The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 296 Suo, Wake Up If You Are Hungry

Chapter 296 Suo, Wake Up If You Are Hungry
In the dark house, only a little morning light from the window allowed her to see the mess in the house.

Everything is finally over, she doesn't know whether she should be happy or sad, anyway, her heart is empty now.

I still remember that day, in order to enter Su Muying's apartment and install a camera, she found the landlord and sold her body.She didn't even know, at first she thought it was a betrayal, but in the end, it was a vent that she could enjoy.

It turns out that the feeling of stealing/love is really exciting, no wonder Hala is deeply involved in it and cannot extricate herself.

But what is the exchange for a moment of happiness?The breakdown of the family, the loneliness of the daughter.

In the darkness, she sneered.The family is broken up, completely broken up.

But she doesn't regret it.She fought, tried, and forgave.

All she could do, she did.

Those who do wrong must be punished, Hala was punished, Su Muying was also punished.

Hmph, she sneered again.

It was finally dawn, she simply tidied up the house, took a shower, and changed into a set of clean pajamas.

She decided to get a good night's sleep, and then went to divorce with Hala with full energy.


Gao Ze sent the video over at around ten o'clock in the morning.When she arrived at the hospital, Su Muying was sleeping on the escort bed.

Xiao Leng was lying on the sofa, also sleeping soundly.

Last night all night, really tired.

Xiao Leng was awakened when he heard the sound of Gao Ze opening the door. In a haze, he only thought that Su Suo had woken up. When he opened his eyes, he saw clearly that it was Gao Ze who had come.

Gao Ze said softly: "Mr. Xiao, the video is in this USB flash drive, you will leave it to Su Muying later! I will rush to W City."

Xiao Leng took the USB flash drive, and looked at Gao Ze solemnly, "Be careful when you go to W City, it is Ouyang's territory, and he must know that I will fight back, he will take precautions."

Gao Ze nodded, "Don't worry, I will be very careful." He turned around and went out.

Looking at Gao Ze's leaving back, Xiao Leng sighed deeply. He believed in Gao Ze's stability and efficiency, and he would not worry too much about Gao Ze. He only hoped that this matter would end soon, and then Suo woke up quickly.

It's just Xuge, Xuge...

He couldn't help but think of her again. At his most vulnerable moment, he really hoped that Xu Ge could be by his side, and use her warm and clear fingers to wipe away the wind and dust from his face and comfort his tired heart. heart of.

He got up and sat next to Su Suo, looking at Su Suo's colorless face, he felt a sudden pain in his heart.

Suo, brother, why is it always you who suffer.You were the one who was taken away, and you are the one who is beaten now.

Could it be that you owed me in your previous life?To pay back in this world.

Bai Lan came at noon, and she came here during the school lunch break.

Su Muying happened to be sitting next to Su Suo when she came in. Bai Lan saw the gauze on Su Muying's face, but she didn't ask.

Su Muying only glanced at Bai Lan without saying a word.She was in a bad mood, everything was bad for her now, her face was disfigured, and Su Suo was beaten like this for her own reasons.Is this all her retribution?
Su Muying got up and left. When she walked out of the door, Xiao Leng came in. She didn't even look at Xiao Leng.She held the USB flash drive tightly in her hand.

Xiao Leng and Bai Lan both stood at the door looking at Su Muying's back as he left sadly.

"Cold, what happened to Su Muying's face?"

"I was accidentally scratched by a sharp object." Xiao Leng didn't tell the truth. Letting Bai Lan know about Su Muying's miserable situation would only make her more sad.

Bai Lan's heart twitched, and she said in surprise: "Will it be disfigured if you get hurt by a sharp weapon?"

"I will!"

"Now that medical technology is advanced, it shouldn't be too obvious."

"Injury to muscle tissue, even if it is not obvious, will be different from before."

Bai Lan shook her head, turned around and entered the ward.

Xiao Leng followed her and asked, "Have you had lunch yet?"

Bai Lan turned her eyes and replied, "Not yet."

"Let me call and order!"

While Xiao Leng was talking, Xiao Hongyuan and Chen Nianrou came over with a lunch box.

Chen Nianrou looked at Bai Lan, nodded and smiled, and Bai Lan called out politely: "Auntie." Then she called out to Xiao Hongyuan: "Uncle."

Xiao Leng had specifically explained Bai Lan's matter earlier, and Xiao Hongyuan only guessed that she was Bai Lan. He was too sad yesterday, and only Su Suo was the only one who was full of eyes, so he didn't pay attention to her at that time.

Xiao Hongyuan smiled and said, "Your name is Lan Lan!"

Bai Lan also nodded with a smile.

Xiao Hongyuan glanced around, then turned to Xiao Leng and asked, "Where's Mu Ying?"

Xiao Leng said: "She's gone."

Xiao Hongyuan put the lunch box in his hand on the table, looked at Bai Lan, "Lan Lan, you didn't have lunch! I didn't know you were coming, but it happens that Su Muying is not here, so you and Leng Er join in and eat together!"

"Okay, thank you uncle!"

Xiao Leng pulled Bai Lan to the side of the table, and then slowly opened the lunch box with her.

The food inside is very fragrant, and they are also hungry.

At this time, I only heard Xiao Hongyuan sitting next to Su Suo, sighing, "I don't know if Su Suo will be hungry, Suo, if you are hungry, wake up, and I will ask someone to bring food to you, okay?" He said so motionlessly to the bed, which made people sound a little sad.

Chen Nianrou stood behind Xiao Hongyuan, just stroking his shoulder and comforting him.

Chen Nianrou's temper changed a bit, perhaps because she was grateful to Xiao Leng for not pointing out the matter of her stealing the rope back then, and because she was getting older, saw more people and things, and figured out a lot of things.

Because of Xiao Hongyuan's words, both Xiao Leng and Bai Lan couldn't taste their food, and they felt uncomfortable and panicked.

"Lan Lan, order more. I'll take you to school after eating."

"Well, you should eat more too." Bai Lan looked at Xiao Leng's haggard handsome face, and she put all the meat on the plate into his bowl.

As for Xiao Leng, he just thought that she didn't like meat, but he didn't understand her intentions.

After the meal, Bai Lan took the thermos box to wash it up. Chen Nianrou insisted that she didn't need to wash it, but just took it home and washed it for the nanny, but Bai Lan insisted on doing this, so she didn't stop her.

After tidying up the ward for a while, Bai Lan bid farewell to Xiao Hongyuan and Chen Nianrou.

Xiao Leng took her down the elevator together.

Today's weather is slightly warmer than yesterday's, and Xiao Leng's mood is also slightly relaxed with the change of weather.

In the car, Bai Lan looked at Xiao Leng from time to time, his handsome facial features were full of sadness.

She was thinking silently in her heart, Suo, get well soon!Don't let your brother worry, don't let everyone worry.

There was silence in the car, Xiao Leng said, "Is the class officially starting now?"

Bai Lan said: "The first class officially starts in the afternoon. I... I'm a little nervous." After she finished speaking, she looked at him, expecting his encouragement.

Xiao Leng glanced at her sideways, turned around and looked straight ahead, driving seriously, "Try to take a deep breath, don't be afraid, treat the students below as dolls, dolls."

The corners of Bai Ban's lips curved slightly, and he gave a soft "um".Thinking "doll, doll" was a good idea.

(End of this chapter)

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