'll carry him." Jiang Chengen pulled Xuge aside.

When Bai Xuge saw the red wine bottle rolled aside, her heart almost broke.

Xiao Leng was tall and drunk, and it was not easy to carry him on his back.

Xu Ge wanted to help, but Jiang Chengen didn't allow it. He was worried that Xiao Leng would accidentally bump into Xu Ge.

Finally, Xiao Leng was carried on his back.

"Xu Ge, you are pulling my clothes, walk slowly."

"Well, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Xuge helps Jiang Chengen support Xiao Leng.

Finally over the chaotic rocks and grass, Jiang Chengen carried Xiao Leng to his car.

He put Xiao Leng in the back seat, and Bai Xuge also sat in the back seat, and she let Xiao Leng's head rest on her lap.

Jiang Chengen got into the car, turned a corner, and drove to the hospital.

"Cold, are you okay!" Bai Xuge kept touching his forehead, so anxious that tears flowed out.

Jiang Chengen comforted her while driving, "Xu Ge, don't worry, he is too drunk and cold, but he is in good health and will carry it through."

"Leng, why do you torture yourself like this? You torture yourself like this is torturing me, you know?" Bai Xuge put his head on Xiao Leng's hot forehead, crying.

Jiang Chengen felt uncomfortable, so he drove the car faster. He had to send Xiao Leng to the hospital quickly, and then inform Bai Lan.


In the hospital, after Jiang Chengen settled Xiao Leng, he asked Bai Xuge to inform Bai Lan.

Not long after, Bai Lan rushed over.

"Cheng'en, where did you find him? How could he be sick?"

Beside Xiao Leng's hospital bed, Bai Lan held his hand and turned to look at Jiang Chengen.

Jiang Chengen made up a reason, "He drank too much at a party last night, fell asleep on the side of the road, and was frozen all night."

Bai Lan shifted her gaze to Xiao Leng's face, and touched his forehead, "How could you be so drunk? Cold, cold..."

Bai Xuge looked at her sister's concern and worry for Xiao Leng, and it turned out that her sister's love for Xiao Leng was no less than her own.

"Sister, are you still going to school today?"

Bai Lan turned to look at Bai Xuge, "I asked for leave from school."

Jiang Chengen walked to Bai Xuge's side, held her hand, and said to Bai Lan: "Sister, we'll go back first, there are too many people in the ward, which will affect his rest."

Bai Lan nodded, then got up and sent them out of the ward.

In the ward, Bai Lan didn't know how long it had passed, watching Xiao Leng's thin lips move slightly, he was muttering something.

She leaned close to his lips and listened carefully.

Xiao Leng was calling "Xuge" softly, but because his voice was so small and weak, Bai Lan heard it as "water".

Bai Lan poured him a glass of warm water, and then dripped it on his lips with a small spoon.

He finally woke up, opened his eyes, and saw Bai Lan's slightly frowning brow slowly unfurled, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Where am I?" His voice was hoarse and low.

"You are in the hospital. You were drunk and passed out on the road last night. How can you go out with others alone? In the future, you must bring someone by your side, either Gao Ze or Lu Chenxing."

Bai Lan stared at him, her eyebrows furrowed again.

Xiao Leng tried his best to recall what happened last night, he remembered that he was on the rocks in front of the small cave by the sea, and he drank wine.

"How did I get to the hospital?"

"Jiang Chengen found you, and I don't know how he found you."

"What about others?"

"Let's go, I'm afraid to disturb your rest."

Bai Lan held his hand, and he smiled at her lightly.On his pale handsome face, his lips were slightly rosy.

Xiao Leng thought, Xuge must have found him.Except for Xu Ge, who would know that he would stay there.

Xuge, you really understand me.

In Jiang Chengen's villa.

He helped Xu Ge heat the porridge in the kitchen.

Bai Xuge was sitting in the dining room, her expression was in a trance, her eyes glazed over.

Jiang Chengen brought millet porridge in front of her.

"Xuge, come have some porridge."

Bai Xuge was still in a daze, and didn't even feel that he was beside him.

"Xuge, you can't do this, you have to think about the baby in your belly, don't you love Xiao Leng? If you love him, just give birth to the two babies in your belly."

"What's the use of being born, he won't know."

"He won't know, but this is your love for him, the love you express in your own way, just like me... just like I am expressing my love for you, as long as you are good, you can Well, nothing else."

Bai Xuge shifted her gaze to his face, his expression was sincere.

The corners of her lips curved slightly, "Is this kind of love right? Just like you treat me, is this kind of love right?"

Jiang Chengen nodded suddenly, and said forcefully, "Yes, that's right. Because it will make me happy, it will make me happy."

She nodded slightly and smiled slightly: "Okay! I won't be sad or cry anymore. I will work hard for the baby in my stomach, and I will try my best to make myself happy."

The corners of Jiang Cheng'en's lips curled into a beautiful angle, "Eat quickly! Don't get cold again."

"En." Bai Xuge ate the millet porridge in the bowl with a spoon.

On the table, there were several dishes, all of which were fried by Jiang Chengen just now. He was really careful, and the taste of the dishes was also very good.However, will this affect his work?

She looked at Jiang Chengen who was sitting next to her, "Don't you have to go to work?"

"I'll go to work in a few days, I've done my work, and I have marriage leave."

At this moment, Bai Xuge remembered that they are husband and wife now, and they just got their marriage certificate yesterday.

She began to eat porridge seriously, she was really hungry, she was pregnant with two babies, and she seemed to have to eat a lot of things every day to fill her stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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