The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 286 Take Advantage of the Void

Chapter 286 Take Advantage of the Void
This night, Xi Wan, Xiao Leng's room.

"Lan Lan, I'm fine, go take a shower and go to bed!" Xiao Leng lay on the bed and looked at Bai Lan who was taking care of him.

He just felt that he was too drunk, and then he caught a cold and got a few bottles of water in the hospital, and now he feels much better.But Bai Lan stood by and refused to leave, because she was too worried about herself.

Bai Lan checked the time on her phone, it was past ten o'clock at night.She was indeed a little tired, she got up and pulled up Xiao Leng's quilt, then turned around and lay down on the sofa in the room.

Xiao Leng watched and didn't say much, he was very embarrassed, he had been sharing the bed with Xu Ge for the past few months, should he now share the bed with her sister again?Although she and Bai Lan were together before, it must be different now.

Moreover, his heart is full of pretending Xuge now, what should he do?
Bai Lan quickly fell asleep on the sofa, and she seemed to be sleeping peacefully.She didn't take a shower, and she didn't say she wanted to sleep together. Xiao Leng didn't know what was going on in her heart. Could it be that it was too long and there was a sense of distance between the two of them?

Xiao Leng got up from the bed, took a thick quilt and gently covered Bai Lan's body.

Then he lay on the bed again, thinking about this annoying question in his mind.

How will he face Bai Lan in the days to come?

If Xu Ge had never appeared from the beginning to the end, maybe he could now be intimate with Bai Lan as a matter of course, and maybe his feelings for Bai Lan would not change.But now, Xu Ge has already lived in his heart, and it seems that he doesn't even have a place, but what kind of feelings does he have for Bai Lan now?
He suddenly felt like a complete heartbreaker, damn it, really damn it.

Misty, and finally sank into sleep.

The next morning, he woke up naturally, opened his eyes, and saw that the quilt on the sofa was neatly folded.

He got up and opened the bedroom curtains.Outside the window, the sun is hiding in the clouds, and it seems that it is also struggling to show its face and give the earth more sunshine.

He turned and went to the bathroom. After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he went downstairs.

He didn't see Bai Lan in the living room downstairs, but heard noises in the kitchen.He went over to look, and it turned out that Bai Lan was helping him make breakfast, while the nanny was helping him.

Seeing Xiao Leng standing at the kitchen door, Bai Lan looked at him and smiled.

"Is your cold better?"


"Go to the restaurant and wait! It will be ready soon."


Xiao Leng turned around and went to the restaurant.

A few small stir-fried vegetables had been set on the dining table, Xiao Leng guessed that it was fried by Bailan, the dishes looked good and seemed to be delicious.

He picked up the chopsticks and tasted it, and it was really good, the simple green vegetables were fried crispy and delicious.

He still remembered that Bai Lan didn't know how to cook in the past. It seemed that life in the mountains had changed her.

It seems that now, everything has changed, and it seems that it has returned to the past, but everything is different from before.

He felt a little sad, a little helpless, he didn't know how to go about his life in the future.It seems that everything is wrong, and everything is wrong.

Xuge, what do you think I should do?Have you been living like this all your life?Is this good for Bai Lan?Is it fair?
Bai Lan came over with porridge, preserved egg and lean meat porridge, Xiao Leng tried it, it tasted very good.

"Eat more, so that the body can recover quickly." After sitting down, Bai Lan picked up chopsticks and put some green vegetables on his plate. "Vegetable vegetables to detoxify, you should eat lightly in the past few days."

Xiao Leng smiled slightly, "Well, I'm fine now, I'm a big man, and my body can recover easily."

"That's good."

She also began to eat herself, chewing slowly and eating gracefully.

Xiao Leng looked up at her, "Are you going to school today?"

"I'll take care of you for a day."

"No, you go to school! Get used to the school environment earlier."

Bai Lan was silent for a moment, "Alright then! Then you..."

Xiao Leng smiled indifferently, "Don't worry about me, I have to go to the company later, the company has a lot of business."

She frowned slightly, and said in a worried voice, "If you're sick, don't work."

"It's okay, I'll only get sick when I'm idle! Get busy, the time will be over in a while, and I will pick you up from get off work."

She shook her head, "No, I'll just go home after get off work."

Xiao Leng said softly: "Be obedient, wait for me after get off work."

Bai Lan nodded and smiled, "Well, I'll wait for you."

After breakfast, Xiao Leng sent Bai Lan to school.

Then, he called Jiang Chengen.

A teahouse, the same teahouse they visited last time.

On the tea tray, the pleasant fragrance of tea is accompanied by thin water vapor.

Xiao Leng frowned slightly, and looked coldly at Jiang Chengen who was sitting across from him, "Why do I think you're taking advantage of it!"

Jiang Chengen smiled lightly, "Oh, really? Then let me take advantage of it! You can think whatever you want?"

Xiao Leng sighed deeply, "You and Xu Ge have already issued a marriage certificate, and they are already legal couples. Logically speaking, I am not qualified to ask Xu Ge about it, but... I still want to tell you something , you have to be nice to Xuge, if not, I can't spare you."

Jiang Chengen snorted coldly, "You don't need to explain this, you know my love for Xuge. The important thing is you, as long as you can stay away from Xuge, don't bring her any more pain, and don't give her any more burdens , then what you did was a good thing."

Feeling ashamed, Xiao Leng picked up the teacup on the tea tray and took a sip.

Jiang Chengen said again: "This is the end of the matter, you should treat Bai Lan well. Although Xuge will be in pain for a while, she will eventually figure it out, and life must go on, and you are always so entangled by yourself. When the time comes It will only make both Bai Lan and Xu Ge fall into pain."

"Thank you for reminding me, I won't do this again in the future." He knew that Jiang Chengen meant that he should not allow himself to get drunk and miss the past with Xu Ge.Yes, he is no longer qualified now, Xu Ge is already his wife, and he can only be good to Bai Lan, so that he will not fail the two sisters.

"That's okay, I'll go first. If we meet at Bai's house in the future, I hope you can always behave normally, not on the surface, but from the heart."

Xiao Leng said nothing, just drinking tea.For their sisters, he made too many mistakes.

Jiang Chengen got up and left.He was the only one left by the tea tray, and he also got up, paid the bill, and left the teahouse.

On the road, he drove the car and walked aimlessly.

He thought of Susuo. Recently, Susuo accompanied his father to sketch in the park every day, and occasionally went to distant places in the suburbs.

He called Suso, who said he was at a nearby park.

After hanging up the phone, he turned a corner and drove to the park.

In a bad mood, maybe family affection can give him some comfort.

(End of this chapter)

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