Chapter 298 Brother's Warmth

The weather has been gloomy for several days, but today is a rare warm and pleasant day.But Xu Ge's mood was still depressed and dull. At this moment, her heart felt like a night of showers.

"Cheng'en, I want to take a walk by the seaside."

"Okay, Xuge, I'll take you there right now."

After the red light passed, Jiang Chengen drove to the intersection ahead and turned a corner.

When we arrived at the beach, the sky gradually darkened, and the red sunset hung on the endless sea, making the place where the sea and the sky meet look like brocade, gorgeous and colorful.

Standing by the sea, Xuge looked at the magnificent scenery, and saw that the red sun seemed reluctant to leave the world it once illuminated, but no matter how reluctant, the round red sun slowly Little by little, she was swallowed by the sea water, just like her love with Xiao Leng.

The evening wind was blowing on Xu Ge's dress, and she was reluctant to leave as the curtain was approaching.

Jiang Chengen approached her, looked at her sad face, felt distressed, he stroked her slender shoulders one by one, just wanting to heal her heartache inch by inch.

"Let's go! Xuge, it's getting dark, and you're pregnant with a baby! Don't freeze them." Jiang Chengen's tone was gentle, and he was afraid that if he said something harsh, it would hurt her.

"Well, go back!"

With Jiang Chengen's support, Xuge walked to the side of the road.

Jiang Chengen looked at Xuge's melancholy face from time to time, "Xuge, why don't we live abroad!"

Xu Ge faltered, and looked sideways at Jiang Chengen.Jiang Chengen smiled lightly, "If you don't want to, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Unexpectedly, Xuge nodded and said, "Okay."

Jiang Chengen was shocked, "Ah? Xuge, what do you mean by 'good'?"

Xuge said word by word: "Go... abroad."

Jiang Chengen was overjoyed, and the corners of his lips fluttered, "Xuge, are you willing to live abroad with me?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ge nodded emphatically.

"How about going to the UK? In the conference call at the company headquarters yesterday, it was mentioned that the president of the UK headquarters has retired, and they all strongly recommended me to take up the post. Is it okay to be in London? If you don't like London, I can also transfer to the United States. The president of the new company in the United States is not doing well, and the headquarters wants to replace him, Xu Ge, where do you want to go? It's up to you to choose."

When Xu Ge heard about London, he thought of the good days he and Xiao Leng spent in England.She said lightly: "London!"

"Okay, Xu Ge, wait for me for a few days, and I will hand over the work here first."


Perhaps, leaving is the best way to avoid pain, Xu Ge was relieved, but relieved.No matter how much reluctance there is, what should be given up must be given up.

Back in the urban area, the lights are on and the dusk is deep.

"I'm very hungry! It may be too late to go home and cook, or we'll eat outside."

"it is good."

"Xuge, what do you want to eat?"

"Arrange as you please!"

"Can I take you to eat porridge? It's easy to digest."

"it is good."

The car stopped in front of a porridge shop with a unique decoration.

"The porridge here is good. I used to eat it when I was alone."

"Really?" Bai Xuge looked at Jiang Chengen and smiled.

Jiang Chengen finally saw the smile on her face, and his heart relaxed a lot, "Yes, you will know after you taste it."


Bai Xuge followed Jiang Chengen in.

"Mu Ying..."

Bai Xuge heard Jiang Chengen calling for someone, she followed his gaze and looked over, Su Muying was sitting there drinking porridge.

When Su Muying heard someone calling her, she just looked up and saw that it was Jiang Chengen and Bai Xuge, she didn't make a sound, and continued to bury her head in the porridge, as if she buried her face even lower.

Both Jiang Chengen and Bai Xuge saw the gauze on Su Muying's face, and they couldn't guess how badly she was injured, but what was certain was that she was in a very bad mood.The usual pride and elation are gone at this moment.

Jiang Chengen suddenly remembered that the apartment Su Muying lives in is nearby.

Jiang Chengen sat next to Su Muying, and Bai Xuge also sat down.

The waiter handed the order book to Jiang Chengen, and Jiang Chengen handed the order book to Bai Xuge, "Xuge, see what you like to eat."

Bai Xuge took the order book, flipped through it casually, and ordered a shrimp porridge, two vegetables, and a plate of boiled beef.Then he looked at Su Muying again, "Muying, do you want to order anything else?"

Su Muying just ate the porridge with her head down, completely ignoring Bai Xuge.After Bai Xuge gave the order to the waiter, the waiter left.

Bai Xuge felt a little uncomfortable sitting here, she thought, Su Muying didn't want to sit here by herself either!But according to the relationship between Jiang Chengen and Su Muying, it is unreasonable not to sit together.

"Cheng En, I'm going to the bathroom." She took the opportunity to leave, she probably knew that Su Muying didn't want to tell her what was on her mind.

Jiang Chengen watched her get up, looked at her belly, and told her, "Walk carefully, the bathroom floor is slippery." As soon as he said the words, he felt a slip of the tongue, and he was worried that Su Muying would hear something.

Bai Xuge nodded, turned and went to the bathroom.

"Mu Ying, what's the matter with the injury on your face?" Jiang Chengen asked with concern.

Su Muying still didn't answer, it seemed that she was in a really bad mood.

Jiang Chengen saw that there was no make-up on her face, she was completely plain. It seemed that she had only seen this kind of plain makeup when she was young. Seeing it now, she felt very kind.

"Mu Ying, I know you're in a bad mood right now, but I'm your brother, and I want to know how you got hurt."

At this time, Su Muying suddenly stopped drinking the porridge, her hands stopped there, and the tears in her eyes couldn't stop flowing down, drop by drop, onto the table.Perhaps it was Jiang Chengen's word "brother" that gave her warmth and made her cry even more uncontrollably.

Jiang Chengen raised his hand and gently stroked her back, "It's okay, Muying, don't say it if you don't want to. Just remember, you still have a brother here." Although he didn't usually like Su Muying's character, but they had been together since childhood. The affection he has grown up with is still there, in his heart, Su Muying has always been his younger sister, like his own sister.

Su Muying cried slowly until she couldn't catch her breath, Jiang Chengen sat closer to her, just wanted to give her some comfort.Su Muying leaned her head on his shoulder, and she threw herself on his shoulder, wetting his shoulder wet.

Bai Xuge found a table far away and sat down. At this time, she didn't want to disturb them.No matter how hateful Su Muying was, at this moment, she was just a sad woman just like herself.

"Brother Cheng En, my face is disfigured, disfigured..." Su Muying cried sadly.

Jiang Chengen's heart was a little cold. It seemed that the injury on Su Muying's face was serious. He could understand Su Muying's sadness. The capital she was most proud of would no longer exist in the future. This blow was too great for her.

(End of this chapter)

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