Chapter 299
"How did you get hurt? Did you accidentally do it, or did someone else hit you?"

"Brother Chengen, it's my fault, it's all my fault, I shouldn't provoke other people's men..." She dared to say such embarrassing words in front of Jiang Chengen. , Then I felt regret again, "Brother Cheng En, do you think in your heart that I deserve it, that I deserve to be disfigured?"

Jiang Chengen patted her on the back lightly, "No, Mu Ying, you just did something wrong, anyone can do something wrong, just don't make mistakes in the future, don't be sad, now that medical skills are advanced, scars can be cured Cured."

Su Muying left his embrace, and slowly suppressed her tears, she shook her head, "The doctor said that because of the injury to the muscle tissue, you can still see it."

"It's okay, you are so beautiful, a little more on your face, it won't affect too much, besides, you still have talent! Your life will still be very beautiful, and you can't lose your confidence just because of this."

Jiang Chengen tried his best to say good things to comfort her, but he was only worried that she would be overwhelmed.

"Brother Cheng En, I really did too many wrong things. The reason why Su Suo became like this is also because of me. I really deserve it, I deserve it!" Su Muying said, kicking her own thigh .

Jiang Chengen grabbed her hand, "Don't do this, Mu Ying, the matter is already like this, everything will pass, just let it pass."

"Brother Chengen, now you are the only one kissing me. I'm scared, really scared..."

"Don't be afraid, I'm always by your side."

Jiang Chengen took some tissues and handed them to her, asking her to slowly wipe off the tears on her face.

He looked towards Xuge, and he raised his hand to gesture for Xuge to sit back here.

Su Muying glanced at Bai Xuge, then lowered her head again.She seems to have a natural resistance to Bai Xuge.I am no worse than her, but why can she get so many good things.Just lost Xiao Leng, and now Brother Cheng En loves her so much, and I, after counting, now have no man who really loves me. There was Su Suo, but he doesn't love me anymore, even if he loves her, He didn't know if he could still wake up.

"Mu Ying, I signed a marriage certificate with Xu Ge."

Su Muying was startled suddenly, she looked up at Bai Xuge who was approaching gracefully, and felt a little more depressed in her heart.Brother Chengen is married to her, and he will have no place in Brother Chengen's heart in the future.

Bai Xuge sat down opposite Su Muying, perhaps feeling the hostility in Su Muying's eyes, so she deliberately avoided Su Muying's gaze.

At this time, the porridge and vegetables were served one after another. Bai Xuge was already very hungry, so he put some vegetables in the bowl first.Jiang Chengen helped Bai Xuge serve a bowl of porridge with a large spoon, and told her after serving it: "It's too hot, eat slowly."

Su Muying listened to Jiang Chengen's care for Bai Xuge, and jealousy suddenly arose in her heart. She also had almost eaten, so she looked at Jiang Chengen, "Brother Chengen, I'm done eating, let's go first." After saying that, she got up and went out the door go.

"Mu Ying..."

Su Muying ignored Jiang Chengen's call and went straight out of the porridge shop.

Jiang Chengen probably guessed that Su Muying was angry that she married Bai Xuge.He shook his head silently, and he was just lamenting that Su Muying's integrity was too low, and she always couldn't tolerate others.

"What happened to the wound on Su Muying's face?" Bai Xuge just asked casually.

Jiang Chengen was serving porridge for himself, "Her face is disfigured."

Seeing that Jiang Chengen didn't tell the reason for Su Muying's injury, Bai Xuge stopped asking.She wasn't interested in Su Muying's affairs, but she could probably guess that she was beaten.

It was almost nine o'clock at night when they got home.

Jiang Chengen turned on all the lights in the room and saw that Bai Xuge's complexion was much better than before dinner, but a touch of sadness could be seen in his eyes, "Go to bed early, and maintain a good mood when you are pregnant. The baby will be lively and cheerful when it is born."

"Is this so?" Bai Xuge looked at him in surprise, because she hadn't been in a good mood since she found out that she was pregnant.

Jiang Chengen saw the tension in her heart, he smiled lightly, and stroked her shoulder, "Don't be nervous, Xu Ge, they are still small in your stomach now, when they grow up, they will move in your stomach, They will be able to understand your mood, if you are happy, they will be happy, if you are sad, they will also be sad. So, you have to adjust your mood as soon as possible.”

Bai Xuge breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want the babies to have a bad temper after they were born. It seemed that she really had to adjust her mood.At this time, she actually wanted to go abroad with Jiang Chengen earlier.Perhaps, the farther you are from Xiao Leng, the farther you will miss him, and in the end, you will forget him.

Seeing that she was thinking, Jiang Chengen patted her arm again, "Get washed early and go to bed!"

Bai Xuge smiled and nodded, then went upstairs and entered her room.

Looking at the door of Xuge's room, Jiang Chengen sighed in his heart: Xuge, when will you open your heart and let me occupy a place in your heart.

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was daytime in UK time and it was working time. He walked into his room and turned on the computer.

He needs to be transferred to England quickly, escape from this place, escape from Xiao Leng, and don't let Xiao Leng hurt Xu Ge any more.

In Xuge's room, she also turned on her own computer, and checked some relevant parenting knowledge in it. Jiang Chengen said the truth, you must maintain a good mood when you are pregnant.

She thought, Jiang Chengen was never married, so how could he know that?Could it be that like Nan Jingtian, she searches for information about pregnancy on the Internet every day.She looked at the closed door.Jiang Chengen, how do you want me to repay you in the future?What you can give me, I'm afraid I won't be able to give you in this life.

She turned off the computer, took a deep breath, and thought to herself that she must maintain a good mood.Leng, Xiao Leng, I can no longer hurt myself because of you, no, no, I can't hurt my baby, our baby.

She took a set of cotton pajamas from the closet and went into the bathroom.

After taking a shower, I felt refreshed.But as soon as she lay on the bed, the feeling of loneliness came over again, she really missed the feeling of sleeping in Xiao Leng's arms before.I'm afraid that this feeling will never happen again in the future.

A little sleepless, she went downstairs again.

Although her footsteps were very light, Jiang Chengen still heard her. He came out of the room and asked with concern: "Xu Ge, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Ge smiled lightly, "It's nothing, I just read a book, I can't fall asleep."

Jiang Chengen felt relieved, "Don't look at it for too long, rest early."

"Hmm." She took out a book from the drawer of the coffee table, and went upstairs.She didn't dare to look at Jiang Chengen who was staring at her all the time.

His concern puts him under a lot of pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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