The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 297 She is greedy for this embrace

Chapter 297 She is greedy for this embrace

The home of Jiang Chengen and Xuge.

Xuge was lying on the sofa reading a book on parenting, and there were a few books on the coffee table, all bought by Jiang Chengen for her to study.

Jiang Chengen sat on the sofa beside him, helping her make honeysuckle tea.

His clear eyes looked at Xu Ge from time to time.Her expression was serene and gentle, and the smile that appeared and disappeared at that time was like a lotus flower that had just bloomed, and it was so beautiful that people suffocated.

He knew that this tranquility was brought to her by the two babies in her womb.

"Xuge, can I book a ticket to Greece now?" he said softly.

Bai Xuge put the book in front of him on his chest, looked sideways at Jiang Chengen with beautiful eyes, his eyes darkened instantly, "Don't go! Su Suo is lying in the hospital now, I think not only I feel bad, but you also Same."

Jiang Chengen's voice froze, and he took the lead slightly, "Well, we will go after Su Suo wakes up."


Jiang Chengen put the brewed scented tea beside her, "It's too hot now, drink it later, but don't let it get too cold."

"Yeah..." Bai Xuge looked at the concerned look on his face, and felt warm in his heart.At the moment when I was most helpless, fortunately, I had him beside me to comfort me, otherwise, I didn't know how to get over this hurdle.

"Are you going to see Suso today? I want to." Jiang Chengen asked her.

Bai Xuge nodded, "Let's go together!" She originally wanted to go in the morning, but she always found it difficult to face Xiao Leng, so she hesitated all the time.

Jiang Chengen saw the worry in her eyes, and he knew her thoughts at a glance.

"Then take a break, drink this cup of tea and go."

Xu Ge nodded, then sat up from the sofa, and put the book on top of the few books on the coffee table.She held the cup of honeysuckle tea and drank it slowly.

"Drink slowly, don't rush."


Jiang Chengen helped her put the book into the drawer of the coffee table, and Xuge understood what he meant. If any guests came, they would definitely be suspicious when they saw this book that only mothers-to-be read.

When they arrived at the hospital, only Xiao Hongyuan was in the ward.

In the ward, Jiang Chengen was sitting beside Su Suo's hospital bed, and he suddenly remembered the scene when he was lying on the hospital bed like this a while ago, and Xu Ge fed him medicine and water.Time is passing, and everything has changed, Xu Ge is still by his side, the difference is that she has become his wife, although it is in name only, but this has made him very satisfied.

Xiao Hongyuan pulled Xu Ge to sit on the sofa.

"Xuge, I'm really sorry for you." Xiao Hongyuan's eyes were full of kindness.

Bai Xuge bit her lip, at this moment, in front of this elder, she suddenly felt wronged like a child, she couldn't help but shed tears, unable to speak.Indeed, she was wronged.If she was not pregnant, maybe it would be better, but now, she is pregnant with the Xiao family's child, and sitting in front of her is the grandfather of the two children, but she can't say anything, she can only hide it, this is called her How not to be wronged.

Xiao Hongyuan could only look at the poor girl in front of him and cry, helpless.

"Can't you explain it to your sister? I think she is a sensible person, and she can figure it out."

Bai Xuge held back her tears, she took out a tissue from her bag to wipe off the tears on her face, then raised her head and said to Xiao Hongyuan: "Uncle, you must not say that my sister has depression, otherwise she would not I will jump off Qingfengya. My sister loves Leng very deeply, no less than me at all, so if my sister knows that I have had such a relationship with Leng, she will definitely not be able to bear it. If something happens to her again, Then I'll..."

As she spoke, her tears fell like broken pearls.

Xiao Hongyuan shook his head and sighed: "Oh, if only you and Leng'er hadn't had such a period, you wouldn't have suffered such pain and torture."

Bai Xuge remained silent, she held back her tears, but her body was still twitching.

At this time Xiao Leng pushed open the door of the ward, Bai Xuge was startled, and hurriedly cleaned up the mess on her face, she didn't want Xiao Leng to see her crying.

But he didn't want him to see it anymore, he saw it too, his heart suddenly throbbed, he ignored Jiang Chengen who stood up beside the hospital bed, walked quickly to Xu Ge, saw her eyes that were red and swollen from crying , grabbed her hand tightly wrapped around the tear-soaked tissue, and then pulled her hard, hugging her tightly in his arms, letting her struggle, but he didn't care, just hugged her tightly.

He could no longer restrain his emotions. The heavy burden these days had almost made him breathless. Coupled with Su Suo's coma, he felt that he was about to collapse.

He gritted his teeth and murmured softly: "Xuge, Xuge."

Bai Xuge didn't struggle anymore, she was powerless to struggle anymore, at this moment, she was greedy for this embrace, wishing that he could just hold her like this, and never let go.

Seeing them hugging each other tightly, Jiang Chengen couldn't hold his breath. He walked up to them with big strides, grabbed Xu Ge's hand, and separated them abruptly.

"Xiao Leng, please pay attention to your own identity, Xuge is my wife now." Jiang Chengen said with hatred every word.

Xiao Hongyuan was stunned when he heard what Jiang Chengen said. He pointed at Jiang Chengen and Xu Ge, he really couldn't understand their relationship.

Xiao Leng still wanted to pull Xu Ge back, but Xu Ge also took a step back. She woke up and regretted it. How could she be so unsteady in her will.

She turned around and rushed out of the ward, followed by Jiang Chengen. He stopped when he reached the ward, and said to Xiao Leng: "If you and Xu Ge can't be together, don't pester her anymore, it will only make her It's even more painful." After he finished speaking, he immediately turned around and chased after Xuge.

In the ward, Xiao Hongyuan asked Xiao Leng, "Leng'er, are Xu Ge and Jiang Chengen married?"

Xiao Leng fell down on the sofa, nodded in pain, frowning deeply, put his hands on his knees, and buried his head deeply between his knees.

Xiao Hongyuan sighed deeply, "Leng'er, this is the end of the matter, you should stop thinking about Xu Ge and treat Bai Lan wholeheartedly."

In the elevator, Jiang Chengen supported Xuge, hugged her into his arms, and let her tears soak his skirt bit by bit.

"Xuge, cry! Cry if you feel better!" Jiang Chengen stroked her shoulder with one hand. If the pain could be transferred, he really hoped that he could transfer the pain she was enduring to himself.

"Cheng En, I'm sorry!" Bai Xuge cried.

"Fool, don't tell me you're sorry, never, I'm your husband, I love you." The corners of Jiang Chengen's eyes were also wet, and he finally couldn't help but say the three words "I love you" to her. Character.

The elevator opened, and the people waiting for the elevator looked at them hugging each other so sadly and crying, and thought that something happened to their relatives, after all, this was a hospital.

Bai Xuge slowly held back her tears, sat in Jiang Chengen's car, and looked out the window blankly. Apart from the pain, there was also complexity. The three words Jiang Chengen just said did not sound joyful to her, only heavy.


(End of this chapter)

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