Chapter 287 The Fist of Two Men

Bai Xuge started working in Qian Xuying. Although Jiang Chengen strongly opposed it, she later figured it out. Maybe if she was asked to do something, she would feel better.

During working hours, Ye Qianqian saw her absent-mindedness, so he deliberately arranged for her to do something.

During lunch time, Ye Qianqian explained the truth to Bai Xuge in a deep and deep language.

"Xu Ge! You are married, so you can live in peace! In fact, Jiang Chengen is really a good man, steady and careful, and has a good personality."

Bai Xuge didn't say a word, just glanced at her with a wry smile, then lowered his head and ate his lunch.

While eating, she wanted to vomit again. Although it was not serious, Ye Qianqian suspected that she had fallen in love with her.

"Xu Ge, you are not pregnant..." Ye Qianqian pointed at her stomach, staring in surprise.

Bai Xuge immediately explained, "No, no, you are overthinking. Recently, you are in a bad mood, your stomach is not good, and you have pharyngitis. Minor illnesses bother you."

"Is that really the case?" Ye Qianqian looked in disbelief.

"It's true, Qianqian, don't think about it, it's nothing." Bai Xuge was frightened into a cold sweat by Ye Qianqian. She didn't want her to know that she was pregnant. It seems that this class will not be able to attend. .

Ye Qianqian spent a working meal time with Xu Ge in suspicion.

On the way back to the office, Bai Xuge looked at Ye Qianqian with an apologetic face, "Qianqian, I'm not in good condition, I'm afraid I won't be able to work here for the time being."

"It doesn't matter, if you don't get it, you don't get it. I don't think you have much interest in going to work. A person who doesn't have an interest is just wasting time here. Or go out for a trip, relax, don't be bored at home, it will be boring." .”

Bai Xuge nodded, "En".

She was depressed, and Ye Qianqian felt distressed watching her.

Bai Xuge stayed up until after get off work, she said that since she came, she had to have a beginning and an end.

Jiang Chengen came to pick her up early, which made Ye Qianqian jealous for a while.

She smiled and muttered, "Xuge, Nan Jingtian often just sends a driver to pick me up. The treatment before and after marriage is really different! But I think Jiang Chengen will be better, he is more thoughtful than Jingtian too much."

Bai Xuge smiled and said: "You are overthinking a thousand things, doesn't Sedum have to be busy with work now? He is doing all the entertainment and public relations here, and he also has to help the restaurant at home, which is quite tiring."

"That's true. I still need to be considerate and considerate of him, and I can't be a bitter wife myself."

Bai Xuge looked at her and smiled.

Ye Qianqian watched Xuge get into Jiang Chengen's car, feeling panicked.Will Xuge be happy if she marries Jiang Chengen?
In Jiang Chengen's car, Xuge looked out of the window with a peaceful face, without saying a word, just watching the cars coming and going and the tall buildings in the city.

Jiang Chengen glanced sideways at her, and asked softly, "How is work today? Are you still used to it?"

Bai Xuge replied flatly: "I won't go to work tomorrow, the morning sickness reaction is too strong, after a long time, everyone will know about it."

Jiang Chengen secretly rejoiced, "Then I won't do it. How about I take you on a trip? Go out and relax. Didn't we say that we are going to travel and get married? Let's treat it as our honeymoon."

She said softly: "As you arrange it!" After finishing speaking, she turned her head and looked out of the window.

During the rush hour, it is inevitable that there will be too many cars and heavy trucks, and Xu Ge will have morning sickness.

Suddenly her stomach gasped, she quickly covered her mouth with her hands, she looked at Jiang Chengen as if asking for help, and Jiang Chengen hurriedly pulled the car to the side of the road.

She opened the car door with one hand, rushed out of the car, and vomited violently on the side of the road. Jiang Chengen hurriedly took out a bottle of water from the trunk, and then patted her on the back beside her.

Suddenly, there was a sudden sound of brakes, and then there was a heavy closing sound of a car door not far away.Jiang Chengen didn't have the energy to pay attention to things other than Xuge, and kept stroking Xuge's back, but within a minute, he felt that he was being pulled away fiercely, before he could see who was so helpless. He pulled himself politely, and someone punched him hard in the face.

Sensing something was wrong, Bai Xuge quickly stood up and looked at Jiang Chengen, she yelled at the assailant, "Xiao Leng, what are you doing?"

After saying that, she wanted to go over and talk, Jiang Chengen quickly blocked Xuge, all he was thinking about was the child in Xuge's belly, and he was afraid that she would be hurt in the slightest.

Jiang Chengen slowly pushed Xuge aside, wiped the blood stains on the corner of his lips with one hand, and comforted Xuge, "Xuge, don't come near us, this is a matter between us men, we should solve it ourselves." Seeing that Xu Ge was standing a little farther away, he let go, and turned his eyes to stare at Xiao Leng.Then he rushed over like a tiger, raised his fist, and punched Xiao Leng in the face.

Xiao Leng snorted.

Bai Xuge looked at the two men fighting like this, her heart was pierced like a knife, she screamed: "Stop hitting, stop hitting..." Shouting, her voice weakened and her body rubbed against each other. On the ground, she covered her face and cried bitterly.

The two injured men stopped, looked at Xu Ge, and both rushed to her side.

"Xu Ge, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Leng said anxiously.

"Xuge, are you okay!" Jiang Chengen also asked from the other side.

Xiao Leng's eyes were full of cold evil spirit, and he glared at Jiang Chengen, "Why didn't you take her to the hospital, didn't you say you would treat her well? Why did you keep throwing up like this? It's been several days, what are you doing? Husband's."

Xiao Leng's wild bombardment made Jiang Chengen confused, and he realized after a while, is Xiao Leng beating himself for this matter?Because seeing Xu Ge was vomiting uncomfortably.

Jiang Chengen held back his breath, he knew that he couldn't quarrel with Xiao Leng at this time, it would make Xuge feel even more uncomfortable.

But Xiao Leng didn't know, he didn't know that the reason why Xuge vomited was because she was pregnant with his child.

Jiang Chengen and Xiao Leng helped Bai Xuge to his feet.

Bai Xuge shook off Xiao Leng's hand, looked at the bruises on his face, felt pain and hatred in her heart, pointed at Xiao Leng's face, and said ruthlessly: "You are not allowed to hit my husband in the future, listen Is it there?" The next three words were yelled out, until her throat broke.Her face was full of tears, she couldn't tell if she felt sorry for Jiang Chengen or Xiao Leng.She only knows that she is uncomfortable, and her heart is very uncomfortable.

Jiang Chengen helped Xu Ge to his car, helped her fasten her seat belt, and then helped her close the car door.Then he walked in front of Xiao Leng, looked at Xiao Leng who was stunned there, raised his hand and pointed at him, "Xiao Leng, you have to remember, you are the one who hurt Xuge, not me. If you hit me again in the future , I will never let you go." After that, he bent sideways to the driver's seat, opened the door, got in the car, started the engine, and drove away.

Xiao Leng watched the white car shadow drifting away, he leaned down, held his head in his hands and roared in pain: "Ah..." His face was distorted in pain.

His cell phone rang, and he suddenly remembered that he was going to pick up Bai Lan from get off work.He quickly got up, took a deep breath, and after he calmed down, he connected the phone, "Lan Lan, there is a traffic jam, please wait for me for a while."

"Okay, drive slowly, I'm not in a hurry." Bai Lan's voice on the phone was clear and gentle, and Xiao Leng's mood gradually calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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