Chapter 314

Looking for the mark left by the stalker, Guye and the others who followed all the way to the barren mountain suddenly had an ominous premonition in their hearts after seeing this scene.

They seem to have found the wrong fat sheep!
This level of catastrophe is definitely not something that ordinary people can attract.

Although there was some remorse in his heart, Prince Gong Guye did not give the order to evacuate due to the arrogance in his heart: "The man on the top of the mountain who is crossing the catastrophe seems to be more difficult to deal with, first take down the scorched boy at the foot of the mountain.

These two people ate and lived together in the Holy City, and the relationship between them is definitely not simple. Maybe we can easily get what we want without using weapons. "

Although he was extremely conceited in his heart, Gu Ye would not be so stupid as to directly collide with Wang Yu who was crossing the thunder calamity, so why not use it if he has the bargaining chip?

It's a pity that Wang Yu, who is always paying attention to the void around the barren mountain, will not watch the people of the Guhua Dynasty arrest Sheng Ao and threaten him.

Lightly probing with the fingertips, a thunderbolt like a dragon instantly separated from the catastrophe covering Wang Yu's body, and rushed towards those who were about to arrest the Shengao Guhua Dynasty.

The speed of the lightning was so fast that those people from the Guhua Dynasty who had just reached the foot of the mountain were smashed into a pile of fly ash by the thunder before they actually set foot beside Sheng Ao.

"In such a lightning calamity, he can still mobilize the power of the heavenly tribulation. This son's talent is not simple!" Looking at his subordinates who were defeated in an instant, Gu Ye's fear of Wang Yu suddenly became stronger in his heart.

Inexplicably, Guye wanted to give up on this operation.

However, since they set foot on this land, everything has long been out of their turn.

Flying into the sky with the Heavenly Tribulation, Wang Yu's actions were not affected in the slightest by the Thunder Tribulation that struck him.

Because of the essential gap in strength, preventing him from entering Dao Lei Jie could not even damage a single hair on his body, so how could such a 'weak' Lei Jie block his footsteps.

Seeing Wang Yu flying towards him and others with a cloud of catastrophe, the faces of Guye and other people from the ancient Hua Dynasty turned green. Throughout the ages, Heavenly Tribulation has been treated more favorably by those arrogances. Among them, even Guye This pinnacle power is not even considered an arrogance.

If it weren't for the fact that they were in such a powerful force as the ancient Hua Dynasty that they had seen a catastrophe come to the world, I'm afraid many of them might not have seen a catastrophe with their own eyes in this life.

"Scatter them all, and use secret treasures to kill him from a distance." As a powerful Gu Ye who stood at the peak of the second realm of Sendai, he had a wealth of experience in fighting the enemy.

Although it was also the first time for him to see someone using Heavenly Tribulation to entrap and kill an opponent, his rich combat experience allowed him to make an accurate response right away.

It is true that ordinary monks cannot resist being entangled in catastrophe, so try to avoid being entangled in catastrophe.

As for whether there will be people who are unfortunate enough to be entangled by Lei Jie, sacrifices are always inevitable in battle.

But Gu Ye still missed one thing after all his calculations, that is, since Wang Yu had decided on the strategy of killing the enemy with thunder, how could he ignore the biggest problem of distance.

In terms of speed alone, he who has not fully recovered his current strength may not be as fast as those sages who can cross the starry sky or the genius freaks who have practiced the secret of Xingzi, but he who can toggle the law of space to break through the void is definitely not as slow as that .

In an instant, Wang Yu pulled the space between the two sides and came to the people of the Guhua Dynasty.

The seemingly endless catastrophe engulfed everyone in the ancient Hua Dynasty in an instant!
Under the traction of Qi, the thunder calamity of everyone in the ancient Hua Dynasty was also attracted. In an instant, the vast purple light and countless thunder dragons completely flooded the world. This is no longer a single lightning but a sea of ​​thunder. !
In the eyes of all living beings, nothing in this world exists anymore, and everything is submerged by the sea of ​​thunder. As far as the eye can see, there are all purple and white rays of light shining, and the power of destruction can be felt even thousands of miles away. .

If Sheng Ao hadn't been in the barren mountain where Wang Yu crossed the catastrophe just now, and there was still some distance from here, I'm afraid that the little bastard Wang Yu was quite optimistic about would turn into ashes in an instant.


Accompanied by a heart-piercing scream, everyone in the Guhua Dynasty was shocked. Someone was turned into ashes and removed from this world forever, and this person was probably theirs.


In the sea of ​​thunder, another person was turned into ashes by the thunder.

"Damn it, you little bastard!" Guye, who was carrying a four-legged square tripod, was the only one in the Guhua Dynasty who could still swear.

But he couldn't do anything other than yell and scold Wang Yu. He came too late, and the power of Wang Yu's own Taoist calamity had already accumulated to the level of Xiantai before he came.

Compared with the Heavenly Tribulation that those Tianjiao freaks crossed in the second realm of Xiantai, Wang Yu's Daoist Tribulation only lacked some humanoid lightning and lost a little agility.

Prince Gong Guye, who failed to get rid of the catastrophe in the first place, had no way of surviving to the end in this sea of ​​thunder.

Standing in the middle of the sea of ​​thunder, looking at the sea of ​​thunder that covered the sky and the sun, Wang Yu smiled and nodded.

This level of thunder robbery looks a little bit!

Letting go of the spatial distortions all over his body, Wang Yu took the initiative to meet his Dao Jie in the world of Shrouding Heaven. Tian Jie, the best way to temper his own laws, is not only used by those arrogant freaks in the world of Shrouding Heaven.

Countless purple thunder dragons wrapped Wang Yu heavily, and countless electric dragons impacted a mysterious acupoint three inches below his navel.

This mysterious acupoint is called Lunhai in the Shrouding World.

I don't know how long the electric dragon has been impacting, suddenly the light in the sea of ​​thunder surges, and there are bursts of tsunami-like sounds.

Endless red divine light burst out from Wang Yu's sea of ​​bitterness, and accompanied by lightning and thunder, the vast blood-colored divine light once competed with the purple-white light displayed by the thunder in the sky!

This scene made all the people who were still alive in the Guhua Dynasty dumbfounded and speechless, they could only stare at everything in front of them in dumbfounded.

"How is this possible? This person is not going through the tribulation of immortality, but opening up a sea of ​​suffering!" Guye would rather be struck to death by lightning than believe what he saw.

How could someone in this world encounter a catastrophe that could kill Da Neng when he opened up the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness?
Most of the ancient supreme beings and ancient emperors encountered the first catastrophe in their lives when they broke through the Taoist Palace Realm to the Four Extreme Realm. It began to cross the catastrophe.

In confusion and confusion, Gu Ye, who was under the four-legged square statue, said to himself: "What happened today...? What crime did I do to provoke such a perverted statue for Gu Hua?"

With remorse, Guye really wanted to go back to Guhua to inform his Taoist companion that someone here is cheating...!Hurry up and kill him!
(End of this chapter)

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