The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 294 The Flesh on the Diamond Ring

Chapter 294 The Flesh on the Diamond Ring

In Susuo's ward, everyone just took a quick glance and came out, leaving only Xiao Hongyuan guarding inside.

The doctor said that the patient had just finished the operation and needed to rest.

Chen Nianrou said hello to Xu Ge, Bai Lan was just surprised that Xu Ge knew Xiao Leng's family members, but she didn't pay too much attention to it, maybe it is possible to know, if you know Xiao Leng, you may know his family members.

Xiao Leng persuaded Chen Nianrou to go home, he felt that she was too verbose, and would talk too much, it would be bad if she was overwhelmed.

When Xiao Leng faced Xu Ge, his heart was even heavier.The emotional pressure, coupled with Suso's serious injury, made him a little overwhelmed.

At about ten o'clock at night, Jiang Chengen left with Xu Ge, and Xiao Leng asked Bai Lan to go with them.Although Bai Lan tried his best to help take care of Su Suo together, Xiao Leng felt that he was under too much pressure when facing Bai Lan.He couldn't take it anymore, so he tried every means to evade, Bai Lan finally agreed to leave with Xu Ge.

Gao Ze didn't come to the hospital until almost twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.He is efficient in handling affairs, and he can come to report, so naturally everything is clear.

"The two men who kidnapped Suso on the surveillance found out all the ins and outs."

"Tell me." Xiao Leng sat on the sofa chair outside the ward.

The VIP ward on this floor has a very good environment inside and out, with complete hardware facilities, including computers with Internet access and a leisure tea room.

"Ouyang from Ou Qili did this. He spent money to hire a bunch of gangsters here. Originally, he wanted to hire the most powerful black boss in city B, but when they heard that they were kidnapping you, they didn't want to. Dare to take this order. It just so happens that this group of gangsters don't know how to live or die. Ouyang gave a lot of money. This group of people is just starting out, and they are very short of money. Their boss took this order by chance. A few days ago They were going to do it, but because you were in the car all the time, they couldn't do it, and today they met Su Suo waiting for a taxi outside, and they thought Su Suo was you, so they tied Su Suo up."

"How did they treat Suo?"

"The beating was severe, and the last blow was done by their boss with an iron rod."

"Have you called the police?"

"Reported, those people are now in the police station."

"Arrange it for me. I want to meet the man who hit the head of the cable with an iron rod."


"Now?" Xiao Leng said through gritted teeth, a chill flashed through his dark pupils.

"Where is Ouyang?"

"Ouyang wait for me to think about it."

"Okay, then I'll go to the police station to make arrangements."


Xiao Leng watched Gao Ze enter the elevator, he got up and entered the ward.

In the ward, Su Suo's face was still pale.

Suo, you have suffered, the person lying here should have been me...


In Su Muying's apartment, she just took a shower and was about to play exciting games with Hala.She is going back to England in a few days, so Hala has stayed here every day for the past few days, and they cherish this short time very much.

She is wearing a bright red underwear, sexy and enchanting.

Hala was stroking her body when Su Muying's cell phone rang.

Hala didn't want her to pick it up, but she couldn't help but take a look.

She answered the phone, Hala didn't know who was on the phone, what was said, she froze, and the phone dropped to the ground.Immediately afterwards, she quickly changed her clothes, dressed neatly, and even put on a windbreaker.

"Mu Ying, what's wrong? Where are you going?"

"Something happened to Su Suo, I'm going to the hospital."

The call just now was from Jiang Chengen, maybe Jiang Chengen was concerned about their relationship as brother and sister, Su Muying must know about this matter.

Hala knew that Su Muying had always loved Susuo, so he didn't want to make trouble, so he quickly changed into his clothes.

"I'll take you there."

"No, I don't want his family to see us together again."

Su Muying still took a picture in front of the mirror calmly. No matter what happened to Su Suo, she hoped that Su Suo would look beautiful when he saw her.

She walked out the door with her handbag, followed by Hala.

After leaving the gate of the community, Hala helped Su Muying hail a taxi.

He watched the taxi that Su Muying was in drifting away, feeling a little disappointed.

Tonight I was in ecstasy, but an accident happened.

At this time, another taxi passed in front of him, and it was not this taxi that attracted his attention, but the people in the taxi.

In the darkness, he couldn't see the face clearly, but he had a strange feeling that the person's face was familiar, and he knew it was a woman.

In a daze, he got into his car.He drove on the way home, dangling on the road, but felt more and more wrong.

He turned the car around and drove in the direction of the taxi just now.

The taxi that Su Muying was in stopped when it arrived at the city hospital.She paid the fare and got out of the car. When she looked up, she bumped into a person. It was a woman, because she smelled a perfume. She could smell the brand of this perfume. It was Dior's true self.

"What are you doing? You're leaving in such a hurry." Su Muying cursed.

"Ms. Su, hello." The woman stood in front of Su Muying, standing very close, so close that she could almost smell each other's breath.

In the night, Su Muying saw this pretty woman clearly under the weak light of the street lamp. Her heart trembled and she panicked, "You, what are you going to do?" Her voice trembled slightly because of a guilty conscience.

The woman was very calm, "Miss Su, I have nothing but a present for you."

"What gift?" Su Muying frowned, "Get out of the way, I have something else to do." After saying that, she wanted to leave.

A woman stood in front of her, and suddenly, she raised her arm, opened her palm, and swung it towards Su Muying's face.

"Ah!" With a shrill scream, Su Muying was knocked down by her slap.

The pain Su Muying felt was not only a shocking pain on her face, but also accompanied by a sharp pain of tearing flesh.

Her heart trembled, she was frightened, she smelled a sweet smell of blood, and felt a dampness in the hands covering her face.

"Ah!" She let out a sharper roar, which shattered the night sky, and tears flowed out. She knew that she was disfigured, her most confident appearance was ruined, and it was harder to love than killing her.

She fell to the ground crying...

The security guards from the hospital came out, surrounded by a few passers-by.

Before the woman left, she looked at her numb palm and the diamond ring with a red light on her hand, and she rubbed against Su Muying's side.

She sneered and said: "Miss Su, this is a formal meeting gift for you. I'm really sorry, I just wanted to slap you, but I didn't expect that my ring is on the wrong side."

Su Muying's murderous and hateful eyes stared at the woman's palm, and her murder weapon turned out to be a diamond ring.The not too big diamond ring was still stained with the flesh and blood of his own face.

"Ah!" There was another sharp howl of pain.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Su, if you don't plan to call the police, I will leave first. If you plan to call the police, you can contact me at any time. You know how to find me, huh! Goodbye, Su-Mu-Ying! "The last three words, she gritted her teeth, and recited each word heavily.

The woman got up and left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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