The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 295 The Violent Beating of the Police Station

Chapter 295 The Violent Beating of the Police Station

"Miss, do you want to call the police?" A man next to him, wearing a security uniform, asked Su Muying half-way.

"Take me to the hospital quickly." Su Muying yelled at this strange and kind security guard, not polite at all.

The security guard knew that she was sad, so he didn't care about her and helped her up.

Fortunately, it was at the entrance of the hospital.

"This woman must be the mistress."

"That's right! That beater must be Mrs. Zheng, really powerful."

"I don't know why they didn't call the police."

"No face."

Everyone was discussing, these harsh words fell into Su Muying's ears, she wanted to go crazy, she wanted to kill someone.

"Mu Ying, what's wrong with you?"

Su Muying, who had just walked a few steps with the support of the security guard, heard the sound of the car door being slammed shut, and then Hala ran up to her.

Su Muying turned around, glared at Hala, and yelled again: "Go back and ask your damn wife, old man, old woman, his/her murderer." She searched as much as possible in her mind. Words that can swear.

Hala looked at Su Muying's face and saw blood flowing out of the place she was covering, and he knew something serious had happened.

He stepped forward to support Su Muying, but was thrown away by Su Muying forcefully.

"Get out, I don't want to see you, I don't want to see you."

Tears and blood were intertwined on Su Muying's face, making Hala feel a chill.

"Mu Ying, I'm sorry, I'll go back to find Mi Yu right away." Hala said, turned and left.

The security guard helped Su Muying into the gate of the hospital.

"Su Muying."

A gentle male voice sounded, Su Muying raised her head to look at Xiao Leng in front of her, turned her back to ignore him, and walked forward, leaving only the sobs in Xiao Leng's ears.

Xiao Leng looked at the blood on Su Muying's face, and wanted to ask, but he knew that Su Muying definitely didn't want to say anything at this time, and he also cared about going to the detention center, so he walked out of the hospital gate.

Lu Chenxing was waiting in front of the Bentley, he knew that he had to work night shift these days.

In the car, Lu Chenxing told Xiao Leng about Su Muying. Although he didn't hear the conversation between Su Muying and that woman, those beating actions and the mutual hatred between the two women made it obvious to anyone with a discerning eye. Know what it is for.Naturally, Lu Chenxing also knew Hala's wife, after all, he had worked with Hala for three years.

Xiao Leng said coldly: "This is Su Muying's retribution! But Hala's wife is also cruel enough. This kind of shrew behavior is unacceptable. Disfigurement is too vicious."

Lu Chenxing replied: "Yes! There should still be a proper way."

"However, there are some hatreds that cannot be solved by normal means." Xiao Leng suddenly remembered that what he was going to do now was not a proper way.

After Xiao Leng finished speaking, he rolled the window, only wanting the cold air outside the window to harden his heart.

Lu Chenxing stopped talking. This night was unusual, and the cold air was filled with the smell of blood, which made him, a bystander, feel oppressed and helpless.

At this time, it was nearly two o'clock in the morning, and the two police officers on duty at the police station were lying on the sofa in the office and fell asleep.Xiao Leng didn't wake them up, Gao Ze greeted them, followed by a policeman.

The policeman pointed to a room and signaled, "People are inside."

Xiao Leng walked into that room with big strides.

A stout, crew-cut man was sitting on a chair with his head tilted, apparently drowsy. Looking at the scars on his face, it was estimated that he had been beaten before, possibly by the police or by Gao Ze.

When Xiao Leng saw this man, he thought about the wound on Su Suo's head in the ward, his dark eyes as deep as a whirlpool, cold and indifferent.

He suddenly approached the man, lifted his slender legs, kicked the man to the ground and slid a few meters away.The man howled fiercely, it is estimated that the strength on Xiao Leng's leg was not small.

The man lay on the ground, opened a pair of blank eyes, stared at the tall and mighty Xiao Leng, who was full of hostility, "You... you... Xiao... Mr. Xiao, aren't you okay?"

This man actually thought that Xiao Leng in front of him was the one he injured today, he was wondering, didn't he get beaten badly?How could it be so spirited to stand in front of oneself.

The cold light in Xiao Leng's eyes shocked the man.

Xiao Leng snorted coldly, and raised his foot to step on the man's head. The hard Italian handmade leather shoes moved vigorously on the man's head, only to make the man scream "Aww". "Of course I'm fine. It's my younger brother you arrested, and you gangsters dared to kidnap me. Let me tell you, if my younger brother can't wake up, you will never wake up again in this life." His The words slammed into the man's ears word by word, only to hear the man's body trembling non-stop.

Xiao Leng's foot was still not removed, and he was still stepping on the man's head. When he thought of Su Suo lying in a coma on the hospital bed, he thought that if killing people was not against the law, he would definitely kill this man.

Maybe the man was too scared, or maybe the love pain on his head made him unbearable, so he cried and begged for mercy: "Mr. Xiao, please let me go, I will never dare again, never again!" Dare."

Xiao Leng took his feet back and was about to go outside, but suddenly turned his head, ran in front of the man, and kicked the man on the ground fiercely.The man screamed, like a ghost crying and a wolf howling in this silent night.

Xiao Leng stopped venting his anger, he spit on the man, and then said harshly: "I just kicked you a few times, it's far from what you kicked my brother, I warn you again, if I If my brother can't wake up, you don't want to wake up again. If my brother wakes up, get out of City B immediately after you are released from prison, there is no place for you here."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Xiao, I'll go, I will go."

The man's whole body was in a state of embarrassment and the fear on his face made Xiao Leng slightly relieved.

Xiao Leng walked out, outside the room, and said to Gao Ze: "Let's go."

"Okay, Mr. Xiao."

After Gao Ze thanked the policeman for Xiao Leng, he followed Xiao Leng out of the police station.

Gao Ze got into his car, followed Bentley's car, and went back to the hospital.

After getting out of the car and entering the gate of the hospital, Xiao Leng saw the security guard who was supporting Su Muying before. He walked up to the security guard and asked, "Where is the woman whose face was injured before?"

The security guard said, "It's in the injection room on the second floor. Her face was deeply wounded and she had eight stitches. It must be broken."


After thanking Xiao Leng, he went straight up the stairs, followed by Gao Ze.

The night was too restless.

Su Muying was sitting on a chair with an infusion to reduce inflammation. Her face was covered with gauze, and her eyes were still full of tears. The smudged black eyeliner made her even more haggard and embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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